Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4085

"Mom, she knows if I really love you. I can understand that you don't need to say I'll tell you now that if you don't agree that I'm with her, if you don't agree with me to marry her, and you don't accept her, then I won't accept such a family. I'll never come back again. You should think that you haven't given birth to my son. " Zhang Shaoning ruthlessly said this sentence, Fang Shi Hua Qi's whole body trembled, raised his hand, gave him a slap in the face.

The corner of Zhang Shaoning's mouth was crooked and he laughed: "ha ha..."

"You Are you going to piss me off? For a woman, you Are you going to break up with us? " Fang Shihua is still shivering all over.

"You are not depriving my love and my happiness for your so-called interests? You keep saying that you want to be good for me, but you have thought, what do I really need? If you really want to be good for me, you should listen to what I want and help me fight for what I want. That is really good for me, rather than depriving your conscience and depriving me of my happiness to complete your selfishness. " Zhang Shaoning is still roaring, roaring out.

"You You, we also pave the way for you, we are for you. We're older than you, we've crossed more bridges than you've traveled, and we know what's best for you. You're young, you don't understand. " Fang Shihua also called out loud.

"Ha ha..." Zhang Shaoning sneered again: "I don't understand or you don't understand?"

"OK, I'm too lazy to say these words to you. I'll tell you that Wu Linlin is a wife. I'm married. If she doesn't want to be with me three days later, you can't find me again after three days. Don't regret it." Zhang Shaoning finished and left without looking back.

"Shao Ning, Shao Ning, what do you mean? Please make it clear." Fang Shihua comes forward and pulls Zhang Shaoning.

"I've already said what should be said. I can't have anything to say. Let me go." Zhang Shaoning struggled hard. He had other important things to do.

"You let me go." Zhang Shaoning see square poem flower is still tightly pulling her, struggling hard.

"What do you want? What are you going to do in three days Fang Shihua knows his son's temperament and character. Maybe he doesn't just talk about it. In case, three days later, he does something stupid, what can he do?

Fang Shihua will regret it for a lifetime.

However, she doesn't want to compromise. She can't compromise.

"Say, are these words taught by Wu Linlin? Did she ask you to threaten me? " Fang Shihua has no good impression on Wu Linlin. She always feels that the woman is not good.

"Ha ha Is your son so stupid? She's going to teach you something? " Zhang Shaoning looked at Fang Shihua with a sneer and asked, laughing at himself.

"No, No That's not what it means When Fang Shihua looks at Zhang Shaoning with bloodthirsty cold on her face, she is really afraid.

"Don't worry about driving me." Zhang Shaoning roared: "don't worry, I won't be any better now. I said, three days Three days later, you will not see me, so if you still want to have a son, then take advantage of these three days, you go to ask Wu Linlin, ask her to forgive, ask her to come back to me, then, I will be good, continue to be your son, otherwise You can do it yourself. " Zhang Shaoning said coldly.

In fact, Zhang Shaoning said these words, his heart is also very painful, after all, this is his mother ah people, but, can mother do what she wants?

Why should he decide his marriage and force him to marry a woman he doesn't love? Why should he be forced to leave the woman he loves.

At the thought of this, Zhang Shaoning's heart is uncomfortable, especially painful.

What's more, Zhang Shaoning has always felt that his mother is a good person and a rich wife with high quality. As a result, he didn't expect that his mother would insult Wu Linlin, a poor person from the countryside, which made Zhang Shaoning unable to accept.

He was also very disappointed with his mother, also very disappointed, especially disappointed.

Usually in front of their disguise so good, simply can't see, did not expect

Think of here, Zhang Shaoning heartache can't breathe.

Finally, Zhang Shaoning was too lazy to say anything to Fang Shihua. He threw Fang Shihua away and left with his own car.

Fang Shihua was naturally worried about Zhang Shaoning at this time and drove directly to follow him.

Zhang Shaoning also saw his mother's car behind him. He raised his mouth and gave a cold smile.

He didn't care. Fang Shihua came along.

Zhang Shaoning did not go to other places, but went to Wu Xuejuan's home.

It's time to get off work at this time, so Zhang Shaoning knows that Wu Xuejuan's parents must also be there. This time he went to Wu Xuejuan's house, he wanted to say something clearly and speak clearly in front of Wu Xuejuan's parents.

At the beginning, Fang Shihua was a little flustered. She didn't know where Zhang Shaoning was going. Now when she looked at this road, she guessed that maybe the child would go to find Wu Xuejuan.My God, go to find Wu Xuejuan?

What do you want to do with Wu Xuejuan at this time?

Fang Shihua knows that at this time, Zhang Shaoning went to find Wu Xuejuan, and she must have said something unpleasant. Then Wu Xuejuan will be sad again.

Maybe Wu Xuejuan will give up the idea of marrying Zhang Shaoning again.

Therefore, Fang Shihua must be stopped. Stop Zhang Shaoning.

Fang Shihua quickly called Zhang Shaoning.

Zhang Shaoning looked at the phone call from Fang Shihua. He didn't answer it and hung up directly.

Fang Shihua did not give up, continue to fight, continue to fight.

After hanging up several phone calls, Fang Shihua still called. Finally, Zhang Shaoning was a little annoyed and picked up the phone with a cold tone: "what are you doing?"

"Shaoning, are you going to find Xuejuan? What are you going to do with Xuejuan? It's mom who asked Xuejuan to accompany her If you want to blame your mother, don't look for Xuejuan. " Fang Shihua has a pleading tone.

"If there is something to discuss, you should go home first, you should go home with me first, and then we can discuss this matter?" In fact, Fang Shihua is determined to let Zhang Shaoning and Wu Xuejuan be together, and he can't give up.

At this time, she can only coax Zhang Shaoning home.

When the two of them make trouble, they must know that the relationship between them will be affected.

Therefore, Fang Shihua is racking his brains to cheat Zhang Shaoning home first.

"Do you think I will believe you?" Zhang Shaoning knows his mother's character.

This is just to cheat him to go back, he is not so stupid, certainly will not go back so easily.

This time, he is going to finish what he wants to do, and then to pester Wu Linlin. He must let Wu Linlin return to his side.

"Shaoning, what mom said is true. When did mom cheat you Why don't you go home with mom first? Let's go home first Fang Shihua continues to coax Zhang Shaoning.

Zhang Shaoning directly hung up the phone, and then turned off the mobile phone, slammed on the accelerator, the car rushed out.

Fang Shihua didn't expect Zhang Shaoning would do this, so he hastened to speed up. However, the speed still couldn't keep up with him. Zhang Shaoning's speed was very fast.

"Well What to do with this child. " Fang Shihua sighed.

Quickly took out the mobile phone to call Wu Xuejuan, want to tell Wu Xuejuan this matter, so that Wu Xuejuan has a psychological preparation.

When Fang Shihua calls Wu Xuejuan, Zhang Shaoning's car has arrived at Wu Xuejuan's door.

"Auntie..." Wu Xuejuan is puzzled. Why did she call again? Is something happening again?

"Xuejuan, it's like this. Shaoning has gone to your house, and now she should come to your house." Fang Shihua said a little flustered.

"He What are you doing here? Do you want me? Did he mean to come to me? " Wu Xuejuan asked curiously. , the fastest update of the webnovel!