Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4098

"Would you like to eat first?" Wu's mother took Wu Xuejuan's hand and comforted her: "you don't eat What can be done, what can be changed? If you don't eat, you can't ask Zhang Shaoning to marry you, can you? "

As soon as Wu Xuejuan heard Zhang Shaoning's name, she burst into her mother's arms and cried bitterly: "Mom, woo I I'm really miserable, mom. I really love Zhang Shaoning very much. If I didn't have Zhang Shaoning, I would rather die. Really, I can't eat at all now. I don't have any appetite. Mom What should I do? I know that I'm not good. People will look down on me. I But I, I I can't help it. I Mom, what to do. "

"Silly boy." Wu's mother also knows that love is like this. It's no use persuading her. Maybe, Wu Xuejuan hopes that she doesn't like Shaoning. Who wants to like someone who doesn't like herself.

This is not to find their own suffering, but But she fell in love with such a person.

"Mom I think Zhang Shaoning, mom, would you let Zhang Shaoning come to see me Wu Xuejuan took her mother's hand and begged pitifully.

This kind of Wu Xuejuan makes her mother feel sad.

My daughter has always had a strong sense of self-esteem. When did she live like this.

"Mom I really miss him, mom Would you like to come to him? I called him and sent messages. He didn't pay any attention to me. Finally, he seemed to make me black. I Oh Mom... " Wu Xuejuan said and began to cry again.

Crying, crying more and more sad, the last cry on the gas can be sad.

Naturally, mother Wu can't see her baby daughter like this, but What can I do.

"Mom I also want to help you. My mother loves you too. Zhang Shaoning is a person, not an object. He is alive and not dead. He doesn't listen to us. If he is willing to listen to us, we will let him come to see you, let him coax you and let him marry you. If he can buy with money, no matter how much money it costs, Ma will buy it for you, but he is not Mom can't help it. Do you think he can come to see you when mom calls him? impossible. You also know his character. He said yesterday that he would not marry you. Even if you asked him again, I believe he would not marry you. So, do you want to If I die, my mother will introduce you a better boy, OK Wu's mother earnestly advised Wu Xuejuan.

If she can, she hopes her daughter can forget Zhang Shaoning.

Zhang Shaoning is excellent, and Wu's mother also likes it. However, Zhang Shaoning doesn't like Wu Xuejuan. Therefore, no matter how excellent it is, it's not their family's.

"No, mom, I don't want it, I don't want anyone, I want him, I just want him, mom You know, I like him from childhood. I only like him. No matter how excellent other boys are, I can't look up to him. Mom Can you help me, mom, I beg you, help me, I can't live without him, mom I want him, and I will marry him. " Wu Xuejuan cried red and looked at her mother.

"Well You child, you have no heart, you say, you Alas However, he doesn't love you. In fact, you also know that love is such a thing. If he doesn't love you, he doesn't love you, just like you don't love other boys. No matter how excellent you are, you don't love it, right? " Wu's mother clenched Wu Xuejuan's hand and urged her to say, "good, you listen to mom's words, good, good, don't think about him any more."

"Mom I have an engagement with him. I'm not afraid that he doesn't love me. It's ok if he doesn't love me. After I marry him, he plays enough outside, and naturally he loves me. Mom You help me, help me, let him marry me, OK? As long as he marries me, I believe I can make him fall in love with me. One day, he can fall in love with me. OK, mom, I really love him. " Wu Xuejuan continued to cry.

"How can I make him marry you? He doesn't even listen to his own parents. Is he willing to listen to me? " Wu's mother was helpless.

"Mom I have an engagement with him. He is a responsible man. Otherwise, if I give myself to him, and he wants my body, he will certainly want me. " Wu Xuejuan can't think of any other way, so she can only think of such a way to keep him.

"You, you really are Xue Juan, from small to big, you have your self-esteem, you have your pride, you have always been arrogant, but, look, you see what you have become, you You look like this, my mother really loves you, Xuejuan, you Can you be yourself? You can't live without a man Mother Wu sighed. She didn't understand how her daughter had become like this.

"If you marry me, I will not live Can you help me find a way? You can help me find a way. You call aunt Fang over and let her work together. I don't believe it. We think three people can't deal with Zhang Shaoning. As long as I have sex with him, he will marry me. As long as he marries me, he will fall in love with me. " Wu Xuejuan has been thinking about this issue these days, and has been thinking about it.We must find a way to let Zhang Shaoning marry her first.

"You, you really are I I don't know what to say about you Mother Wu looked at her daughter like this, but she was also very distressed.

"Mom, don't you love me the most? Can you help me? Can you help me. If I had a relationship with Zhang Shaoning, my father would not object to my marrying him. It would be better if I could have children. He must be responsible for me. " Wu Xuejuan's bright eyes looked at her mother and said.

"Well Why do you want to do so cheap yourself, do you think, if you really let your goal achieved, maybe he will hate you for a lifetime, ah, are you willing to let him hate you for a lifetime? Would you like to? " Mother Wu looked at her daughter heartbroken.

That was an excellent daughter and a proud daughter. Now, how did it become like this?

This makes mother Wu very heartache, really heartache.

"Mom I mean, I mean, I mean, for him, mom I don't care. He hates me or doesn't love me. I don't care. As long as he is mine, I want to occupy him. I just want him to be mine. Everything else doesn't matter. Everything else doesn't matter. Mom I'm begging you. Can you help me, mom. I believe that people's hearts are flesh long. Over a long period of time, he knows that I am good to him, he knows that I love him, and I am forced to do so much. If he has children, he will certainly look at the children's score, and will forgive me if he doesn't care about me. Mom, I know him. Mom, he's not a cruel man, ma... " Wu Xuejuan cried and said, in the end, Wu's mother could only agree.

"Do I have to promise you? If I don't promise you, will you just Have you been on a hunger strike? " Wu's mother looked at her daughter heartily and asked.

"Yes, Ma, if you don't promise me, if I can't get him, I'll eat or drink and starve to death. It's so painful to live. Why should I live? " Wu Xuejuan turned her head willfully.

Wu's mother sighed: "well, call Shihua first, discuss with him, and see what she says."

"OK, mom, call aunt Fang first and discuss it with him." Wu Xuejuan happily looked at her mother and said.

Now listening to her mother willing to help herself, Wu Xuejuan's heart is still very happy.

"You, you." Mother Wu looked at her daughter's happy look, but she laughed helplessly: "Alas..."

"Mom, I know you love me the most, and you know you won't turn a blind eye to my affairs. I knew you would help me Wu Xuejuan happily hugged her mother's arm and said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!