Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4122

"What? Do you still want to hit me? " Fang Shihua was shaking with anger.

"No, it's impossible to beat you. I'll cut you off." Zhang Shaoning said coldly.

"Hehe, hehe, you You really piss me off Fang Shihua doesn't know what to say.

"OK, I'll go. I'll go. Don't regret it." Fang Shihua took a cold look at Zhang Shaoning and found that Zhang Shaoning didn't want to see her at all. She was very angry.

"I won't regret it." Zhang Shaoning is very firm: "to regret, you must regret."

"You..." Fang Shihua sighed: "you are my son, I do all for you, you should believe me, you will regret, later you will regret, that woman can not help you anything, you remember what I said today, you will certainly regret."

"No, I'm sure I won't regret it." Zhang Shaoning is still very firm.

"Why do you believe that woman so much? Isn't she with you for your sake? Can't you feel it at all? She must be for your money. Otherwise, why didn't she come to see you when you jumped out of the building this time? " Fang Shihua looked at him painfully and asked.

"I know what kind of person she is, whether she comes to see me or not, I'm in this situation, she's not a doctor." Zhang Shaoning said coldly: "besides, you let her go. Do you want her back now? You think everyone in the world will listen to you. What do you say? "

"You You child, OK, I don't care about you. If you want to die, you can do it by yourself. " Fang Shihua was shaking and ready to leave.

Zhang Shaoning is not moved at all, still cold face, Fang Shihua finally is really disappointed, and then left.

After Fang Shihua left, Zhang Shaoning sighed. He got up, endured the pain in all parts of his body, and walked out of the hospital. Then he took a taxi to go back. He didn't want to stay in this broken hospital.

When Zhang Shaoning was about to arrive at his apartment, he called Wu Linlin

When Wu Linlin received Zhang Shaoning's nervousness, her heart was tight. She thought, maybe Zhang Shaoning's family had left, and now she asked her to go to the hospital to find him. So, Wu Linlin quickly picked up the phone, and her voice was shaking: "hello..."

"I'm out of hospital, waiting for you at our home." Zhang Shaoning's voice is weak.

After hearing this, Wu Linlin's heart was shaking tightly and worried: "you are crazy, you Why did you leave the hospital, you... "

When Wu Linlin was excited and shouting, everyone looked at her.

"You Where are you now Wu Lin is still worried.

"I'll be home in five minutes." Zhang Shaoning said lightly: "it's OK, you can rest assured, I'm ok."

"You, you are really angry to death me, why do you run out of the hospital ah, I can go to the hospital to see you, I can find you, you hurry back." Wu Linlin was about to cry.

"It's OK. It's OK. Don't worry." Wu Meimei looks at Wu Linlin and cries and quickly comforts her.

"I want to see you. I don't want to stay in the hospital. I know my own health, wife Come and see if I'm ok. I want to hold you and have a good look at you. " Zhang Shaoning's voice is a little hoarse.

"Well, I'll go right away. I'll go right away. You'll take care of yourself." After Wu Linlin finished, she was ready to leave and got up: "I'll go to find Zhang Shaoning.

"Be careful." Wu youyou told me.

"Well." Wu Linlin said that and ran away.

All the way is crying in the past, ran out of the community, and then took a taxi to Zhang Shaoning that.

When Wu Linlin arrived, Zhang Shaoning was already there. Zhang Shaoning was still very weak, lying on the sofa.

Wu Linlin looked at Zhang Shaoning's pale face and weak body. She was distressed and smelled bitterly. Her tears could not stop falling again.

"Fool, don't cry." Zhang Shaoning wanted to get up, but was stopped by Wu Linlin: "don't get up, you lie down."

"Well." Zhang Shaoning see Wu Linlin heartache bad, is also very distressed, do not want to let her love himself, obediently lying.

"I want to go to bed and lie down." Zhang Shaoning said to Wu Linlin.

"Good, good, I help you, I help you, you careful." Wu Linlin tightened her eyebrows and cried all the time.

"Good, don't cry, I'm ok. Don't you think I'm ok now?" Zhang Shaoning gently wiped away the tears on Wu Linlin's face and comforted her.

"You really don't worry." Wu Linlin cried and said that Zhang Shaoning held her in his arms: "darling, don't cry."

"Why are you so stupid? What's going on? Why do you want to jump out of a building? Do you know what? Your mother called me to say that you jumped out of the building. I was scared to death and my heart was going to stop. However, I was stubborn and didn't go to see you. After I hung up the phone, I regretted that I wanted to see you, but I Oh I'm sorry for you, Zhang Shaoning. I'm sorry for you. Your mother scolded me and scolded me. I just had no conscience. You jumped out of the building for me. You were so kind to me and took out my heart and lung for me. However, I I didn't go to see you. I'm so sorry, really. " Then Wu Lin cried."Fool, I understand you. I didn't go to see me. Good. Anyway, you're not a doctor. Even if you come, I'm still like this, right? Besides, I'm ok. Don't worry, fool. I'm fine Zhang Shaoning hugged Wu Linlin and comforted him: "no more crying."

"You cry, my heart hurts more. So, darling Let me have less pain, will you? " Zhang Shaoning continues to coax Wu Linlin.

"Well, I don't cry, I don't cry, I don't cry." Listening to Zhang Shaoning, Wu Linlin wiped her tears and said, "I won't cry."

However, tell yourself not to cry, she seems to cry more fierce.

"Fool..." Zhang Shaoning hugged her and kissed her tears: "no more crying."

"Oh Wu... " Wu Linlin is really out of control. She has been crying, crying, and can't stop crying.

Zhang Shaoning also knows that when Wu Linlin cries, she can cry enough at a time, and then talk about it.

Wu Linlin was lying in Zhang Shaoning's arms, crying and crying for more than ten minutes.

After crying, Zhang Shaoning kisses her red lips and then kisses her red and swollen eyes. Finally, she stops and looks at her: "is that enough crying?"

Wu Linlin looked at Zhang Shaoning's gentle appearance and laughed: "Zhang Shaoning, you are very kind to me."

"Still leave me?" Zhang Shaoning looked at her and asked.

Wu Linlin shook her head: "no I'll never leave you again

"Good, just don't leave." Zhang Shaoning hugged her: "good."

"This time, my mother was also scared. This time, I wanted to force her and let her know that there were some things I didn't talk about." Zhang Shaoning said.

"What the hell is going on? Why is it like this? You must not do such things next time. At most, we elope." Wu Linlin looks at Zhang Shaoning and says.

At the thought of Zhang Shaoning's jumping off a building, I'm afraid.

"The soup was really drugged, I didn't drink it. Fortunately you reminded me, otherwise, I must have drunk it, and I don't know what the consequences will be. But, I understand that if I drink the soup, you will not be with me again, will you?" Zhang Shaoning's deep eyes looked at Wu Linlin with fear and said.

Wu Linlin pursed her lips.

She knew that she had been more and more hidden from Zhang Shaoning, so she was not easy to say, and did not know what would happen.

"I didn't drink it. I pretended that I was drugged. My mother quickly called Wu Xuejuan here. Ha ha..." Zhang Shaoning said here, some despair smile: "then, they forced me, I jumped."

"You You're stupid. You promise me that you won't be allowed to do such a stupid thing again next time, OK? " Wu Linlin looked at her worried, tightening her eyebrows.

"Well, I promise you." Zhang Shaoning smiles.

In fact, Zhang Shaoning's move is a bitter meat trick. If it is not for this move, I don't know when Wu Linlin will be willing to deal with her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!