Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4226

"Mom, I tell you, she has the right to decide who is good to her, who she loves to be good to, who she loves to help and who she helps. We have no right to ask her not to be partial. Who are we? It's not their children. It's their money. How do they spend it? You should think about it clearly. Don't offend them. Even if it's you, it's useless." Wu Jinsheng was afraid that Chen Xiaoxian would make trouble, and then it would be over.

The Wens certainly can't afford to offend them.

"You think, Wu Miao Miao didn't make trouble at the beginning. As a result, how did the Wen family treat us?" Wu Jinsheng continued to persuade.

Chen Xiaoxian thought about it and sighed: "so, according to what you said, no matter what, we have to swallow our breath?"

"Mom, why can't I tell you? What do you mean to swallow your anger? Did they bully you? They just don't help you. They don't have the obligation and responsibility. If they help us, we appreciate it. If we don't help us, we can't blame others. Just like Uncle's borrowing money from home, do they blame you? Or they come to our house to ask for money and ask you to give them money. If you don't, they blame us? " Wu Jinsheng said metaphorically.

"Can that be the same? Isn't that the same Chen Xiaoxian thinks this is different.

"What's the difference? Why is it different? No, it's the same. Now you want Wu youyou to give us benefits. If he doesn't, you blame them? Why is this different? " Chen Xiaoxian thinks that Wu Jinsheng's words are very reasonable.

"Forget it. I don't know what you think. I won't tell you about these problems." Chen Xiaoxian finally ignored.

Wu Jinsheng laughed: "Mom He can help us, the best, we can only appreciate, do not care how much help, also can't ask him to help us how much, right? So don't you complain

"Yes, yes, yes, you are right. You have everything to say." Chen Xiaoxian sighed and felt that his son's words were reasonable.

Whether others are willing to help you or not is a matter of others. If they are not willing to help you, they can't be forced to do so, can they?

"Forget it, forget it." Chen Xiaoxian said.

"Well, you still want to stay in your hometown, don't you?" Asked Chen Xiaoxian.

"Yes, I'll mix with the wenzeyang project in my hometown. After that project is finished, I'll consider whether to go to the imperial city or whether he has any other projects to develop in his hometown. Moreover, he has made a great investment this time. Maybe he will set up a branch company in our husband's place. All these are possible, in case he wants to develop in our husband all the time What about it? " Wu continued.

"So, if he set up a branch in our husband, would you be a small leader?" Chen Xiaoxian looks proud.

"Mom, these are just my guess. Don't talk nonsense, understand?" Wu Jinsheng knows his mother. He has a big mouth.

"Don't worry, I know." Chen Xiao nodded and said.

"Well, anyway, I was thinking that if he really set up a branch in our husband, then we would be considered as senior staff, right? It must be different. " Wu Jinsheng thinks so.

Chen Xiaoxian was said by Wu Jinsheng, and felt that what his son said was very right, very, very correct: "yes, yes, you are right, you are right."

"So, I don't need to come to the imperial city. Besides, the consumption of imperial city is too high. Not suitable, or in our small place suitable, of course, if I guess wrong, then go to the imperial city will also have time, isn't it? When they have settled down in the corner of the Imperial City, I will go to the imperial city again, and it will be better to mix up. " Wu Jinsheng said.

Chen Xiaoxian felt that his son said this, still very normal ah, nodded: "yes, yes, you said right, you said too right."

"Don't worry, son. Don't worry." Chen Xiaoxian persuades Wu Jinsheng to continue: "however, you should pay more attention to the matter of looking for a girlfriend. Mother's requirements are not very high. You don't need to say that you must find someone who is beautiful and rich. Just go and live. That's what mom believes in. I'm sure you can. "

"Well. Mom, take your time. Don't worry. It's really hard to find a girlfriend. " Wu Jinsheng said: "take your time. You must find a suitable one. Besides, I am still young. How old am I? Don't look at Miao Miao. If she gets married and has children, you will urge me. It is whether she got married early or not."

"You are twenty-five, are you still young?" Chen Xiaoxian said discontentedly.

"It's normal that people are single in their thirties. Mom, I promise you that as long as I meet the right one, I'll look for it. But if I don't meet the right one, I won't ask for it, OK? When the career is stable, it doesn't matter if a man is old, as long as he has money. Therefore, the most important thing now is to follow Wen Zeyang. Making money is the most important thing. If you have money, are you afraid that you don't have a wife? You can find someone ten years younger than yourself, so you can rest assured. " Wu Jinsheng smiles and comforts Chen Xiaoxian.

Well, Chen Xiaoxian thinks his son's idea is very right and correct."Listen, listen to me." Chen Xiaoxian laughed: "Alas When my son is old, he has his own ideas, and I can't help this old woman. "

"Mom, look at what you said." Wu Jinsheng laughed: "yes, Ma. I tell you, you must not offend you now. Do you know that? Now he is our God of wealth. In the future, my work will depend on her. If I offend her, it is impossible to follow Wen Zeyang. "

"Don't worry, how can I offend her? I will certainly give her up as the Buddha. Don't worry, I won't After Chen Xiaoxian finished, some discontented looked at Wu Miao Miao, who was sleeping very well, and said, "you are such a silly sister. You are really stupid."

"Well, her character is also because you didn't take care of her." Wu Jinsheng continued to persuade Chen Xiaoxian: "in the future, you should pay more attention to her and treat her better. How can you say that she and you are sisters? Their relationship must be better than that between you and me. Maybe you need her to help me in the future."

Chen Xiaoxian nodded: "OK, I know. Why don't I care about her? She is my own daughter. I must care about her, but sometimes she is really stupid."

"Yes, yes I see. " Wu Jinsheng doesn't want to talk about these things.

"Mom, you also have a rest, said so much, can you get carsick?" Wu Jinsheng asked with concern.

"Not really." Chen Xiaoxian shook his head: "no, don't worry, I'm fine."

Chen Xiaoxian was happy when he thought that his son would be able to mix with Wen Zeyang in the future.

"Well Now my mother is most worried about you. I just hope that you can get along well, and that you can make a success, and then find a daughter-in-law Chen Xiaoxian sighed and said: "Mom, I, you can rest assured that you will be better to grandma in the future."

"You know, don't worry. I'll be better to grandma." Chen Xiaoxian said with a smile: "youyou was raised by your grandmother. For you you, your grandmother has nurtured her. Therefore, she will listen to her grandmother. As long as her grandmother says anything, she will basically listen to her. Therefore, I am more kind to my grandmother. If you want to ask Wu youyou for help in the future, you can ask your grandmother for help. Your grandmother still has a lot to say in front of her It's a portion. I understand that. "

"What's more, if you are good to grandma, you will certainly be good to you. Look at it. You can't do without you." Wu continued.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." Chen Xiaoxian nodded with a smile.

"Originally, you should be nice to grandma." Wu Jinsheng continued: "you should be sincere to grandma. You can't be nice to grandma just because you want to please Wu youyou. Similarly, after I get married, I will let my wife treat you better."

"I see." Chen Xiaoxian understood what Wu Jinsheng meant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!