Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4196

"Unlike you, I want to be with you all the time. I'm worried about you. I'm worried about you. I have a heart in your body. This is the feeling I didn't have before. I think it's probably true love. " Zhang Shaoning said affectionately.

After hearing this, Wu Linlin laughed: "poof Didn't you love them before? "

"It's not like that." Zhang Shaoning said: "forget it, don't talk about them."

"Well." Wu Linlin nodded: "don't say before, don't talk about them."

"Fortunately, you are my first love. Before I met you, I was like a piece of white paper. Otherwise, I would have a lot of regrets." Wu Linlin looked at him with pride: "I'm really lucky that I haven't met a scum man, and I haven't made up for feelings. I'm here with you. I believe we can stay together for a lifetime, right? Even if I can't, I won't regret it. When I was with you, I never regretted it. When I was with you, I was a little flustered, and I was a little flustered. "

After listening to her, Zhang Shaoning tightened her eyebrows: "huh? Why? Why do you feel a little flustered when you are with me

"Because, I'm afraid, maybe I don't think we're a match, maybe we don't have any good results, so I'm a little flustered." Wu Linlin said with a smile: "for me, the difference between our personal identities is too big. I always feel that we are not people of the same world. However, you will change for me. I can feel that you have changed a lot for me, and you will accommodate my life habits. I am a little ashamed of this. You have been accommodating me all the time, and I don't seem to have You, however, I can't afford your life. Your life is so luxurious. "

"Fool, as long as you want to live my life, I can support you and provide for you. Although I don't have the money of a Yang, I can still support you, understand?" Zhang Shaoning dotes on her.

Wu Linlin shook her head: "you don't always compare with brother-in-law. People have their own advantages. In my heart, you are great, really. You are better than my brother-in-law. I don't love my brother-in-law. I love you. Right? "

"Ha ha ha..." Zhang Shaoning smile, looking at her red lips, looking at her beautiful face, he was a bit ready to move, put her in his arms, kiss her red lips.

The big palm is restless to swim on her body

The air in the carriage is getting hotter and hotter.

Two people kiss to be moved, Zhang Shaoning just pushes her: "wife..."

Wu Linlin leaned in his arms, gasped and adjusted her breath. Then she said to Zhang Shaoning, "I'll go first. In the evening, I'll try to go back as early as possible."

"Well, I'll talk about it later." Zhang Shaoning seems to have a thousand words to say to her.

"Well. Let's go. Drive carefully. " Wu Linlin got off the bus after her advice.

Zhang Shaoning looks at her like this, looks at her leaving figure, until her video completely disappears in his sight, Zhang Shaoning mouth smile, and then drives the car to leave.

Wu Linlin's face was red, and she had a happy and sweet smile all the way.

It can be seen at a glance that she is falling in love.

After Wu Linlin found the box where they were, it was very lively and the atmosphere was very good.

Although Wen Zeyang had already taken cigarettes and told them to let him go, he still accompanied them to drink a little wine. In this atmosphere, it was definitely impossible not to drink a little wine.

Of course, they don't specifically want him to drink, which is the advantage of giving cigarettes.

"Coming, coming." When Wu Linlin came in, Wu youyou said with a smile, "come here."

"Well." Wu Linlin quickly walked to Wu youyou and sat down.

The light inside is not very bright, so we can not see the blush on Wu Linlin's face,

"did he send you?" Wu youyou asked Wu Linlin in a low voice.

Wu Linlin nodded: "yes."

"After dinner with his mother?" Wu youyou continued to ask.

"Yes." Wu Linlin smiles and looks in a good mood.

"How did you feel? Did you feel that his mother accepted you? However, I was thinking that his mother would take the initiative to have dinner with you. He must have accepted you. " Wu youyou thinks so.

"I feel that his mother really likes me now, and specially bought me a gift, a diamond necklace, more than 100000 yuan. It said that he chose it after several hours of shopping. I can feel his mother's sincerity to me now." Wu Linlin said in a low voice, but the joy in her voice could not be concealed.

"That's good." Wu youyou is happy for Wu Linlin when she says so.

Just then, Wu Meimei was sitting beside Wu Linlin and heard a little more or less: "now it's OK. No problem. I can live with Zhang Shaoning in the future. "

"In fact, I don't understand. Since his mother has accepted you now, why don't you bring it to us?" Wu Meimei is a little curious about Wu Linlin's thoughts."I mean, take him home first, and see his parents." Wu Linlin said with a smile.

"She has her ideas." Wu youyou is supportive: "you do what you want to do."

"Good." Wu Linlin nodded: "fortunately, Zhang Shaoning also understands me."

"He is very kind to you." Wu youyou said: "ah Yang said that he had never seen him so nice to a person. He had never been so nice to himself."

Wu Linlin listened to Wu youyou's words, softened her heart and laughed: "well, I will cherish it."

"Originally, I asked him to come here today, but he said that he would not come. Maybe he wanted to respect my idea. So, he didn't come. I almost wanted to say at that time that he would not come. Otherwise, I would directly disclose my relationship with him But, he said no, waiting for me to take him home. That's what he meant. He was really accommodating to me. No matter what the matter was, he was very accommodating to me. He was afraid to make me angry. He said he was afraid that I would be angry, and he loved me. " Wu Linlin recalled the days when she and Zhang Shaoning were together. It was Zhang Shaoning who was paying. When she thought about it now, she was still very moved.

"He is really good to me, sister. I will cherish him. I think my own luck is very good and my life is very good. I can meet such a man." "When I was with him before, I was confused," Wu continued

"In the past, I always felt that it was not true that I was with him. I always felt that he was the son of a rich young master. However, he was really kind to me. Later, I was worried that his family would not agree with me. As expected, I was still very sad at that time. But, fortunately, now his family has accepted me In the evening, his father also came to have a meal together. He praised me vigorously and said that the food I cooked was delicious Wu Linlin said with some pride.

With a smile, she shares her own joy with Wu youyou.

After hearing this, Wu Linlin laughed: "well. You've made it. "

"I think, since his mother is going to have dinner with you, he must accept you." Wu youyou is also happy for Wu Linlin.

"What's more, they said that they wanted Zhang Shaoning to take me home and take me home for dinner. It was a formal meeting with a parent or something. I guess that's the case. But Wu Xuejuan doesn't go at their house, and Zhang Shaoning doesn't want to go home. Wu Xuejuan is crazy now. His parents are now a little annoyed with her, a little afraid of her, said that she would cry when she saw them, cried and said that she could not do without Zhang Shaoning, and so on, which made his parents very afraid and annoyed Wu Linlin continued: "his father also said that he cried at home all day long. He was upset and the atmosphere at home was not good. Now they are not willing to live at home and say they will not go back at night."

"Then Wu Xuejuan should understand, should be ready to go home?" Wu youyou didn't expect that this matter had reached such a serious level.

"Well I don't know. Who knows? " Wu Linlin sighed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!