Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4200

"If you know that crying is useless, why do you cry? However, if you feel uncomfortable in your heart, you can cry. You will feel better when you cry. After crying, you will stop crying. Cheer up, OK? Promise mom, will you cheer up? " Huang Qingsi almost used the tone of pleading.

"You don't have Zhang Shaoning. You still have mom and dad. We all love you very much. You still have your friends. In the future, you will have boyfriends who love you. There will be some. Believe in mom. There will be all of them, OK?" Huang Qingsi continues to persuade Wu Xuejuan.

Looking at Wu Xuejuan today, Huang Qingsi seems to have some ideas. She is not so excited a few days ago.

When she told her this before, she was very excited. She couldn't listen to it at all. Now it seems that she has listened. Therefore, Huang Qingsi thought that he would take advantage of this opportunity to persuade her.

"Mom I I don't think I'll ever fall in love with another man in my life. " Wu Xuejuan said with tears in her eyes.

"So what? You can't fall in love with other men. You know, in this life, Zhang Shaoning can't give up Wu Linlin to marry you, can't he?" Huang Qingsi continues to say these words, hoping to let Wu Xuejuan understand that Zhang Shaoning is already someone else's man, and it is impossible to go back and marry her again.

"What's more, if you can give up in time, maybe you and Zhang Shaoning can return to the past and the state of friends in the future. He may treat you as a sister. You two may be able to make up as before, but if you continue to do so, he may be more and more disappointed with you. Are you willing to do this ?” Huang Qingsi continues to persuade Wu Xuejuan.

Wu Xuejuan bit her lower lip and shook her head with tears: "Mom, no, I don't want to, mom I don't want it. "

"I don't want to be his sister. I want to be his wife. I don't want to be his sister. Wu... " Wu Xuejuan said, and cried sadly.

"Well You, you really are Huang Qingsi sighed again, hugged her and patted her on the back: "you, you are really..."

"Good, don't think so much, OK? Be good, will you go home with your mother Huang Qingsi continued to persuade her.

Wu Xuejuan shook her head: "Mom, I actually know in my heart that he can't come back to love me, but I still want to stay a few more days, mom, let me stay a few more days."

Huang Qingsi has a sense of hope.

"Well, let's stay for a few days and we'll go back, OK?" Huang Qingsi kindly advised.

"How many more days? How about another week? " Huang Qingsi thought, maybe her daughter has already understood all this, maybe she has already given up her heart, so she is willing to go?

Huang Qing thought that when he arrived here, he was very happy.

"I don't know, mom, I want to stay here even if I can't marry him, even if he doesn't love me, but when I live in his house, I feel that I'm closer to him, isn't it? " As Wu Xuejuan said, Huang Qingsi's heart fell to the bottom again.


"So, are you going to stay all the time? Get closer? He's not going home. Do you think it's closer to him? " Huang Qingsi could hardly control his temper.

"I don't know. Anyway, I just want to live here. I don't want to go home." When Wu Xuejuan said this sentence, Huang Qingsi almost didn't mention it, and her blood pressure rose to high school.

"You I... " Huang Qingsi was very angry. However, she knew that it was useless for her to scold Wu Xuejuan at this time.

In addition, even if it is scolded, he will also be distressed.

Finally, she pressed down her anger and advised Wu Xuejuan: "the more you live here, the more they hate you."

"Think about it yourself." Huang Qingsi is a little tired. He is very tired.

Finally, she did not accompany her to wait: "anyway, Fang Shihua called me today and said that they would not come back tonight. I estimated that in the next few days, they would not come back. It is useless for you to wait any longer. Even if you wait until tomorrow, it is no use staying up all night."

"I'm tired. I'm old. I can't afford this old bone. I'm going to bed." After Huang Qingsi finished, he gave her a disappointed look, then got up and left.

Wu Xuejuan looks at Huang Qingsi and she knows that Su Qingsi is disappointed with her.

Her tears suddenly fell out of control.

Silent cry.

In fact, Huang Qingsi is not distressed, but what is the use? It really doesn't work. She doesn't listen to any advice. She really has no way out.

Huang Qingsi finally sighed: "Alas..."

Finally, Huang Qingsi went back to his room and was ready to go to bed.

Although she is very tired and sleepy, she just can't sleep. She doesn't sleep well these days. Huang Qingsi thinks that if she goes on like this, her body will not be able to bear it, and she will be admitted to the hospital.Think about it. Huang Qingsi doesn't want to live here any more. She is going to go home tomorrow. She must go home.

Huang Qingsi doesn't want to take care of Wu Xuejuan.

She likes how, anyway, she will go home. She thinks that if she goes on like this, she will go to the hospital sooner or later, so she will go home.

Lying in bed, tossing and turning, she couldn't sleep. Finally, she couldn't help it. She picked up her mobile phone and called Wu Xuejuan's father.

At this time, Wu's father just went to bed and received a phone call. The whole person was also upset. Originally, there were many things in the company recently, and Wu Xuejuan's things made him lose sleep.

"Why do you call me in the middle of the night?" Wu father's voice with resentment, discontented said.

As soon as Huang Qingsi heard Wu's father's bad attitude, she began to cry.

"What's the matter? Why are you crying again Mr. Wu heard Huang Qingsi cry, and then his tone became better. He coaxed him and asked, "what happened to you when you called me in the middle of the night?"

"Xuejuan, it's Xuejuan. I'm really I can't do anything about her. She Forget it, I I don't want to stay here with her any more. I'll go back tomorrow. I can't eat well or sleep well here. If it goes on like this, I'll go to the hospital. " Huang Qingsi cried wrongly.

"What's the matter? Are they not good to you? " When Mr. Wu heard Huang Qingsi cry wrongly, he was a little angry.

"No, no, no, they are very nice to us, but it's always uncomfortable to live in someone else's house, and Xuejuan is always crying. They are afraid of her. Now they are hiding. I told you about these things. Don't say they are afraid. I'm afraid. So, they are hiding now. They didn't go home to eat or go to bed. I see, maybe they won't go home these days. Slowly, maybe they won't come back. So, I'm going to go back and let Xuejuan live there alone. I can't persuade her. " Huang Qingsi sighed and said sadly, "you said, our daughter used to be quite sensible. Now how can she become like this?"

"How could it be like this? I really didn't expect it. Alas What to do? I really don't listen to any advice. " Huang Qingsi sighed, helpless, but also powerless.

"Forget it, forget it, you come back. If you don't eat well or sleep well over there, I'm also distressed. If you live like this, you'll really get sick. Come back, let her go. If she wants to live, let her live. Anyway, they won't go home. I don't think Zhang Shaoning can come back." Wu's father also sighed: "in fact, Zhang Shaoning is right to do so. Since it is impossible to follow her, then don't give her any chance. This is the best way to let her die completely."

"You see, now that Zhang Shaoning has done this to her, she still can't let her die completely. You say This If If you treat her better, you can't break it completely. Now I think Zhang Shaoning is right to do this. In the past, I thought Zhang Shaoning was cruel. Now I think that since there is no hope, don't give her hope. Be cruel. " Huang Qingsi thinks so. , the fastest update of the webnovel!