Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4217

"Well, Wen Zeyang gave me an opinion. He said that you can temporarily provide a house for you to live in. However, he has conditions. Anyway, it is a little complicated. He said that he will come to you in person tomorrow." Wu youyou glanced at Wen Zeyang and said.

"Why don't you let her answer the phone now? Tell me now, or I won't be able to sleep at night." Wu Miao Miao pleaded.

Wu youyou is right. If you don't tell Wu Miaomiao clearly now, maybe she won't be able to sleep at night. If Wu youyou herself, it's estimated that it will last for a second. So, I'm going to ask Wen Zeyang, "I'll ask him."

"Good, good, thank you, yo yo." Wu Miaomiao said excitedly.

"She said, let you tell her now." Wu youyou looks at Wen Zeyang and says.

"How about this? Let her take a taxi with Ye Hongbin. We are waiting for her here. I think there are some things we need to talk about face to face." Wen Zeyang thought for a moment.

Wu youyou thinks that Wen Zeyang's words are also reasonable: "otherwise, you can take a taxi with Ye Hongbin and come to grandma. Shall we talk about it here? If you can't, tomorrow, we'll find you. "

"Are you at Grandma's?" Asked Wu Miaomiao.

"Yes, if you want to have a talk tonight, you can take a taxi with Ye Hongbin." Wu youyou said.

"Well, I'll just go by myself. Why call him up?" Wu Miaomiao has some doubts, some don't understand.

"Well, you'd better call him." Wu youyou said.

Wu Miaomiao thought about Wu youyou's words and thought: "well, I'll ask him."

"Well, you guys, because my brother-in-law is also ready to develop in the Imperial City, I would like to say, are you one person or two people here. So you two discussed and agreed to come here. If you think it's too late, tomorrow. You can see for yourself, can you? " Wu youyou said.

"Yes, I can." Wu Miaomiao thinks it's OK.

"Wait for me. I'll call you in five minutes." Wu Miaomiao said.

"OK, it's OK." After Wu youyou finished, Wu Miaomiao hung up.

Wu Miaomiao is with Ye Hongbin. They live in a room and are ready to go to bed.

"How to say that?" Ye Hongbin looks at Wu Miaomiao and asks.

"They are at Grandma's, which means that Chen Pingzheng and Wu Meimei will also stay in the imperial city for development. Therefore, youyou means, let me take you to grandma's place and have a good discussion. Wen Zeyang wants to talk with us about some things, which is probably the meaning. Would you like to go?" Wu Miaomiao looks at Ye Hongbin and says.

"I understand. Maybe they will think that Chen Ping is developing in the imperial city. Maybe I want to stay and develop in the Imperial City, so I must mean to go with me." Ye Hongbin looks at Wu Miaomiao seriously and says.

After hearing this, ye Miaomiao nodded: "I guess it's the same way."

"She mentioned it, too. What do you mean?" Wu Miaomiao looks at Ye Hongbin and asks.

Ye Hongbin nodded: "if I can stay in the Imperial City, I must stay in the imperial city."

"But didn't you say you want to go to Wen Zeyang's company for development?" Wu Miaomiao has some doubts.

"You're stupid. Chen Pingzheng is staying. It must be in wenzeyang's company. Besides, isn't wenzeyang's company in the imperial city? It's just a project in our hometown. If we stay in the Imperial City, Wen Zeyang will certainly help us arrange a job in the imperial city. " Ye Hongbin thought of this.

"Otherwise, what will he call us to discuss?" Ye Hongbin said definitely.

Listening to Wu Hongbin, Wu Miaomiao thought that ye Hongbin was also reasonable and reasonable. He nodded: "it seems that you are right."

"Then? If you want to stay here and develop, go ahead. " Wu Miaomiao thinks that if both of them can stay here to develop, they can.

"Well, if Zha has this good opportunity, he will stay here and develop. If he goes, he will hurry up." Ye Hongbin said to Wu Miaomiao.

"I'm going too, mom and dad. Where are you going, I'm going too." Ye Qingqing looks at Wu Miaomiao and ye Hongbin very seriously. He looks pitiful. He is afraid that they will leave her alone.

"Well, if you go to grandma's, mom and dad will be back soon. How about that? " Wu Miaomiao coaxed Ye Qingqing seriously and said, "you should be good. Your parents will bring you delicious food when they come back."

"Mom and dad have important things to go out. You go to grandma's and be good, you know?" Ye Hongbin also said so to Ye Qingqing.

Ye Qingqing is actually afraid of both of them. Since they all said that they would not let them follow, she would not dare to say anything. She nodded pitifully: "OK."

"Well." So ye Hongbin nodded with satisfaction and sent Ye Qingqing to Wu Miaomiao's mother.

At this time, Chen Xiaoxian, Wu Miaomiao's mother, was also ready to go to bed. When she heard someone ringing the doorbell, she rushed to open the door. When she saw Wu Miaomiao and ye Hongbin standing at the door with Ye Qingqing, they looked puzzled: "what are you doing?""Mom, I'll leave Qingqing with you. If she sleeps, she'll sleep with you first. I'll go to grandma's with Hong bin. There is something to discuss. " Ye Miaomiao looks at Chen Xiaoxian and says.

Chen Xiaoxian listened, tightening his eyebrows, a face of doubt: "you go to their place to discuss what matter?"

Chen Xiaoxian is also a person of eight old women. When she heard that she wanted to discuss things over there, she would like to know.

"That's right. I said I wanted to stay in the imperial city to work. I told you to let her borrow a house. You know, the house in the imperial city is very expensive. She agreed. However, she said that she wanted to discuss something with me. She also told me that Wu Meimei and Chen Pingzheng both wanted to work in the Imperial City, so let me discuss it. Moreover, she asked me to call Shangye Hong bin, therefore, we guess that since Chen Pingzheng is also staying here to work, it is estimated that we should ask whether ye Hongbin should also stay here to work, so let's discuss? I don't know exactly. " Wu Miaomiao explained.

Wu Miaomiao knew that if she didn't explain clearly, Chen Xiaoxian would certainly not help her bring ye Qingqing, so she could only explain the willows. Moreover, Wu Miao Miao thought that there was nothing to hide and there was no need to hide it.

"Oh, well, if you really stay here to work, how about sunny and sunny?" Chen Xiaoxian looked at Ye Qingqing and asked.

"I can only stay at home with her grandmother. What can I do? If I go out to work, what can she do? I can't stay at home all day?" Wu Miaomiao sighed. It's not easy.

"Er..." Chen Xiaoxian sighed. Suddenly, he thought of a question: "no, if Chen Pingzheng and Wu Meimei also stay in the imperial city to work, what will their children do? Who will take care of their children? Don't expect that Xiaoyi's grandmother will take care of her children. Moreover, it is impossible for their husband and wife to bring Xiaoyi to the elderly at home

"So, you mean Wu Meimei will stay here. Maybe grandma will stay here. Will grandma stay here to take care of their children? " When Wu Miaomiao thought about it, he was a little upset.

Grandma is partial, always partial to them.

When I was a child, I did not care about Wu youyou. Now I still favor Wu Meimei. It's really excessive.

"If that's true, I'll leave Qingqing here and let my grandmother take it. Grandma can't be so partial. Mom, you can help me then Wu Miaomiao looked at Chen Xiaoxian with bright eyes and said, "Mom, I don't want to be separated from my daughter either."

"I guess it must be like this. Moreover, this time, Wu youyou asked you to go over and discuss things. Maybe it's just about this matter. You go first and go to see what they want to say to you. Then I can tell you, don't be too soft hearted. You will agree to what others say, OK?" Chen Xiaoxian looked at Wu Miaomiao and ye Hongbin seriously. , the fastest update of the webnovel!