Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4242

As a result, Chen Baoye still ignored her.

Ma Qiuhua sighed: "OK, it's my fault. I know it's wrong, but it's already happened. It's useless for you to blame me again, isn't it?"

"Don't get angry again. It's useless for you to regenerate my anger. It's useless at all." Ma Qiuhua continues to talk to Chen Baoye.

"OK, I'll tell you now. Pingxing and I are going to grow vegetables to sell in the town. Would you like to help me?" Chen Baoye also knows that what if Ma Qiuhua is ignored. After all, they are husband and wife. Moreover, they are both so old. Do they really want to divorce?

"Definitely help, definitely help." Ma Qiuhua saw Chen Baoye willing to take care of her, and quickly assured: "you can rest assured that I will help, and this time I will certainly not make trouble."

"Hum You also know that you make trouble. You can see that people are very happy, and even their daughter-in-law has not been found. If you make trouble again, you really want him to be a bachelor all his life, don't you? " Chen Baoye looked at Ma Qiuhua angrily and said.

"Well Actually, I'm worried about Pingxing's marriage. It's always an important thing in my heart, but Now Alas... " Ma Qiuhua is also annoyed at the mention of Chen Pingxing.

"It's all due to Chen Pingnan's cheap girl. If she hadn't instigated her, she would have become like this. Besides, the child in Wu youyou's stomach was kicked by Chen Pingnan. But for her foot, Wu youyou might have miscarriage? " Ma Qiuhua said discontentedly.

When Chen Baoye listened to Ma Qiuhua's complaint, he gave her a cold stare: "enough, till now, he is still stubborn, and he pushes the responsibility to her."

"I..." Ma Qiuhua wants to explain, but Chen Baoye stares at her. She doesn't dare to say anything more. She shut up obediently and dare not say anything: "OK, OK, I know I'm wrong. I really know that I'm wrong."

Ma Qiuhua looks at Chen Baoye's angry look. She knows that this time can only show weakness and please.

"No matter what you do in the future, you have to use your brain." Chen Baoye is still angry at Ma Qiuhua.

"Yes, yes, I will, certainly will." Ma Qiuhua nodded: "OK, don't be angry."

"I'll help you grow vegetables. How can I help you?" Ma Qiuhua looks at Chen Baoye seriously and guarantees the way.

Chen Baoye still just looked at Ma Qiuhua coldly and said, "you'd better take care of yourself, otherwise, I will divorce you."

"I..." Ma Qiuhua was a little aggrieved, but he didn't say it. Chen Baoye said coldly, "don't talk nonsense any more. Sleep." After Chen Baoye finished, he pulled up the quilt and turned to ignore Ma Qiuhua.

Ma Qiuhua also has no way, can only obedient, no longer speak.

However, Ma Qiuhua's heart is still angry, she still blames Wu Meimei.


After Wu Meimei and Chen Pingzheng went back home, grandma was not sleeping and was packing up her things.

"Come back." Grandma Wu looked at them and said hello with a smile.

"Well, back." Wu Meimei nodded: "grandma, why don't you rest? It's so late." Wu Meimei went to her grandmother and asked, "have a rest early. I've been in the car for a day today. I'll clean it up tomorrow."

"Well, it's just I'll take a rest when I think of something. It's OK. I'll take a rest when I'm tired. It's you who are tired. Go and have a rest. " Grandma Wu advised Wu Meimei.

"Ah Zheng, take Xiao Yi to sleep first. I'll talk to grandma for a while Wu Meimei is angry.

Chen Pingzheng knew that she was angry at Chen Pingzheng's house and wanted to make complaints about her.

"Good." Chen Pingzheng left with Xiao Yi.

"What's the matter?" Granny Wu also knows her granddaughter. When she looks like this, she must have something to say to herself. She pulls her to sit down and says, "is she angry again at her mother-in-law's house?"

"Well Anyway, Ma Qiuhua is so unreasonable that she still thinks it is not her fault. You said it was too much. How could there be such a person? " When Wu Meimei thought of this, she was very angry: "thanks to me, I tried to find a way for them this time. Youyou also agreed to let them grow vegetables and sell them. As a result, she still thought it was not her fault."

"Well, she's just like that. Don't think about it or get angry. For people like her, it's not worth getting angry with your body. " Grandma Wu comforted Wu Meimei and said, "you see how good ah Zheng is to you. After all, it's ah Zheng's mother. You just look at ah Zheng's face and don't care about him."

"Well I can't help it. After all, she is a Zheng's biological mother. I can only think so. If a Zheng is not good to me, I really divorced. I think that if the divorce is true, I may not be able to find such a good man as ah Zheng to treat me so well. " Sometimes Wu can only comfort herself.

"Well. Yes, so don't think about it. " Grandma Wu comforted her."Well. I don't think much about it. I didn't dare to tell you about it. If you told you, you would be very angry. If Wen Zeyang knew about it, you would have to retaliate against them. " Wu Meimei sighed: "I think that the old woman still doesn't know what's good or bad. Maybe something will come out. It's really sad."

"I can't help it. After all, he is a Zheng's mother. What can you do? Fortunately, ah Yang knows that Ma Qiuhua's ghost has nothing to do with you. " Grandma Wu comforted her, "OK, don't think about it. Don't quarrel with ah Zheng about this, you know? It's not easy, either

"I see. I see. " Wu Meimei also knows that Chen Pingzheng is not easy, but also loves Chen Pingzheng.

My husband must be distressed.

"Well." Grandma Wu talked to Wu Meimei for a while, and then she went to bed.

I have to get up early tomorrow.


In the dead of night, Chen Pingzheng hugged Wu Meimei: "wife You're suffering again. "

"Well, don't say, in fact, the most aggrieved is you, I know." Wu Meimei also loves Chen Pingzheng.

"No, I don't have your grievances. Wife, don't worry, we went to the Imperial City, and less contact with them, my mother will not give you angry, I will be good to you Chen Pingzheng looks at Wu Meimei firmly and says. , the fastest update of the webnovel!