Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4087

"You, you You bastard, how can you be worthy of our Xuejuan, you... " Wu's mother was also angry, shaking and pale.

"Why am I I'm sorry for her, auntie. Please make it clear that I'm sorry for her. As I said, from childhood to adulthood, my brother and sister live alone with her, and I have never been with her. I've never thought of anything wrong with her. You don't believe me. Ask her, have I told her that I like her, and have I told her that I will marry her in the future? No? " Zhang Shaoning looks at Wu Xuejuan very seriously.

"Enough, Zhang Shaoning, you bastard, you scum man, you get out of here." Wu Xuejuan glared at him and roared.

Wu Xuejuan hated Zhang Shaoning at this time. She was really too much and didn't give her face at all.

However, Zhang Shaoning is also intentional. He doesn't give her face at all. She goes too far and goes to Wu Linlin to insult her. Why should Zhang Shaoning save face for her.

What Zhang Ning said on purpose is too much.

He just wanted to say that on purpose, as if the Wu family had cancelled their engagement.

In this way, Zhang Shaoning will be relaxed.

"You son of a bitch." At this time, Fang Shihua rushed in and stormed to attack Zhang Shaoning.

Zhang Shaoning didn't expect that Fang Shihua would suddenly rush to hit him at this time, and he was unprepared at all.

A loud slap on the face of Zhang Shaoning, crisp and loud.

"You..." Zhang Shaoning was stunned.

Fang Shihua slapped her face very loud. She was so angry that she would rush up to fight. However, after playing, she regretted.

From small to large, Fang Shihua was reluctant to slap Zhang Shaoning in the face.

Today, I even slapped him in front of someone else's house.

Zhang Shaoning looks at Fang Shihua's eyes more and more bleak, which makes her hands and feet become cold: "son of a bitch, immediately apologize, immediately."

"Don't think, what I said is all from my heart. It's all true. Why should I apologize? It's impossible for me to apologize." Zhang Shaoning finished and was ready to leave.

Fang Shihua knew his son, and when he was about to leave, he pulled him tightly: "I tell you, you must apologize today, and coax Xuejuan well, otherwise, you will regret it."

"Ha ha, Ma, I'd like to see how you made me regret. I've already said that I can't marry her. You can't toss me to death. Then let her marry a dead man." Zhang Shaoning is also very angry at this time and dare to say anything.

"Too much, really too much." Wu Xuejuan's father angrily picked up the cup on the tea table and smashed it to the ground.

"Zhang Shaoning, don't be too arrogant. Don't think we Xuejuan can't get married. You will marry you when you die? Do you really think highly of yourself Wu's father pointed to Zhang Shaoning angrily. His whole body was shaking with anger, and his fingers were shaking.

"The best way is to cancel the engagement between us. Tell your daughter not to pester me Zhang Shaoning was intentional. He wanted to provoke Wu's father so that they could cancel their engagement.

Anyway, Zhang Shaoning is not afraid to offend their Wu family, as long as they can cancel the marriage.

"Son of a bitch, my daughter will pester you? Don't put gold on your face. Even if all the men in the world are dead, my daughter can't pester you. I'll tell you now that your engagement with Xuejuan is over. Even if you come to beg me and kneel in front of me, I won't agree to marry my daughter to you. " Wu father roared angrily.

When Wu Xuejuan heard this, her face turned pale. She quickly took her father's hand: "Dad, you You don't, Dad

Before, Wu Xuejuan and Zhang Shaoning had an engagement. Now, if Wu Xuejuan's father cancels the engagement, then Wu Xuejuan has nothing.

Originally, Wu Xuejuan is Zhang Shaoning's fiancee. No matter whether Zhang secning admits it or not, if she cancels the engagement, Wu Xuejuan and Zhang Shaoning are nothing.

Although can not get Zhang restless person, but, Wu Xuejuan at least still has a famous share.

"Dad Don't do this. I'm going to marry Zhang Shaoning. Dad, I have to marry him. Dad, don't cancel the engagement. " Wu Xuejuan cried and begged her father.

When father Wu looked at his daughter who was dying to marry Zhang Shaoning, he was so angry that he pushed Wu Xuejuan away: "didn't you hear what Zhang Shaoning said? He said that he would never marry you in his whole life. He loves other women and pretends to be other women. He came to our house and asked us to cancel the engagement. Why do you have to marry him? Don't you feel ashamed

"You are a girl, you You're really going to piss me off. " Wu's father was even more angry.

Just now, he was angry and angry to death, but when he saw that his daughter was not married, he was angry and sad."He doesn't want you. He doesn't want you. What are you going to do to marry him? Are all the men in the world dead? Do you have to marry him? There are more excellent men in the world. There are more men who are more beautiful than him, more capable than him and more intelligent than him. Why do you have to marry him? You You piss me off. I tell you, unless I die, you won't be allowed to marry him as long as I live. " Wu father angrily roared at Wu Xuejuan.

"Dad, you I I tell you, if you don't let me marry him, I will die for you. " Wu Xuejuan is also a tantrum, spoiled from childhood.

"All right, all right, that's enough. Don't make any more noise." At this time, mother Wu also roared, and then looked at Zhang Shaoning and roared: "you see, now you see the result, are you satisfied?"

"Is it my fault? I don't love her, I don't want to marry her, it's my fault? " Zhang Shaoning, with a sneer on his face, looked sarcastically at Wu's mother and asked, "tell me You broke up my girlfriend and me I just came here to make it clear to you that you are so angry. I'll make it clear that I don't love your daughter. Do you think your daughter has been wronged? My girlfriend is scolded by your daughter for no reason and insulted by your daughter. My girlfriend is not aggrieved? " Zhang Shaoning looked at them coldly and asked.

Wu's mother wanted to blame Zhang Shaoning. As a result, she couldn't say anything when she was asked by Zhang Shaoning.

After all, Zhang Shaoning has a point.

Zhang Shaoning has lived up to Wu Xuejuan. They have never been together. Now Zhang Shaoning says that he is not willing to marry Wu Xuejuan. He seems to be right, but Mother Wu couldn't be angry.

"It's not a shame, is it? Don't be ashamed. Take care of your daughter and forbid her to meet this Zhang Shaoning. " Father Wu continued to roar, and after that he went upstairs.

"Dad, I will marry him, unless I die. If you don't let me marry him, I will die." Wu Xuejuan called out loud.

"Then you die, and I'll take it that I didn't give birth to your daughter." Wu's father turned his head and roared angrily, "shame, a girl has no shame."

Wu's father scolded ruthlessly and went upstairs without returning.

"You are satisfied now, aren't you? Are you satisfied with the way our family is now? " Wu's mother cried out a little.

"Ha ha, I also want to ask you, my girlfriend does not want me now, you forced me into this way, are you satisfied?" Zhang Shaoning roared: "don't think this is my fault, you ask your daughter, who is the initiator."

After Zhang Shaoning roared, he turned and left.

"The child, really I'm so angry. I'm sorry. I'll try to persuade him. I'll take him back to apologize Fang Shihua apologizes to Wu's mother and Wu Xuejuan and says goodbye.

With that, Fang Shihua left.

When Fang Shihua came out, Zhang Shaoning was ready to get on the bus. Fang Shihua then refused to let him get on the bus: "stop for me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!