Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4194

"Mom, I'll tell you, Linlin has a lot of good dishes to eat. You'll often come to dinner and ask Linlin to make them for you." Zhang Shaoning said with a smile: "however, we can't often, Linlin will be tired."

"Don't worry, my mother knows that she loves her daughter-in-law. It's not only you who love your wife." Fang Shihua said with a smile.

"Well." Zhang Shaoning smiles.

"Auntie, uncle, if you want to eat my cooking, you can say, it's OK. You can order. You won't be tired." Wu Linlin said with a smile.

"Good, good." Fang Shihua really likes Wu Linlin now. She likes her very much.

"I really like you. Now I really like you very much. When I think of my daughter-in-law being so excellent and virtuous, I am very happy and beautiful. She has no temper at all. She is very sensible. Shaoning is really lucky to find a girlfriend like you. " Fang Shihua said with a smile.

"Auntie, no, I'm not as good as you said." Listening to Fang Shihua's approval, Wu Linlin is also very happy.

Wu Linlin thinks that she should like herself.

This is not a performance to do, should be really like themselves, and, Wu Linlin thinks, there is no need to deliberately do it.

If you don't like it, how can you think of buying her a gift and spend so much time.

Think about it. It's really moving.

"Yes, yes, I have eyes. I can see you at a glance. It's really good if you look at you." Fang Shihua continued to boast.

Wu Linlin smile: "I will try to do better, not let uncle and aunt disappointed."

"Well. My aunt believes you can do it. " Fang Shihua said with a smile.

In this way, eating, chatting, maybe too happy, maybe the food is too delicious, everyone is eating up.

After eating, before she had time to clean up, Wu Linlin and Zhang Shaoning accompanied Fang Shihua and Zhang Luoli to chat.

Chatting and chatting, Fang Shihua also knew that she should go back and not disturb the two little people. They were still ready to hold their grandchildren.

Therefore, he also mentioned to leave: "it's late, we should go back."

"Well, Ma, I won't give it to you. Anyway, you live in my apartment. Go back by yourself. " Zhang Shaoning is really rude.

"You son of a bitch." Fang Shihua laughed: "then you two rest early."

"She has something else to do. She has to go to her sister." Zhang Shaoning said.

"Oh, well, if you send her there, be careful on your way." Zhang Luoli reminds Zhang Shaoning.

"Well, don't worry, I will." Zhang Shaoning nodded.

In this way, Fang Shihua and Zhang Luoli left.

As soon as they left, Zhang Shaoning hugged Wu Linlin and kissed her red lips.

Wu Linlin smiles and kisses him warmly

Because Wu Linlin still has some things to go out, everyone is waiting for her to sing. Therefore, when Wu Linlin arrives at Zhang Shaoning's emotional state, she pushes him away: "OK, I'll go first. They're waiting for me, and they've been asking me when to go."

"All right. I can't bear you. I want you to accompany me Zhang Shaoning sighed: "I'll take you there."

"No, you can have a good rest at home. I'll clean up the dishes and chopsticks when I come back." Wu Linlin glanced at the dishes and chopsticks in the dining room.

"No, I'll call the hourly workers to come and clean up later. You can have a good time. I'll take you Zhang Shaoning finished and picked up his coat: "gone."

"No, I really don't. You're not in good health..." Wu Linlin's words have not finished, Zhang Shaoning directly interrupted her: "I'm in good health now, no bad, you can rest assured."

"Gone." Zhang Shaoning finished and took Wu Linlin away.

"All right." Wu Linlin laughed: "then I'll try to come back earlier."

"Well. That's good Zhang Shaoning gave her a kiss on the face and took her hand to leave.

Sitting in the car, Wu Linlin sent a message in the group: I'm here, something is delayed.

"It's OK. Just drink more wine when you come over." Ye Hongbin said.

"Then I won't go." Wu Linlin made a mischievous smile.

"Ha ha ha Come here. " Wu Miaomiao laughed.

"Ye Hongbin, don't scare her." Wu Meimei helps Wu Linlin speak.

"That's right. I'm afraid she won't come. Ha ha... " Wu youyou also helped Wu Linlin.

"Yes, you drink yours. We girls don't drink. Drink drinks. Linlin, come here. Don't be afraid. It's OK." Wu Miaomiao also spoke in the group.

"Your brother-in-law is joking with you." Wu continued.

"Well, Miao Miao, I'll be relieved if you say that. I'll go at ease. " Wu Linlin also laughed."What are you laughing at?" Zhang Shaoning is driving. He looks at Wu Linlin and smiles and asks curiously.

"No, my brother-in-law said that I was late and wanted me to drink. I said I would not go, and then my sisters and they would speak for me." Wu Linlin looks at Zhang Shaoning and says.

Wu Linlin suddenly felt that let Zhang Shaoning send himself in the past, and then let Zhang Shaoning come back by himself. She felt sorry for her.

"Why don't you come with me?" Wu Linlin looks at Zhang Shaoning and asks him to pretend to be in.

After listening to Wu Linlin's words, Zhang Shaoning tightened his eyebrows: "hmm? go together? In what capacity? Who is your boyfriend? "

"Just It's my brother-in-law's friend. Then I just met her and came together? " Wu Linlin thought for a moment.

"Shaoning, you know, I'm now I don't want to disclose our relationship yet. I'll take you home when I want to, OK? " Wu didn't want to upset her plans.

"I want to take you home formally." Wu Linlin continued.

Zhang Shaoning knows that Wu Linlin has her own ideas and plans, so he doesn't have to.

Zhang Shaoning is so tolerant of Wu Linlin and accommodating her.

Zhang Shaoning smile, free a hand, tightly hold Wu Linlin's hand, said with a smile: "fool, I understand."

"I'm not going. I'm embarrassed to go in the name of a Yang's friends. I'm not familiar with them, right? So, I won't go. Next time you take me home, I'll go again. " Zhang Shaoning clenched Wu Linlin's hand: "I understand what you think in your heart."

"Really not going?" At that moment, Wu Linlin almost said that, or it would be public.

But, she thought, take it home first.

"Well, no, it's OK. When it's over, I'll pick you up. I'm almost recovered now. I don't feel any pain. Besides, I'm a man. I'm very good at ordinary times. I've been in the hospital for so many days. No problem. Don't worry about me, OK Zhang Shaoning said with a smile.

"Well, then you are OK. I'm worried about your health. I'm going to school next Monday. I've been off for many days Although Wu Linlin did not forget to study at home, she still wanted to go to school.

"Good." Zhang Shaoning nodded: "I will not go back to school for the time being."

"You're not going back to school? It's boring for you to stay at home all the time Wu Linlin said.

"It's OK. I started working on my company, so I'm very busy next time." "Actually, I've always wanted to start my own company. Before that, I was very lazy. I thought that when I was a senior, I would go to work on the company's affairs. I could play for a few years. I was still young. I just wanted to be nice to myself, right? But now I have to work hard for you, so I don't want to delay any more. " Zhang Shaoning said.

"In fact, it's unnecessary. What are you doing so hard? It's a waste of money to earn more and spend less." In fact, Wu Linlin is also in love with him: "and ah, after graduation, you start to work, then you want to rest all have no time, or don't work too hard."

"It will hurt me. I'm easy to raise. In addition, I will work hard in the future. I have a home for two people. " Wu Linlin looked at him gently and said.

"I know, I just want to fight for you." Zhang Shaoning laughed: "I want you to live a better life." , the fastest update of the webnovel!