So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 509: One after another, my daughter (twenty-four)

She paused, glanced at Ji Anning, and then continued: "He is not willing to you."

Just after speaking, the elevator happened to come and she walked in.

"Beige." Ji Anning wanted to follow into the elevator.

Beige stretched out her hand to press the close button and paused. She looked at Ji Anning and reminded: "He is angry now. From what I know about him, if you go to him now, it will definitely backfire."

Ji Anning's footsteps paused.

In her mind, remembering Ji Chicheng's unfeeling and ruthless look just now, the heart that wanted to follow up, hesitated.

"Give him some time, because he is really heartbreaking."

Beige sighed and closed the elevator door.

Ji Anning turned around in a daze, leaning against the wall, her face with exquisite makeup, without the slightest trace of blood, and indifferent, as if she had just had a serious illness.


Qi Helian finally got rid of the group of reporters. After explaining his work, he ran out in a hurry, and his heart tightened when he saw Ji Anning's appearance.

Lance rushed in front of her, looking at her sluggish appearance, he stretched out his hand nervously, grabbed her shoulder, and shook it slightly, "Anning, where is Chicheng?"

"He said...I will no longer be qualified to be a mother."

She murmured, she couldn't control her emotions anymore, raised her hands, covered her face, and began to cry.

Listening to her crying'Woo-嘤', Qi Helian's heart was tightly pinched. He raised his hands on Ji Anning's shoulders, hung them in the air, endured, and finally put them down. , Lightly patted her shoulder, "He loves you very much, really loves you very much, much more than what you see and think of."

"No." Ji Anning shook her head, bit her finger, choked and couldn't speak, "No...I don't...I don't love him."

Saying these words, her heart collapsed completely.

She slid down against the back of the wall, squatted on the ground, holding her head in both hands, and the heart-piercing pain almost suffocated her.

Qi Helian also squatted down with her, moved his big palm to her back, patted gently, and wanted to say a few words to comfort her, but found that the reporter was following.

He frowned impatiently and didn't have too much time to think about it. He reached out and grabbed Ji Anning's wrist, dragged her up, and pushed off the elevator with the other hand.

I don't know where Ji Chicheng has taken them, strange cities, strangers, to Ji Anning, are like finding a needle in a haystack, nowhere to be found.

She stood in front of the huge French window, facing the city of J in the daytime, her eyes were confused.

"Drink some hot water." Qi Helian poured a cup of hot water and walked to Ji Anning's side and handed it to her.

Ji Anning did not reach out to take the water glass, still facing the outside with a dull expression, Ying did not respond to Qi Helian.

Qi Helian frowned, and eagerly persuaded: "Chicheng will take care of them. Don't worry about it. You don't eat, drink, or sleep like this. This depression will ruin your image and lose your job. There is no qualification and conditions to compete."

Hearing this, Ji Anning retracted his gaze from the outside, slowly turned his head, and looked at Qi Helian, "Do you know where he is now?"

Qi Helian was silent for a while with a calm face, and then nodded, "Well, he went to N City with him."

As he spoke, he turned the subject of the conversation again, "Actually, have you ever thought that under the current situation that you will not reconcile immediately, one after another will follow Chi Cheng to be better, because his conditions are much better, and his eyes are in him, Will get healed faster."