Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4111

Wu Xuejuan feel a little strange, why Zhang Shaoning in infatuation drugs for so long, still so calm, did not rush up immediately?

Shouldn't you lose your mind after taking this medicine?

Why can he be so calm?

Is there something wrong?

Wu Xuejuan looks at Zhang Shaoning. She doesn't feel like she wants to go crazy. Moreover, he doesn't seem to have a reddish complexion. What's the matter?

"You Do you have no ecstasy at all? " At this time, Wu Xuejuan tightly twisted her eyebrows and looked at Zhang Shaoning.

Because, Zhang Shaoning's appearance is not at all like that of a drug.

"Ha ha..." Zhang Shaoning's sharp eyes are staring at Wu Xuejuan, which is cold and terrible. This makes Wu Xuejuan feel a little hairy: "you..."

"Zhang Shaoning Why did you guard against your mother? " Wu Xuejuan thinks that Zhang Shaoning can not have such a mind, and Zhang Shaoning will not think of these.

"Is it Wu Linlin?" So, what Wu Xuejuan can think of is Wu Linlin.

"It must be Wu Linlin, right? It must be Wu Linlin. No one will tell you this except Wu Linlin. It must be her." Wu Xuejuan was very angry, and her eyes flashed a cruel: "ha ha, Wu Linlin, it's her again. Why is it always her? Why does she always have to be right with me. "

"Wu Xuejuan, are you crazy?" Zhang Shaoning looks at Wu Xuejuan, who is completely unfamiliar in front of him. He can hardly imagine that this is Wu Xuejuan who has known him for so many years: "you have changed, you have changed, and I don't know you."

"You have changed, you have changed, Zhang Shaoning, you have changed. Before, in your heart, I was the most important, I am, I am the most important person, but now You see, the most important person you are now is Wu Linlin. You believe in her. No matter what, you believe in her. No matter what, you don't believe me. You regard her as your most important person. Even I can't compare with her, even your parents can't compare with her, do you? " Wu Xuejuan exclaimed excitedly and loudly.

"Ha ha..." Zhang Shaoning looks at Wu Xuejuan with a sneer. Her eyes are cold and cold, which makes her afraid.

"You You Shaoning, please don't do this. Let's start again. I don't mind if you are with Wu Linlin. I don't mind who you were with before. Shaoning, after you are with me, you will find that, in fact, I am the one who is most suitable for you and loves you most, Shaoning. " Wu Xuejuan cried and slowly approached Zhang Shaoning, trying to pull his hand. However, when Wu Xuejuan's hand had not hit Zhang Shaoning's hand, Zhang Shaoning shook off Wu Xuejuan's hand and looked at her coldly: "don't touch me."

"Wu Xuejuan, make it clear that I have never loved you, I have never loved you. Do you understand? " Zhang Shaoning looked at Wu Xuejuan seriously and said, "the person I love is Wu Linlin From small to big, I just treat you as my sister, I never like you, you are just my family. If I have done something that you misunderstood and misunderstood that I like you, then I apologize to you and hope you understand

Zhang Shaoning was disappointed to see such a strange Wu Xuejuan.

In Zhang Shaoning's heart, Wu Xuejuan should not be like this.


But people change.

"You Why don't you love me? Why don't you love me? Why don't you love me? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me Wu Xuejuan cried with grief, covered his chest, looked at Zhang Shaoning and asked, "you say, what's wrong with me? I can't compare with Wu Linlin."

"There is no comparison between people. You have your advantages, and she also has her excellence. I love her because I love her. There is no reason why I don't love you. There are many better and better men in the world than me. Why don't you love them and love me, that's the same truth, understand?" Zhang Shaoning patiently explained to Wu Xuejuan.

However, Wu Xuejuan couldn't listen at all.

Wu Xuejuan shook her head vigorously: "I don't know, I don't know, I don't understand."

"You know, it's up to you. I'm going. " Zhang Shaoning looked at Wu Xuejuan with a very disappointed look and said that she was ready to leave.

"No, I won't let you go, I won't let you go." Wu Xuejuan hugs Zhang Shaoning hard, and then wants to kiss her. Zhang Shaoning didn't expect Wu Xuejuan to be so bold that she wanted to kiss him.

Zhang Shaoning naturally won't let Wu Xuejuan show up. Don't go over your head, push Wu Xuejuan away and roar: "Wu Xuejuan, are you crazy

"I I won't let you go Shaoning, it's the first time for me. You've tasted my beauty before you know that I'm also beautiful. OK, I don't want you to be responsible. I just have to give myself to you. Shaoning, I don't want anything, I don't want anything. " Wu Xuejuan seems to be possessed at this time. She wants to give herself to Zhang Shaoning, and she wants to give herself to Zhang Shaoning.However, Zhang Shaoning didn't want her. She didn't want her at all.

Zhang Shaoning closed his eyes and held back his anger. When he opened his eyes, he calmed himself down. His deep eyes looked at Wu Xuejuan with no emotion: "Wu Xue I can't want you. I'm not that kind of person. You know that. I believe you know something about me. I can't be sorry for my girlfriend. I said, "I love her, I love her more than I love myself."

Zhang Shaoning's deep eyes still looked at her with no emotion, and continued: "even if I don't have her and a girlfriend, I can't have a casual relationship with a girl. I'm not that kind of person."

"So, you die of this one heart, a girl's first time is very precious, you should cherish." After Zhang Shaoning finished, he turned to leave.

However, Wu Xuejuan but dead embrace him: "no, I don't let you go, I won't let you go."

"If you don't want me today, I think you can't get out of here." Wu Xuejuan called out loud.

"Listen, did they quarrel At this time, Huang Qingsi looked at Fang Shihua and asked.

Fang Shi Hua tightened her eyebrows: "no, how can we quarrel? Clearly Shaoning has been drugged. She shouldn't be with Xuejuan at this time... "

The next words, Fang Shihua did not say, Huang Qingsi also know what Fang Shihua means.

"Yes, so, how can they quarrel, but I always feel that they are fighting." Huang Qingsi still felt that they were fighting.

"Well, let's listen again. In case we hear it wrong, won't it disturb their good deeds? So, let's hear it again. " Fang Shihua looks at Huang Qingsi.

After listening to Fang Shihua's words, Huang Qingsi felt that Fang Shihua's words were also right, and nodded: "OK, let's listen again."

"Let me go." She shouts at Wu Shao Ning.

This sound, let Wu Xuejuan's body shake for a while.

Zhang Shaoning, however, has never been so loud to Wu Xuejuan. As a result, she is so loud today.

"Zhang Shaoning, why did you do this to me? Why, you didn't do this to me before. Why do you do this to me now, Wu Wu... " Wu Xuejuan cried loudly.

"That's not what you used to be." Zhang Shaoning stares at her coldly and shouts: "you were not like this before."

"Wu Xuejuan, you are kind-hearted in my heart. You are smart and even more self-conscious. As a result, look at you. What do you look like now? Look at you, you see what you look like now? " Zhang Shaoning yelled and roared.

"I Oh It's not because of you, it's not because of you? I love you, I love you. Am I wrong? " Wu Xuejuan cried out, heartbroken. , the fastest update of the webnovel!