So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 502: One after another, my daughter (17)

"Ha..." Ji Anning laughed, and squeezed her cheeks with her hand, "I'll take you to dinner."


In the cafeteria, seeing a lot of food, one after another was restless in Ji Anning's arms, struggling to get to the ground.

Ji Anning had no choice but to put her down.

At once, the little girl was like a wild horse that had taken off its rein, running fast in the direction of eating.

With that shaky chubby physique, Ji Anning looked terrified.

She followed her footsteps closely, "You slow down."

"Sao Qi, go to my room for a drink at night."

"Sorry, I quit drinking."

Qi Helian frowned and was very impatient. The woman was still twisting her waist and was about to walk in front of him. He turned his face completely, stretched out his hand, and his slender fingers were naked against the woman. Shoulder, raised an eyebrow at her coldly, "You can't get me interested, I will be here tonight, OK?"

Indisputable tone.

The charming smile on the woman's face stiffened and her body was shocked.

Before she could react, Qi Helian turned around, leaving him with a noble back.

"One after another, be careful."

Suddenly, a familiar girl's voice came from in front of him, and his excited eyes flashed and he stopped.

The familiar little figure brushed past him, and a scent of fragrance drifted past his nose, like a feather fluttering on the tip of his heart.

Is it a dream, an illusion?

"Mommy, hug..."

"I can't get enough food for me to hold?"

A familiar voice came to his ears again, Qi Helian turned around, and saw the familiar figure and face, his breath was involuntarily held.

"Mummy, eat..."

"What are you eating?" Ji Anning looked in the direction of his fingers.

She glanced inadvertently from the front, she was taken aback.

Looking back, she opened her mouth in surprise.

After Ji Anning looked at him, the man reacted, bending his lips slightly.

He pounded his hands on his legs and slowly put them into the pockets of straight trousers, shrugging lazily with one shoulder.

"Little girl, don't you remember me?"

Raised his brows lightly, indescribably coquettish.

Ji Anning also recovered, probably it’s been a long time since she saw him. In addition, at that time, she always used him to make hype. At the sudden meeting, she was a little embarrassed and smiled very shyly, "Shao Qi, long time not see."

"You cruel girl."

Suddenly, Qi Helian quickly walked to Ji Anning and stretched out his hand to hug her.

This behavior surprised Ji Anning. She stared at her with a ‘forehead’ and held her hands stiffly, not knowing what to do.


Qi Helian's expression of excitement was suddenly taken aback, feeling that something was wrong.

Shouldn't he scold her and mock her?

After realizing it, he quickly pushed Ji Anning away and looked at Ji Anning in embarrassment, but never dared to look at Ji Anning's eyes.

Ji Anning was also embarrassed, her face flushed, she didn't know what to say.

"Sorry." Qi Helian put his hands into the pockets of his trousers again, his eyes wandering for a while, he squinted at Ji Anning again.

Only then did he notice the people around Ji Anning, he was shocked, his eyes fell on the little girl's face, "This..."

Qi Helian squatted in surprise, leaning close, holding her small face in both hands, excited.

They were shocked by Qi Helian's excited reaction, and hid behind Ji Anning, "Mummy."