Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4090

Wu youyou understood Zhang Shaoning's words.

"So, what do you want to do?" Wu youyou probably understood, but he didn't understand what he was going to do. He asked curiously.

"Well, what about Zhang Shaoning? Can we wait until our engagement banquet is over? Shouldn't you care about yourself? Besides, Wu Linlin is your sister and Zhang Shaoning is my friend. Therefore, I will help you. You can rest assured. " Wen Zeyang comforts Wu youyou.

If you think about it, you can help yourself.

Wen Zeyang loves her the most and can't see her unhappy.

"Well." Wu youyou hugged Wen Zeyang: "Wen Zeyang..."

"Well?" Wen Zeyang said gently.

Wu youyou suddenly said to Wen Zeyang, "you are very kind, you are very kind to me."

Wu youyou thinks that maybe for others, Wen Zeyang is not so good, but he is really good to her.

"I wish I were good to you." Wen Zeyang gently kisses her.

Wen Zeyang just kisses her face, but Wu youyou hugs Wen Zeyang's neck, kisses his sexy thin lips, and whispers: "husband That's very kind of you

When Wen Zeyang listens to Wu youyou's tender call for her husband, he turns over and presses on her body. Once again, he kisses her red lips, kisses her, and kisses her affectionately

When Wu youyou and Wen Zeyang are both panting and extremely emotional, Wen controls himself. When he is ready to release Wu Youyou, Wu youyou hugs his neck and refuses to let him go. The more he kisses, the more passionate he is

"Wen Zeyang I want it. " Wu youyou looks at Wen Zeyang with big watery eyes and says with emotion.

"Dear Your body doesn't allow it Wen Zeyang actually refused Wu youyou's initiative, then got up and went into the bathroom.

Wu youyou blushed and laughed: "this man..."

Wu youyou is not angry at Wen Zeyang's refusal. Instead, she feels very happy.

Because, this man would rather suffer, but also want to think of her all the time, always for her.

That's great.

Wen Zeyang is really good.

Wu youyou also felt extremely happy.

Soon, Wen Zeyang came out, got into the bed and put his arms around Wu youyou. He thought that Wu youyou was not happy, so he began to comfort him and said, "I think for you."

"Don't be upset." Wen Zeyang coaxed Wu youyou: "because your body doesn't allow it. I'm not going to do anything to hurt your body, okay

"Got it?" Wu youyou said with a smile, "I'm not unhappy. I'm very happy."

"So, what did you mean Wen Zeyang suddenly found himself a little cheated.

Wu youyou should know that Wen Zeyang won't do anything to her at this time. So, on purpose?

Deliberately trying to tease him?

When you're done, you run?

Damn it.

When he thought of this, Wen Zeyang looked at the smile in Wu youyou's eyes. He immediately understood that the girl was intentional and the woman was intentional.

He felt guilty for a long time just now. He thought that she would not be happy to refuse her initiative.

"You Woman, you mean it, don't you? " Wen Zeyang was dissatisfied.

"Hey No, I just want to make love with you Wu youyou doesn't admit it.

In fact, Wu youyou knew that Wen Zeyang would not do anything to her, so she was so bold.

If Wen Zeyang wants to continue just now, Wu youyou must refuse, because she also cares about her body.

"You, you little goblin, alas What should I do with you Wen Zeyang sighed.

"I am such a goblin, you just need to pet and coax. What can you do with me? " Wu youyou is a little proud.

"Yes, yes I can only coax and spoil it Wen Zeyang smiles helplessly.

However, Wen Zeyang is deliberately spoiled, coax her.

"Husband..." Wu youyou called Wen Zeyang again.

Wu youyou knows that Wen Zeyang likes Wu youyou to call his husband best, so she chooses what he likes to do.

"Well?" Wen Zeyang asked.

"Thank you. Just now, I was not happy about Linlin. Now I'm happy. " Wu youyou said with a smile.

"Well? Because of teasing me? " Wen Zeyang picked her eyebrows, but she couldn't be helped.

"No, because Your kindness to me, your love for me, makes me very happy Wu youyou found a comfortable position to lean on his arms, and then played with his fingers: "you are really good."

"You say How could I be so lucky to meet you. " Sometimes Wu youyou doesn't dare to think about it.The thought of this made her face smile.

"I want a son, a daughter. If you have both children, you'd better be a brother first, and then a sister. In this way, your brother can protect your sister. " All of a sudden, Wen Zeyang said such words, which made Wu youyou a little confused.

"Er You... " "Then we will have two children."

"Well, after you get well, we'll have a baby, OK?" Wen Zeyang coaxed her and said, "next year, we will get married."

"So soon, didn't you say that you don't want children now? After we graduate, I still want to make my own career after graduation. " "I don't want to get married and have children as soon as I graduate," Wu said

This is not the life that Wu youyou wants. She wants to have her own career. She wants to be financially independent. She doesn't need to earn a lot of money. At least she can support herself.

Although Wen Zeyang has enough money, she still wants to have her own income. At least, in this way, she will feel more secure.

Although she believes in Wen Zeyang very much, she still thinks that relying on herself is the most reliable.

"Next year, I think. Do you think Xiaoyi is not cute? Don't you always praise Xiaoyi as cute Wen Zeyang coaxes Wu youyou.

Wen Zeyang hopes to have a child and a family with Wu youyou earlier.

"What about me, lovely?" Wu youyou looks at Wen Zeyang with a smile.

"Lovely." Wen Zeyang answered directly without considering.

"Well, I'll call you dad. You'll have a daughter, son. In two days, you'll raise your eldest daughter for a few years." Wu youyou said brazenly.

Wen Zeyang listened to Wu youyou's words and laughed: "OK, ok..."

"Don't you really want to have a baby earlier?" Wen Zeyang asked Wu youyou.

After all, Wu youyou was so sad without her child before.

"No. If it wasn't for the accident, I wouldn't have planned to have a baby so soon. You know, I want to make peace with you for more than a few years. How nice it is now, isn't it? We are both free. If we have children, we will not be free. We can't do what we want. " Wu youyou coaxed Wen Zeyang: "for example What I learned... "

"Well?" Wen Zeyang listened to her on purpose, but he wanted to hear what she said.

"For example, after we have children, we want to do our own things There will be obstacles. " Wu youyou said mildly.

"Well? For example What can be hindered by children? " Wen Zeyang didn't seem to understand Wu youyou's meaning, so he asked curiously.

"For example In the dead of night, the little boy is still awake We want to do something that we adults want to do... " Wu youyou glared at him, seriously doubting whether he really didn't understand.

How can you not understand.

"Well? What adults do? What's the matter? " Wen Zeyang continued to look at Wu you solemnly.

"Wen Zeyang, you want to die. What adults do is what adults do. " Wu youyou glared at him and roared again.

"I don't understand I still don't understand what kind of things adults do. Besides, adults do a lot of things. How can I know what you mean? " Wen Zeyang continued to pretend to be stupid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!