Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4126

"You don't know her at all. You always say that she's not good, that's not good. I've been with her for so long, I say she's good, you don't believe it, ha ha..." Zhang Shaoning coldly smile: "you this is clear to aim at her."

"I You love her, you must think she is good, even if she is not good, no matter how wrong, you will not say she is not good Fang Shihua said.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you, mom, I feel like I'm willing to tell you these things today. You should be happy. One day, I don't even want to tell you what I said. So You really have to think about our relationship. You also have to think carefully, for you, when I am important, or those messy things important. You have always said that I am the most important thing to you, but have you ever thought about how to be the best for me and love me Zhang Shaoning finished, ready to enter the room: "Mom, you go back, don't come to me again, I see you in the heart is uncomfortable."

Zhang Shaoning, with a sad face, said to Fang Shihua: "you really make me too cold hearted. You are my mother, my most trusted mother. As a result, what have you done? "

"Mom, you go, let me lie down and be quiet. Let me wait for her to come back. Don't go to her and say insulting words to her. She is just a little girl. She will be sad and she will cry. Don't look at her appearance. She will hide and cry, and I will be heartbroken if she cries." Zhang Shaoning finished, turned and entered the room.

Fang Shihua sat quietly like this. She didn't know what to do. She just sat quietly, sitting

Finally, Fang Shihua left.

Zhang Shaoning told her clearly just now. Naturally, she also understood her son's temper. Since Zhang Shaoning had said all these words, she knew that it was no use trying to persuade her again. She might as well go back.

Of course, Fang Shihua loves Zhang Shaoning, and she can't let Zhang Shaoning be here alone.

Since Zhang Shaoning is waiting for Wu Linlin, Fang Shihua will go to Wu Linlin and persuade Zhang Shaoning to go to the hospital. Let's wait until Zhang Shaoning goes to the hospital.

In fact, when Fang Shihua looked at Zhang Shaoning's heartache and sadness, her heart was also hard, and she also loved Zhang Shaoning. At the same time, she was a little softhearted.

Fang Shihua called Wu Linlin when she came out. At this time, Wu Linlin had already arrived home.

Tight eyebrows, answer the phone: "Hello, who is it?"

Wu Linlin thought she didn't know who it was.

"It's me, Zhang Shaoning's mother." When Fang Shihua talks to Wu Linlin, she is still full of confidence and arrogant.

"As I said, don't call me no matter if there's something wrong. Hang up." Wu Linlin was ready to hang up the phone when she finished. As a result, she was stopped by Fang Shihua: "don't I have something to talk to you about Shaoning. "

"If you really have him in your heart, don't hang up." Fang Shihua's tone is still somewhat arrogant.

Wu Linlin still didn't hang up. Fang Shihua worried that Wu Linlin would hang up. However, Wu Linlin didn't hang up, which let Fang Shihua breathe a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter? Go ahead." Wu Linlin asked coldly.

"Go to see Shaoning and persuade him." Fang Shihua's tone of voice was not as tough as she had just been.

"There are doctors in the hospital He doesn't need me. It's no use even if I'm gone. " Wu Linlin also thought that she did not know that Zhang Shaoning had returned home.

"No, he is not in the hospital. He ran out of the hospital without permission. He was in the apartment where you used to live. He said that he would wait for you to come back. However, his body is not allowed to live in the ground at all. He has to go back to the hospital for examination and treatment. If you really love him, don't be angry with me. First Persuade him to go back to the hospital and talk about it. We can discuss things with him slowly. " Fang Shihua finally softened.

When Fang Shihua thought of Zhang Shaoning jumping downstairs, she was really distressed when she thought of Zhang Shaoning's sad appearance.

Wu Linlin bit her lower lip. She really didn't expect Fang Shihua to say such a thing.

"Hello, are you listening?" Asked Fang Shihua.

"I I'm listening. " Wu Linlin's tone also softened. She didn't have a stab in every sentence.

"We are all better for Shaoning. I always feel that you don't love him because you love him. You don't really love him. However, he told me that you really love him. In his heart, you are the best, and I can't say anything bad about you." Fang Shihua sighed: "he has a stubborn temper. I can't help him. I can't find you. I hope you can persuade him. If you love him, you can't bear it, right? Besides, his situation If you don't receive treatment and don't take good care of your health, I'm afraid that you will fall ill in the future Fang Shihua continued.

Listening to Fang Shihua's words, Wu Linlin was very nervous.

The root of the disease?

Wu Linlin will naturally love Zhang Shaoning. She loves Zhang Shaoning more than she does in poetry. That's the man she loves and the man she loves deeply.Alas

"I see. I know what to do. You know your son, and I also know him. If I try to persuade him, he will definitely exchange terms with me. He will definitely ask me to come back to him. If I come back to him, he will probably let me go to the hospital to accompany him. " Wu Lin is smart, too.

Of course, even if Wu Linlin didn't mention it, Fang Shihua knew that Zhang Shaoning would do it.

"I know I know he will make such a request After all, she is her own son. How can she not understand it.

"So Don't scold me again and again and say that I am pestering your son. But if you want me to persuade him, it is equivalent to that you want me to make up with him and let me accompany you. You should understand this. " Wu Linlin said coldly.

"I know. What I know is that his body is the most important thing now. Nothing is more important than his things." Fang Shihua sighed: "you go to accompany him first, and talk about other things later."

"Also, I tell you, this time I come back to his side, I will not leave again, unless he does not want me, otherwise, it is impossible for you to come to me again, say a few words to me, I will leave, you can think clearly." Wu Linlin directly said what she thought in her heart.

After listening to Fang Shihua, she was shocked.

But what could she do.

That's the only way to do it now.

"I know, Shaoning will not allow you to leave." Fang Shihua sighed: "but I tell you, I still don't accept you, and I'm against your two being together

"I see. If it's OK, I'll hang up. I'll go and see him." Wu Linlin said.

Fang Shihua can feel that Wu Linlin seems to care about Zhang Shaoning very much and is very anxious.

"Good. Help me take good care of him, he loves you very much, in his heart, you are the most important. I hope you don't make him sad. " Fang Shihua hung up after saying that.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Shihua sighed heavily.

Finally, Fang Shihua still worried about Zhang Shaoning and called Zhang Shaoning again.

When Zhang Shaoning sees Fang Shihua calling him again, he thinks that Fang Shihua has found Wu Linlin. Wu Linlin refuses to come to see her, and she will come again to denounce Wu Linlin.

However, Zhang Shaoning still picked up the phone: "hello..."

"I've already called Wu Linlin She also promised to come to see you and return to you. Listen to mom's words and take good care of your body. Your body is your own. If you don't take good care of your body, you will certainly regret it later. " Fang Shihua's tone is full of concern.

Zhang Shaoning did not expect that what Fang Shihua said to him was these words.

"Mom What do you say Zhang Shaoning was a little surprised.

"Do you agree that we should be together?" Zhang Shaoning was a little excited.

When Fang Shihua listened to Zhang Shaoning's excited tone, her heart gently pulled, some heartache. , the fastest update of the webnovel!