Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4124

"Besides, you usually don't let me work. You do everything. Now it's not easy for me to have a chance to do something for you Wu Linlin said with a smile.

"You love me enough." Zhang Shaoning hugged her: "you don't need to do anything else."

"Accompany me well, accompany me by my side." Zhang Shaoning continued.

After hearing this, Wu Linlin laughed: "well."

"Go to bed. It's late." Zhang Shaoning looks at the time is really late, coax Wu Linlin.

Because we haven't been able to sleep well these days, especially Zhang Shaoning.

Similarly, Wu Linlin couldn't sleep.

"Well. These days, you are tired, you see, your eyes are red with what do not know. " Wu Linlin looks at Zhang Shaoning with heartache and kisses his eyes gently.

"Wife It's nice of you to have one Zhang Shaoning felt very happy at this time, especially happy.

"Me too. It's nice to have you. It's really good, really good, especially good." Wu Linlin really thinks it's very good to have Zhang Shaoning.

As time went on, they talked for a while and then fell asleep.

After sleeping in the middle of the night, Zhang Shaoning woke up and wanted to go to the toilet.

Looking at the time, around 1:30, looking at Wu Linlin who was sleeping in his arms, he felt very happy.

Wu Linlin's sleep is a little shallow today. Even if Zhang Shaoning gets up lightly, she still wakes Wu Linlin.

Wu Linlin looked at Zhang Shaoning vaguely and asked, "what's the matter? Does it hurt? "

"It's OK. It doesn't hurt." In fact, there is a little pain, but Zhang Shaoning is not willing to let Wu Linlin sad, also reluctant to let her heartache, so, even if there is a little pain, will also say no pain.

However, how can it not hurt? So, he has been trying to bear it.

"What's the matter?" Wu Linlin half narrowed her eyes and looked at her anxiously.

"Get up and go to the bathroom." Zhang Shaoning said.

"Oh, I'll help you." Wu Linlin helped Zhang Shaoning up, then went into the bathroom, helped him to go to the toilet and came out, looked at the time and asked, "are you hungry? Shall I get you some chicken soup

"I'll make some porridge, chicken soup and chicken porridge." With that, Wu went to the kitchen.

Zhang Shaoning looked at Wu Linlin almost closed his eyes and yawned all the time, so he was distressed.

"Wife..." Zhang Shaoning called Wu Linlin.

"You go to bed and lie down. I'll pour you some chicken soup. You go and lie down." Wu Linlin said and quickly left.

Although Zhang Shaoning is distressed, at the same time, his heart is also sweet, especially sweet.

Zhang Shaoning in order not to let Wu Linlin heartache, also obediently went to lie down, very quickly, Wu Linlin carrying chicken soup came over: "come, drink a little and then sleep."

"You still look ugly now." Wu Linlin's eyes are full of heartache, looking at Zhang Shaoning.

Zhang Shaoning laughed: "wife Seeing you love me so much, I think it's worth my injury

"Do you mean that I don't love you when you're not hurt? Do you have to be hurt to love you? " Wu Linlin looked at Zhang Shaoning and said.

After hearing this, Zhang Shaoning laughed: "no, no, that's not. That's not what it means

"Hum Drink it and go to bed. " Wu Linlin is sleepy.

The main reason is that she didn't sleep well these days. She would feel very sleepy and tired, otherwise she would not be so sleepy and tired.

"Well." Zhang Shaoning is also distressed by Wu Linlin. He quickly drinks the chicken soup, then goes to brush his teeth and goes to bed.

Maybe she is really tired. Wu Linlin leans on Zhang Shaoning's arms and falls asleep.

Zhang Shaoning couldn't sleep any more. He looked at Wu Linlin and sighed: "Alas..."

I don't know when, Zhang Shaoning just fell asleep.

Everyone was very tired and sleepy, so they didn't wake up until eight o'clock the next day. Finally, Zhang Shaoning's mobile phone rang, and both of them were awakened by the sound of the phone.

"Hello..." Zhang Shaoning vaguely picked up the mobile phone and put it in his ear.

"Shaoning, where are you?" It was Fang Shihua who called. Sure enough, Zhang Shaoning guessed that he was right.

Fang Shihua went to the hospital and couldn't find Zhang Shaoning.

"It's none of your business." When Zhang Shaoning could not make Fang Shihua's voice, he suddenly woke up and his tone was cold.

"You child I don't care, you... " Fang Shi didn't mention it at one breath and nearly fainted.

"You child, what do you want to do? Tell me what you want. You are injured. You don't stay in the hospital. Where are you going?" Fang Shihua worried: "you say, why do you want to secretly run out, why ah?"

"I don't want to see you." Zhang Shaoning said coldly.

"No, I don't want to see us. We are the people who care about you most. Why don't you want to see us? You I'm really pissed off. " Fang Shihua is helpless."You say, where are you, mother to pick you up, you go to the hospital to stay, what's the matter until you are well, OK?" Fang Shihua coaxes Zhang Shaoning.

"I said, you don't need to be in charge. I don't need you to care about my life and death." Zhang Shaoning said coldly: "if you really care about me, you won't treat me like this. This time, I'm very cold, especially cold."

"You You child, mother is also for you, all for you. " Fang Shihua said.

"Mom is really for you, do you know?" Fang Shihua sighed: "parents don't want their children to be good?"

"You don't even know what I want. How can you say it's good for me? I want things you are not too empty, I get, you also split my happiness, how do you call it good for me? " Zhang Shaoning sighed in a sad tone.

"You, child You child, why do you talk like that Fang Shihua listened to Zhang Shaoning say these words, in fact, the heart is also very painful.

"It was. Am I wrong? If you really love me, you should let me go to pursue my own happiness. At least, I can pursue happiness. What have you done? Also calculate me, ha ha, in your heart, you don't have my son at all, what you have is just the interest in your eyes. " Zhang Shaoning said coldly.

"You You, these words really hurt my heart. Shaoning, you were born to your mother in October after a painful day and night. Now you are To say that, I am totally because of you, ah, what is for the benefit, and for the benefit is also your future interest. " Fang Shihua cried and said, heart, really painful.

"I know what I want best. You are forcing me." Zhang Shaoning continued: "you always say that I will regret later. I said that, I will not regret No regrets. "

"Love Don't you understand that when you walk, you will be scattered? Did your former girlfriend break up? " Fang Shihua continued to persuade with great sincerity.

"Ha ha That's also my business. Even if I will regret it later, I will be responsible for my own behavior, rather than being framed by your design. At least, I am in pain now. Don't you know that this time I was forced to separate from Linlin, then I will regret all my life. If it is, I can't walk with her in the future. At least, I won't regret. " Zhang Shaoning continues to say, tone still with sadness.

After listening to Zhang Shaoning's words, Fang Shihua was moved. She seemed to think that Zhang Shaoning's words also had some truth.

"OK, OK, OK. These are the afterwords. Can we talk about it later? Now the most important thing is to keep your body well, OK? You are still young. If you don't pay attention to your body, what will you do if you fall ill in the future? Are you right, honey, tell mom where you are and mom will pick you up, OK Fang Shihua coaxes Zhang Shaoning.

"Mom, don't worry about it. I don't want to go to the hospital. I don't want to see you. If you are really good for me, you can let me be quiet." Zhang Shaoning said something powerless.

"You child, you You really want to break my heart. " Fang Shihua sighs. , the fastest update of the webnovel!