So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 48: The unexpected two-person world (4)

Tears poured out instantly, and she was cowardly afraid of being seen, so she covered her mouth and ran away.

She had bought the high-speed rail ticket a long time ago, and pinched it a little bit. She was sitting by the window, because she had just cried, so she was a little tired.

He put his head on the window, looking at the scenery outside.

‘In the future, you will be a member of the Ji family. Your status will be extremely noble in the future, so you have to forget your own parents, otherwise you will not only harm yourself, but also your parents. ’

‘Don’t hit me, I won’t run away again, don’t need mom anymore. ’


The phone in the bag suddenly vibrated twice, pulling back her trance thoughts, she wiped her tears with her hand, and then flipped out the phone from her bag. The screen showed a strange number and sent a message.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

Seeing the content of the text message, Ji Anning decided that the other party had sent the wrong message, and she was going to put her phone back into her bag.

Suddenly, another text message came.

"Dear An An, what are you doing?"

An An... Ji Anning was startled, suddenly alert.

"who are you?"

She responded vigilantly with a message, and the other party immediately replied, "We only slept in the same bed a few days ago. You forgot me so soon?"

day! It's that guy, the guy who forced her!

Thanks to him, she was not as good as dead these few days, and she really wanted to commit suicide. He even dared to harass her.

Ji Anning was angry for a while, "You devil, you will go down to eighteen levels of hell."

The other party came back: "Then I will love you well before going to hell."

The words ‘love you so much’ made Ji Anning feel gloomy.

She warned: "I warn you, if you dare to move me, I will call the police."

"I will move you, I will move you, I will move you... I love you, do you believe me to move you tonight?"

tonight? Ji Anning trembled all over, and quickly deleted the message record and set this number as a blacklist.

She will not go out tonight, and she will definitely not go out. If she does not go out, that guy will never come to her house to do something.

Ji Anning thought about it, and fell asleep in a daze.


Hey, tomorrow is Saturday.

Back home, Ji Anning stood at the gate of the yard and sighed for a while, then she raised her foot and walked into the yard. After six o'clock, Ji Ruoqian had already returned from school.

Her voice came from the living room, and Ji Anning was ready to enter the door and face the cold eyes of their mother and daughter.

"Oh, Ji Anning, you still know to come back."

As expected by Ji Anning, as soon as he entered the door, Ji Ruoqian's yin and yang sound was heard.

She ignored her, changed her shoes, walked into the house, passed by the sofa, and saw Lin Yanqin sitting there. She nodded and walked straight to the stairs.

"Didn't you go to the Cultural Affairs Bureau's activities?"

Activities of the Cultural Affairs Bureau!

By the way, today is Friday.

Ji Anning was stunned, stopped, and was stunned for a second. She quickly took out her mobile phone from her bag, and hurried upstairs as she turned it on.

After turning on the phone, there were several text messages sent by Yang Yufang, asking her when she would be back, asking her why the phone could not get through, saying that she had left first, and asked her to come back and take a taxi.

After reading the text message while walking, Ji Anning returned to the room and opened the closet door. The first two skirts she bought with Yang Yufang yesterday came into her eyes.

One is white and the other is yellow.