Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie


The image of her being embarrassed and embarrassed, with no bottom line behind, appeared in Gu Chu Xue's mind once again.

The phone stopped ringing.

"Hurry up and pick it up. If you don't, I'm afraid he'll really rush up. Look, we're all only wearing this sexy pajamas and not a bra. If he suddenly rushed up, we would all be seen naked!" Lin Shi Shi pointed to them as he laid on the bed, wearing only a sexy sleeping dress as she spoke.

This damned weather, it was too hot!

The heat was unbearable, and in the end, there was no air conditioner.

They bought a humidifier and turned on an electric fan, trying to cool it down. But it was still as hot as a dog!

As soon as Gu Chu Xue got up, she ran back, she didn't even have time to wash her face.

He had originally planned to return to his room to take a bath, but then he received a call before he could take a shower.

Gu Chu Xue went out to answer the phone. It seemed that she would find out about what happened last night if she did that when she answered the phone in her room.

She was very shy.

"Hello, is something the matter?" Gu Chu Xue stuttered.

"I'm in front of your school. I bought some food for you. If you leave, I'll send it to school for you. Come down and get it. Yi Feng Luo's voice was gentle.

Gu Chu Xue was truly moved.

"Yi Feng Luo... In the future, don't be so good to me, really! I don't have any relationship with you, we're in a partnership right now. In order for our cooperation to continue, I hope … Don't be too kind to me. "Can I?" Gu Chu Xue was a little flustered in his heart, a little flustered.

He didn't know why.

Maybe she felt she owed him.

Since Yi Feng Luo was so good to her, she felt a little guilty, a little panicked, and a little... He didn't know what to do.

"What's wrong? Didn't I always do that to you? Don't think too much. I haven't eaten in the afternoon. In the afternoon, there's still a meeting at the company, so you can come out now to get it! " Yi Feng Luo took advantage of the fact that he hadn't eaten and was busy, hoping that she would hurry up and bring it out.

"If you don't come out to get it, then I'm not leaving!" Yi Feng Luo had agreed with her.

"How about... I'll send it up to you? " Yi Feng Luo continued to ask.

Gu Chu Xue bit her lower lip. "I … I'm. I don't want to see you! "

"Why?" Yi Feng Luo was confused.

"Shameless!" Gu Chu Xue said bitterly. When she said those words, she realized that her face was burning red.

After Yi Feng Luo heard these words, he could not help but chuckle. "Idiot …"

That fool was doting and gentle.

Hearing that, Gu Chu Xue's heart softened, and suddenly, her heart skipped a few beats.

When Gu Chu Xue said these words, she couldn't wait to bite off her own tongue.

Dammit, didn't we say we'd forget? As it turns out, you mention it again.

Gu Chu Xue felt even more embarrassed to see him, she was already like this, it was already very embarrassing, so Gu Chu Xue was not afraid, "You … … Give me some space, I'm, really. I feel ashamed to see you! "

"Alright, then I'll … I won't force you to do so, but don't you think too much into it... All of these things are normal between men and women, so there's no need to be shy. Your roommates all have boyfriends, so they're very clear about these things. You can ask them if these things are normal! " Yi Feng Luo comforted her.

This was not what Gu Chu Xue wanted.

But in her mind she would think: Is that really so? Is it normal?

"They are male and female friends. It is normal for them to sleep together when they go out to get a room, but we are not!" Gu Chu Xue finally thought of a reason to refute Yi Feng Luo.

Yi Feng Luo laughed, "In my heart, you are also my girlfriend and my future wife, so it's very normal!"

"You …" Gu Chu Xue realised that he had taken advantage of her again.

"I'm not!" Gu Chu Xue said angrily.

"One day, it will be true. And in my heart, you will be the one! "Well, since you're shy and don't want to see me, you should let your friends come and get it. You bought a lot, so I think your friends will definitely be happy to come and get it!" Yi Feng Luo said.

Gu Chu Xue thought that was true.

"Then, alright, I'll get someone to get it!" After Gu Chu Xue finished speaking, she hung up and went into the dorm, where everyone was looking at her.

"Yo, how secretive can a phone call be? Look, he's blushing, there's definitely something going on last night!" Wang Mei Zhen was extremely curious, just what exactly happened to them last night?

"What are you thinking so much about? It's so hot outside, have you guys eaten yet?" Gu Chu Xue purposely changed the topic.

"Hmm? What? You want to invite us to dinner? " Lin Shi Shi asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Yes, but the dishes are at the door. Anyone who wants to take them can have them. If you don't, I'll let him go!" Gu Chu Xue said.

"You mean to say, Yi Feng Luo personally brought you food? Then, you want us to go get it? " Li Xin Xin asked.

"Why don't you go?" Wang Mei Zhen asked the main point.

"Hot, tired, I don't want to move!" Gu Chu Xue laid on the bed: "Anyways, I don't want to eat it, if you want to eat it, then go ahead and take it.

Although Gu Chu Xue said those words casually, in her heart, she was actually not relaxed at all. What if none of them were willing to go, what would happen in the end?

"Go, go! There must be a problem! I actually am not going to take it! " Wang Mei Zhen knew that whatever Yi Feng Luo had bought would definitely be good, so she had to go. Even if she didn't take them from the school, she had to go out to eat or something.

Therefore, Wang Mei Zhen agreed.

"Let me tell you guys, if you guys don't come with me, I'll take it back and eat with Chu Xue!" When Wang Mei Zhen said this, Lin Shi Shi also quickly got up from the bed, changed his clothes, and followed Wang Mei Zhen out.

Once they left, Gu Chu Xue, who was alone in her room, instantly felt the world had quietened down.

Gu Chu Xue felt unwell, the weather was too hot.

Thus, she took her pajamas and went to the bathroom to take a shower. She washed her face and brushed her teeth …

When Gu Chu Xue came out, the three of them had already started eating in the dorm.

"Hey …" "What about mine?" The moment Gu Chu Xue came out, he saw that they were eating by themselves, and was afraid that she would starve.

"Don't worry, your Easy-to-Total specifically told us to give this to you!" Wang Mei Zhen said as she pointed to the food in the bag.

Hearing this, Gu Chu Xue heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, or else she would have starved, and she didn't want to go out.

When Gu Chu Xue also sat down to eat, Lin Shi Shi walked closer to her with a dubious expression: "Hehe, tell me, what exactly did the two of you do last night?"

"It's nothing!" Gu Chu Xue answered somewhat guiltily.

"Don't lie to us, your Easy-to-Total said that you are not willing to see him because you are shy!" Wang Mei Zhen looked at her with an evil smile.

Hearing that, Gu Chu Xue gritted her teeth. Damn it, Yi Feng Luo, what are you trying to do?

They were actually hinting at their personal matters last night.

Gu Chuqi was extremely embarrassed as she lowered her head and breathed in deeply.

She could no longer feel the taste of the food in her mouth. She could only eat as much as she could, eat as much as she could, eat as much as she could!

"Last night … "You won't be given by him …" Lin Shi Shi winked at her.

"We are all good sisters, what's there to be shy about? Didn't we already tell you? Besides... How about we share our feelings? "How's your bed technique?" Li Xin Xin's face was filled with anticipation.

"I don't know!" I never had anything to do with him, so how would I know what his bed skills are? Furthermore, if he dares to force me, I'll sue him for rape! " Gu Yue said with a bit of guilt.

He lowered his head, not daring to look at them, afraid of being discovered.

"Then... Have you been stripped naked? " Wang Mei Zhen continued to ask.

"Stop asking!" Gu Chu Xue had no face to say it.

"Cough …" "Kissed?" Lin Shi Shi continued to ask.

Gu Chu Xue lowered her head and did not say a word.

"Haha …" "Sure, how about it?" Lin Shi Shi looked at Gu Chu Xue and asked.

"Heh heh …" Li Xin Xin also laughed.

Gu Chu Xue was the only one who was dumbfounded. She felt that her view of the world had turned into a mess: A bunch of perverted girls, is this really okay?