Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4198

"Ha ha So is it. So we are very lucky and happy. " Wu youyou said with a smile.

Wu youyou now really feel very happy, especially happy.

"I'm more lucky, and thanks to my sister. If I hadn't had my sister, I would have never known Zhang Shaoning." Wu Linlin smiles and looks at Wu youyou.

"It's fate. You are in a city. Even if you don't have me, maybe you will know each other." Wu youyou thinks so.

"That's just possible." Wu Linlin said with a smile.

"Really, I'm lucky to have my sister in my life." Wu Linlin said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha I feel lucky to have you, too Wu Meimei said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, all three of us are very lucky." Wu youyou said with a smile.

In fact, Wu Linlin and Wu Meimei both know that they all rely on Wu youyou to help them.

However, Wu youyou felt that she was still dependent on Wu Meimei when she was a child.

The three of them chatted happily. Wu Miaomiao was alone. She seemed a little lonely. Moreover, she seemed unable to integrate herself into them. She felt isolated. She was in a bad mood, especially unhappy.

In the heart is also very unhappy, so, a person is depressed to sit on one side.

As time went by, the three of them were still talking and laughing. However, Wu Miao Miao was not so happy. She sat there for a long time and found that they did not come to find themselves. She felt sad. However, there was no way. Finally, she went to find them.

"What are you three talking and laughing about?" Wu Miaomiao sour said: "you three good feelings, are about to forget, you still have me such a sister?"

"No, how could it be." "I thought you were chatting with your sister-in-law," she said

Wu youYou can feel Wu Miaomiao's unhappiness, explains.

After all, Wu Miaomiao can't listen to them because Wu Linlin doesn't want Wu Miaomiao to know that she has a boyfriend.

Of course, if Wu Miaomiao came, Wu Linlin would not talk about her relationship with Zhang Shaoning, and she didn't want to exclude her.

However, her sour words make people feel uncomfortable.

When Wu Miaomiao sits here, they stop talking about Zhang Shaoning. It seems that there are a lot less topics to talk about. In fact, Wu Linlin wants to tell them a lot.

For example, about Zhang Shaoning's family, but Wu Miaomiao is here, so she is too embarrassed to talk about it again.

Finally, Wu Linlin still drank a little wine, but she was not drunk. She felt her face was hot.

Time slowly passed. At 12 o'clock, Zhang Shaoning sent a message to Wu Linlin: "wife, are you not good? It's twelve o'clock. "

"Well. Well, I'll tell them, I'll go back first and say I'll have class tomorrow After sending a message, Wu Linlin said to Wu Youyou, "elder sister, I have to go back first."

"Oh Can't wait? " Wu Meimei whispered, her face ambiguous.

At this time, Wu Miaomiao just died.

"What are you talking about?" Wu Linlin is not stupid. Wu Meimei naturally understands that.

However, the one who can't wait is not Wu Linlin, but Zhang Shaoning.

Zhang Shaoning really can't wait. After all, these days, he can only sleep with Wu Linlin, but he can't do something to her. That feeling is really uncomfortable.

Because Wu Linlin felt that she was in the hospital, she did not want to. In addition, Wu Linlin was also worried about Zhang Shaoning's health, so she was even more reluctant.

Since Wu Linlin does not want to, then Zhang Shaoning will not force Wu Linlin. Therefore, after leaving hospital today and returning home, Zhang Shaoning will certainly be in a hurry.

"Well, you go back first." Wu youyou doesn't force Wu Linlin.

"I have a class tomorrow." Wu Linlin laughed, then poured herself some wine and said to everyone, "brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters in law, I have classes tomorrow, and I have classes tomorrow morning, so I'll go back first."

"Have a good time. This wine is my apology." After Wu Linlin finished, she drank it up, and everyone was embarrassed to embarrass her.

After all, she had to go to class tomorrow, so they let her go.

"I'll pick you up." At this time, Zhang Shaoning sent a message: "15 minutes you come down."

"Good. I'll wait another 15 minutes. " Wu Linlin's mouth showed a sweet smile: "in fact, you don't have to come over, really, I can take a taxi back, you come and go."

"How can I be willing to let you call back. Besides, it's not safe for you to take a taxi this evening." Zhang Shaoning can not give up, also not at ease.

Besides, he has a car and it's convenient to pick it up.For Zhang Shaoning, it's no trouble at all.

"Well, I'll wait for you." Wu Linlin knows that even if she opposes, Zhang Shaoning will come to pick her up.

"I'll wait. He said to pick me up. I'll wait 15 minutes." Seeing Wu Miaomiao's absence, Wu Linlin continued to talk about her own affairs with them: "when I had dinner today, Zhang Shaoning's mother actually said If I was pregnant, don't give birth. I was really embarrassed and wanted to get under the table

"Ha ha ha Do you think you don't have to come out when you get to the bottom of the table? " Wu Meimei smiles.

"Alas..." Wu Linlin also sighed and laughed: "however, her mother now seems to really like me, there is a feeling that she wants to urge me to have a baby earlier."

"That's good. If you do, don't knock it off. " Wu youyou thought of his child, and his heart began to feel sad.

"However, I will be careful not to let myself pregnant, if I do, I will be born." Wu Linlin thinks so now.

For the sake of Zhang Shaoning, she felt that no matter what she did, it was worth it and she was very happy.

Moreover, Wu Linlin thinks that if she is really pregnant, Zhang Shaoning must be reluctant to give up. If Wu Linlin insists, Zhang Shaoning will agree, but he must be very sad.

Wu Linlin now understand, Zhang Shaoning always carry all the sadness of their own, Wu Linlin think about all feel good heartache.

In this way, they continued to chat, and soon, Zhang Shaoning sent a message: "I arrived, do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, no, I'll be right down." Wu Linlin said goodbye to them and left.

"She's in such a hurry. Does she have a boyfriend?" Wu Miaomiao looks at Wu youyou and Wu Meimei and asks.

Wu Miaomiao always feels something is wrong with Wu Linlin.

Wu Miaomiao thinks that Wu Linlin looks so good-looking, and it's normal to have a boyfriend. I don't know if she is also excellent, handsome, rich and capable, she will be jealous to death.

"You have a boyfriend? She didn't tell us Wu youyou looks curious.

"Not to me." Wu Meimei also said curiously.

"But now she's focused on her studies. Shouldn't she have a boyfriend?" Wu youyou looks puzzled.

"I didn't tell you? However, you think, ah, she is so beautiful, and she is a university. It is normal for her to have a boyfriend. Many people must chase after her, and then the excellent boys will catch up with her. The routine of those boys chasing girls is very deep, which is not good for you. " Wu Miaomiao said.

Wu youyou laughed: "then I really don't know. She never mentioned this matter to me. I only know that she is usually very busy, goes to school and works part-time."

"Yes, she didn't mention it to me." Wu Meimei does not deny that she does not know if she learns from Wu youyou.

"You think, she just said to go, but she didn't go again. She looked down at her mobile phone several times, and now she has left again. It must be because her boyfriend has come to pick it up." Wu Miaomiao's analysis is very important.

"Poof You can be a detective. " After hearing this, Wu youyou laughed: "but I really don't know. If she doesn't tell us if she really has a boyfriend, we can't help it. Just let her be. If she thinks the time is right, she will tell us." Wu youYou can only say this: "however, I really did not see that she has a boyfriend." , the fastest update of the webnovel!