Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4186

"You, you, ah, don't know how to hurt your daughter-in-law. Be careful that your daughter-in-law doesn't want you. If your daughter-in-law runs away, I think you'll be a bachelor all your life." Fu Yijing took a look at Wen Zeyang and then prepared to leave: "I'll go and have a look. You can play."

"OK." Wu youyou nods.

"Well Look at my mom, how nice she is to you Take a sip of it, and you really want to kiss him.

But there are so many people here that Wen Zeyang knows that Wu youyou will be shy, so he won't embarrass her.

"I'll talk to my sister." Wu youyou ignored his words and went to find Wu Linlin.

"Linlin, originally I asked Wen Zeyang to take you to the bus stop, but his mother heard me. His mother said that he asked the driver to take you back. She has already called the driver and will come soon. You can wait a little longer." Wu youyou explained.

Wu Linlin a listen, some embarrassed: "sister, no, how sorry ah."

"It's OK. His mother is sincere. Besides, since his mother called the driver, you can take it. If you refuse, she won't be happy." "You don't have a psychological burden," Wu explained

"All right." Wu Linlin nodded: "your mother-in-law is very kind to you."

"Envy, you don't worry. It seems that your mother-in-law will be very good to you in the future." Wu youYou can feel: "now I want to have dinner with you, but I still take the initiative. So, wait. Then your mother-in-law will be very good. That is, Wen Zeyang said that Zhang Shaoning's family will not be very good. Before that, I think she has already had a daughter-in-law candidate in mind Now that you don't like her any more, you will not destroy her plan

"Well. I will try to make her accept me. " Wu Linlin said with a smile.

"Well." Wu youyou nods.

Wait, wait, soon, the driver came, Wu Linlin said hello to them and left.

When Wu Linlin was bored in the car, she sent a message to Zhang Shaoning: I'm already on it.

"Back by bus again?" Zhang Shaoning returned the message.

"No Wu Linlin made a smile.

"Well? It was A taxi? " Zhang Shaoning made an incredible expression.

"Ha ha, wrong, guess." Wu Linlin is a little proud.

"Ah Yang sent you back?" Zhang Shaoning guessed again.

"Hey, hey It's not, it's not... " Wu Linlin is even more proud.

"I can't guess." Zhang Shaoning asked, "you say so."

"Driver, it's Wen's driver." Wu Linlin smiles.

"Oh, so it is." Zhang Shaoning is a person stay at home, bored: "wife, miss you."

"You I really don't know how to say you. Don't exaggerate. How long has it been apart? I miss me? Be serious. " Wu Linlin is very sweet in her heart.

"By the way, did your mother say when she would come in the evening? Shall I cook for her Wu Linlin thought that since his mother came to eat, he would make a dish.

"Is it too hard? I love it. " Zhang Shaoning is in love with Wu Linlin and is reluctant to give up her hard work.

"No, it's just cooking a meal. How can it be hard? It won't be." Wu Linlin decided to go and buy some dishes: "then I'll go and buy some vegetables and go home."

"You go home first, and we'll go shopping together." How could Zhang Shaoning let Wu Linlin go shopping alone.

Wu Linlin thought that Zhang Shaoning's words were reasonable and agreed: "OK. Then I'll go home first, and we'll go shopping together. Think about what we can buy. "

"You are good at cooking, fried glutinous rice, and fried crab with that cake." Zhang Shaoning thinks these two dishes are delicious.

"Well, what else?" "What does your mother like to eat?" Wu continued

"She likes everything you make." Zhang Shaoning said with a smile.

"Well, be serious. What kind of food does your mother like to eat and see if I can make it." Wu Linlin really wants to please her future mother-in-law this time.

"My mother, like to eat big plate chicken, we buy a small rooster, and then you make a big plate chicken." Zhang Shaoning also thought about the menu for Wu Linlin.

"Good." Wu Linlin can make a big dish of chicken.

"Well What else can I do? " Wu continued.

"Beef, fried beef, stir fried beef, I remember you are also good at it." Zhang Shaoning thought of another dish for her.

"Good." Wu Linlin wrote down that there were already four dishes: "what else?"

"What's more, I'll think about it. Would you like to buy a crucian carp? Braised crucian carp in brown sauce and braised meat in brown sauce Zhang Shaoning thought and asked.

"Yes." Wu Linlin thought, six: "boil a hot, white radish ribs soup, how about?"

"Yes, or you can cook fish head and tofu soup." Zhang Shaoning said.

"All right, then two soups." Wu Linlin thinks that when cooking for her mother-in-law for the first time, she can't be too stingy, so she cooks more dishes."That's six dishes and two soup." Wu continued, "well, what kind of vegetables do you want to cook?"

"Some more shrimp, braised prawns." Zhang Shaoning also thought of a dish for Wu Linlin: "wife, so many dishes, will you be too tired?"

"No, no, how could it be." Wu Linlin quickly said: "this time I also want to do a good performance, I hope your mother can like me."

"Don't worry. Now my mother likes you very much." Zhang Shaoning was happy when he said that.

However, when Zhang Shaoning says this, Wu Linlin doesn't believe it.

"I don't believe it. Although your mother doesn't object to us being together now, she certainly can't like me very much." Wu Linlin is not self-confident. She thinks that it is normal for a person to change from dislike to acceptance. However, from dislike to liking, she should take time: "what's more, only a few days ago, does your mother like me? Don't try to coax me. I know something in my mind. "

"Look at you. Who doesn't like you when you're not confident, because you're good, and you're glamorous. " Zhang Shaoning's mouth is really powerful. Wu Linlin is very happy.

"Poof OK, OK, don't talk to you about these, some things I have in mind, but, you always coax me to be happy, this I am very happy. Your purpose has been achieved. " Wu Linlin made a smile.

"Wife, I mean it. My mother really likes you. My mother said, now I found you good, now my mother is very afraid of Wu Xuejuan, Wu Xuejuan lives in my house, like crazy, I told my mother, she looked for you, my mother really did not expect that she is such a person, before she pretended to be clever to deceive. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!