So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 511: Want mom and dad together (1)


After the other party answered, Char hung up.

Putting the phone aside, he slowly leaned back, leaning on the back of the large and comfortable chair, and squinted his dark blue eyes.

"Ji Chi City."

With a thoughtful murmur, he stretched out his hand again to open the drawer, and took out a photo from it. The woman in the photo smiled slightly, bright and moving.

His slender fingers stroked the woman's slightly curved lips, and his shrewd and deep eyes were filled with endless thoughts.

The sun, which was still high in the sky just now, was now covered by dark clouds, and there was still a particularly bright and abnormally bright sky in the west.

Beige stood at the door and watched for a while, turned around and walked in front of Ji Chicheng, who was watching TV with him. After some consideration, he carefully worried: "'s raining outside."

As she said, she took a look at the people who were staring at the TV screen attentively, and then lowered her voice, "Miss Anning is still outside."

Ji Chicheng's face sank, "You are talking more and more now. From tomorrow, you can come here for Lily."

Hearing this, Bei Shi was busy and nervously apologizing, "Boss, I won't do it next time."

Ji Chicheng ignored her, just the end of the cartoon episode. He stood up in his arms and looked at her fleshy little face. His eyes were full of petting, "Daddy will take you upstairs to take a nap."

As he said, he kissed the little **** the cheek again.

They all smiled and stretched out their little hands, hugging Ji Chicheng, very intimate.

These days, Ji Chicheng has been with her inseparably, the little girl has completely lost the shadow of him when he was snatched away, trusting him and relying on him.

In the room, the huge floor-to-ceiling windows gave enough light to the room. Ji Chicheng would hug them and put them on the neatly laid big bed, then walk to the window and draw the curtains.

He reached out and grabbed the curtain, pulled it a little, and then suddenly stopped. He raised his head and glanced at the sky. The dark clouds were growing.


Suddenly, there was a ‘boom’ behind him, followed by cries.

Ji Chicheng gritted his teeth, and a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes. He tugged hard, pulling the curtains tightly, without stopping for a moment, and immediately turned around to pick up those who had fallen on the ground.

One pair of small hands covered his right forehead and raised his head, crying fiercely.

Ji Chicheng broke her little hand while coaxing: "Let dad see and dad will rub it for you."

I broke the little girl's hand and saw where she hit her forehead just now, a big bag was bulged, and a small piece of it was recessed. His heart slammed, "Daddy blows to you. "

"Mommy, Mommy..."

The little girl rubbed her eyes, crying for Mommy.

While crying, while pointing at the bedside table, Ji Chicheng looked over, the drawer of the bedside table was opened a bit, and a picture of it caught his eye.

He chilled and reached out and closed the drawer.

The little girl in her arms was still crying, crying with sweat.

Keeping on saying ‘I want mommy’, it’s useless for Ji Chicheng to hold it to the children’s room.

Cries reverberated throughout the house, and since he brought her back that day, she has never cried so hard as today.

The little girl kept her eyes closed, her head up, her mouth open, crying strongly, her throat was already dumb.

Beige was anxiously unable to help, worried that the little girl's voice would cry badly, she looked at Ji Chicheng several times and stopped talking.