Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4190

This question does not need to think to be able to answer, certainly is disgusting.


"You press so hard, Zhang Shaoning has already hated you, he can't love you, so if you want to keep a little bit of good memories in his heart, stop it and go back with your mother. Don't disturb him. After waiting for a long time, I believe that he will slowly forgive those things you did before. Maybe you two can return again Until then. " Huang Qingsi once again persuades Wu Xuejuan.

Wu Xuejuan didn't listen Mom, no, no, Zhang Shaoning won't hate me, mom, it's impossible

"Mom It's impossible. " Wu Xuejuan cried again.

At the beginning, Wu Xuejuan cried, and Huang Qingsi would be distressed. But now, when she looks at Wu Xuejuan crying, she is not only distressed, but also annoyed, especially upset.


With a sigh, Huang Qingsi looked at her and didn't say anything more. She just went to eat by herself, and then let her cry slowly until she had enough to cry.

Wu Xuejuan was really upset.


Soon, Zhang Luoli came back to see the time is almost: "OK, let's go."

"Well." Fang Shihua nods.

In this way, the two of them left.

On the way to Zhang Shaoning, Fang Shihua said to Zhang Luoli, "Lao Zhang, Qingsi called me just now and asked when we would go back. I told him directly that Shaoning didn't want to go home. We went to Shaoning's house for dinner today. I said these things were clear enough. I hope she can understand and take her daughter away early."

"Well But now, I wonder, can I go too far? In fact, Qingsi is also embarrassed to live in our house, she is also very helpless, Xuejuan wants to live, she can not help, can only accompany her to live, I can feel that she lives in our house is not used to, also want to go home quickly Fang Shihua sighed again.

"No one likes to live in someone else's house, not to mention such a situation, so she is really helpless." Zhang Luoli said with Fang Shihua.

"Yes." Fang Shihua sighed.

"Now I look at Shaoning's girlfriend, which seems to be very good." Fang Shihua said to Zhang Luoli with a smile.

"It's you who said it's you who said it's you who said it's not good. When you went to someone else, it was you who scolded them for nothing. Alas You women, I really don't understand you women. " Zhang Luoli shook his head helplessly.

"I didn't contact her at the beginning. Besides, at that time, I thought that this woman had lost the soul of Shaoning fan. In addition, she destroyed my plan. Can I like her?" Fang Shihua said: "but, think about it, we are wrong."

"If she and Shaoning are predestined, I will treat her well and treat her as my own daughter." Fang Shihua said, "this girl, I look really good."

"Yes, yes. If you like it Said Zhang Luoli.

"And you? What do you think of her? " Fang Shihua asked again, looking at Zhang Luoli.

"I don't know her. I don't know." Zhang Luoli didn't evaluate her.

"Then we usually talk about her in front of you. You feel it, you feel it. How about the impression she gave you?" Fang Shihua stares at Zhang Luoli and continues to ask.

"I believe in our son's eyes. I think my son likes her so much and can fall in love with her, then Maybe she really has something good in her body that can attract her son's charm. " Zhang Luoli wanted to answer Fang Shihua's question.

After listening to Fang Shihua, she laughed: "yes, yes, it must be. Now I come into contact with her, and I think she is really good."

"When you get in touch with her a lot, I will find her excellent in a long time, which is very good." Fang Shihua said with a smile: "I heard Shaoning say that she is excellent and she studies very well. Maybe she can help Shaoning run the company together and give her advice. Maybe she is a very smart woman, isn't she?"

"Don't deceive the young people who are poor. So, maybe she has talent and looks, and she will have a lot of face when she takes them out." The more Fang Shihua said, the more happy she was.

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhang Luoli was said by Fang Shihua. She also thought that the girl could.

"What's more, her sister is the second daughter-in-law of the Wen family. The Wens attach great importance to her sister and will be engaged soon. If you don't pay attention to it, how can you get engaged immediately?" Fang Shihua continued: "so, in the future, she may still be able to help Shaoning in her career, perhaps more useful than Wu Xuejuan."

"You, you, you must not say these words in front of the girl and your son, you know?" Zhang Luoli looked at Fang Shihua very seriously and said.

Fang Shihua nodded: "well, don't worry. I'm not stupid. I won't say it."

"That's good." Zhang Luoli nodded: "remember, some words should be said, some words should not be said. The daughter-in-law there is always a daughter-in-law, not her own son, understand?""Then I will treat her well. Even if I say something wrong, I believe she will not care about it. If she understands me and understands that I am sincere to her, then she should not care so much about it, right?" Fang Shihua looked at Zhang Luoli seriously and asked.

Zhang Luoli shook his head: "I don't know her, I don't know her."

After listening to Zhang Luoli's words, Fang Shihua felt that Zhang Luoli's words were also very correct: "also, what you said is also right."

"OK, anyway, I really treat her sincerely. I believe that sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity. Moreover, she doesn't seem to care about me any more when I treat her like that before, so I believe that as long as I sincerely treat her, she can accept the wrong words I said Fang Shihua thinks so.

"How do you know people don't mind what you've done to them?" Zhang Luoli frowned at her and asked.

"If Ning Zi cheated me less, she would tell me less about it Fang Shihua said definitely.

Zhang Luoli listened to Fang Shihua's explanation and nodded: "that's also true. Shaoning can't cheat you with this kind of thing."

"Well." Fang Shihua listened to Zhang Luoli also said so, and he was relieved: "well, if you think so, I will be more relieved." , the fastest update of the webnovel!