So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 453: Metamorphosis (8)

Suddenly, the reporters' cameras met her, Ji Anning was caught off guard, and was stunned at the camera. A bubble just blew out of his mouth.

It took a long time for her to react, but she just nodded.

When he didn't speak, the reporters' cameras were facing her and snapped.

After dying for about 20 minutes, Wang Zhuoling cleverly dispelled the group of reporters and left politely and kindly.

"There is a girl-branded micro-film that suits you well. Tomorrow night I will take you to dinner with their general agent in the southeast region."

After getting in the car, Wang Zhuoling took the tablet and wrote down the process on it while talking to Ji Anning.

Ji Anning was surprised. She didn't expect that she would have a job so soon, but when she thought that she was sitting next to a gold broker, she felt normal again.



At the highest level of J.C., in the office of the chairman, the old man saw the newspaper and learned that Ji Anning had entered the Jiahao news. He slapped the table angrily.

Put down the newspaper and pick up the phone.

"Go to the media company called Jiahao and ask them to terminate their contract with Ji Anning."

After giving the order, she immediately hung up the phone again, angry.

If the cooperation is negotiated, this will be her first work after debut...Although it is a micro movie, it is still a work.

Ji Anning was more cautious. She chose a pink plaid woolen dress with a high V-neck from the pile of clothes of that brand that Wang Zhuoling gave her.

Very slim.

The skirt length is up to the knees, a white fur waistcoat is put on the outside, a ball head is tied, and the only modification is to cut an air bang.

Because she was pregnant, she refused to use heavy makeup, only light makeup, and the ones that were labeled as chemical-free.

In fact, there are more or less chemical components, but more or less.

Fortunately, she is also quite suitable for this kind of light makeup, which is in line with her fresh temperament, so in this regard, Wang Zhuoling did not ask her too much.

When they arrived in the box, the other party had already arrived.

Knock on the door, two middle-aged men sitting around the rotating table, each holding a glass of water, chatting and laughing.

Seeing Ji Anning and Wang Zhuoling coming in, they stopped chatting and looked at them.

"I'm sorry, because there was a traffic jam when I rushed over, so I made the two wait a long time." Wang Zhuoling walked in front of Ji Anning and apologized to the two men.

Just now they clearly drove over unimpeded.

There is no entertainment.

Ji Anning knew that this was a routine, and it was all routine.

The gold-plated agent really didn’t have a false name. One of the men immediately turned his gaze to Ji Anning, stared at her, and then smiled with satisfaction, “This is our spring new product and has not been officially launched. Sure enough, she fits the temperament of our family."

As he said that, he raised his head again, gave Wang Zhuoling a thumbs-up, admiringly said: "Miss Wang's eyes are really harsh."

Wang Zhuoling smiled, while the iron was hot, she immediately said to Ji Anning next to her: "Let’s be late. You can use tea instead of wine. You can toast the two managers as a plea."

Upon hearing the words, Ji Anning immediately raised the water glass in front of him, raised it generously, and smiled slightly at the two men on the opposite side: "I killed it in one bite, and the two are casual."

She raised her head and drank a glass of water.

Upon seeing this, the two men looked up and drank a glass of water.