Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie


Just like that, the two of them left.

… ….

That night, when the two of them returned filled with joy, Lin Shi Shi was talking on the phone. When he saw the two of them return, he set her gaze on them.

"Alright, I understand, she's back now, I …" Tell her to help! " After Lin Shi Shi finished speaking, he hung up and walked to Gu Chu Xue's side. With a smile, he helped her carry her bag: "Come, come, give me!"

After taking his bag and putting it down, Lin Shi Shi hurried to pour himself a cup of water. "You must be thirsty, drink a cup of water!"

Gu Chu Xue was overwhelmed by the favor, she stared at Lin Shi Shi with an unusual expression, took the fire, and drank as she asked: "You, what happened? "Are you having a fever?"

"Why are you suddenly so good to me!" Gu Chu Xue asked her after drinking half a cup of water in one breath.

"No, no!" Lin Shi Shi said while laughing.

Wang Mei Zhen said in dissatisfaction: "Why does she have it, I don't?"

"If you do it yourself, you will have it too!" Lin Shi Shi pointed to the cup.

Wang Mei Zhen looked at her with contempt and could only bitterly go down on her own.

"Sit down... Is it hot? " Lin Shi Shi then turned the head of the electric fan onto Gu Chu Xue's body and blew on it.

The school is so shitty, it doesn't even have air conditioning.

"What, what?" Gu Chu Xue felt that Lin Shi Shi was abnormal.

"Cough, Chu Xue, are we good sisters?" Lin Shi Shi looked at Gu Chu Xue and asked seriously.

Gu Chu Xue frowned, her face full of suspicion. Looking at Lin Shi Shi's wistful expression, she nodded her head strongly: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Gu Chu Xue kept feeling that this was a trap, strange and scared.

"Then, this time, you have to help me!" Lin Shi Shi bowed to her with both hands: "Please!"

"What?" "What's the matter?" After Wang Mei Zhen finished drinking the water, she walked over and asked.

"That's right, what is it? Tell me first. If I can help, I will definitely help!" Gu Chu Xue asked worriedly as she looked at Lin Shi Shi's serious expression.

"You have to help me, you can. As long as you are willing to help me!" Lin Shi Shi was still unwilling to say.

"You're not pregnant, are you? You want to borrow money from her? " Wang Mei Zhen asked Lin Shi Shi in shock.

Lin Shi Shi glared at her fiercely: "Crow's beak! "Do you really want me to get pregnant so badly?"

Gu Chu Xue and Wang Mei Zhen both let out a sigh of relief when they heard Lin Shi Shi say this. She must not be pregnant anymore.

"Oh, it's so annoying. Hurry up and tell me what it is. If it goes on, I'm going to take a shower and sleep!" Gu Chu Xue was impatient, she was sweating profusely.

"Fine, fine, fine. I'll say it!" Lin Shi Shi hurriedly stopped Gu Chu Xue from letting her go. The company that my boyfriend's sister belonged to also felt excited about this project. As a member of the company, the department of my boyfriend's sister wanted to take over this project, and since my boyfriend knows that I'm familiar with you, I mentioned that you're familiar with Yi Feng Luo, so I wanted to ask if you could help? " Lin Shi Shi looked at Gu Chu Xue with a fawning expression.

Gu Chu Xue was put in a difficult position, "But, you know … Me and him, already. We won't contact them anymore! "

"Didn't he call you today? Didn't he come to find you recently? I heard that he went on a business trip abroad! "That's why I didn't look for you. I just came back today and immediately came to look for you. It can be seen how much he cares about you. If you ask him for help, he would definitely help!" Lin Shi Shi's face was full of pleading.

"But, work is work. Even if he cares about me, he can't possibly give this project to your boyfriend and sister's company because of me, right? I'm too embarrassed to say that to him! " Gu Chu Xue definitely wouldn't be able to do it.

"No, no, no. You misunderstand me..." Not asking you to directly tell Yi Feng Luo to give this project to my boyfriend and sister's company! " Lin Shi Shi laughed.

"Then, what?" Gu Chu Xue couldn't think of what she wanted to find her for.

"Everyone in their company wants to have a party, so …" Can you help me ask him for a few invitations? This time, you have to help. Please, you know. Besides, our family's conditions are incomparable to theirs. Although my boyfriend's family isn't that rich, but our family's conditions are too bad, in the rural areas, how could they possibly like me? If you can help me this time, my image in their family would definitely be much better, and in the future, they won't dare to turn their back on me, right? Chu Xue, you have to help me with this matter, it concerns my future. I love my boyfriend very much, and my boyfriend also loves me! " Lin Shi Shi held Gu Chu Xue's hand, and begged pitifully.

"But... Me and him. I even told him today not to look for me in the future, and you asked me to ask him for help. Aren't you making things difficult for me? " Gu Chu Xue was indeed in a difficult position.

"Chu Xue, just help me out!" Wang Mei Zhen advised: "If you can help Shi Shi this time, I believe her boyfriend's parents will definitely look up to her, and this will be of great help to her!"

Gu Chu Xue pursed her lips, feeling that it was extremely difficult.

But, looking at the longing in her good sister's eyes, she really couldn't bear to refuse.

"Then, let me try!" In the end, Gu Chu Xue's heart softened.

Hearing that, Lin Shi Shi jumped up in joy, "Ah, this is great, this is great!"

"Don't be so happy yet. I don't know if he will agree to it or not!" Gu Chu Xue did not dare say for sure. In any case, she knew that she had offended Yi Feng Luo, and today, Yi Feng Luo had taken the initiative to hang up the phone.

"Chu Xue, this time, you must help me! You must!" Lin Shi Shi held onto Gu Chu Xue's hand tightly.

Gu Chu Xue gritted her teeth, "Alright … "For your happiness, I'm willing to give it my all!"

Gu Chu Xue also lived in a village, so she could feel Lin Shi Shi's difficulties and pain, so she would definitely help.

At most, he would just shamelessly look for Yi Feng Luo this time.


Gu Chu Xue was immediately paralyzed on the bed. She was thinking, how am I supposed to find him?

Just then, Li Xin Xin came back from the outside.

Wang Mei Zhen looked at her flowery face, then ran over to her side and asked: "Woman, have you been in heat lately?"

Li Xin Xin glared at her: What are you talking about, you're so annoying!

"How is it going with your friend? Did you confess? You guys often go out to the sports field, did he buy these milk flowers for you? " Lin Shi Shi asked as she looked at the milk flower in her hands.

"Hehe, guess!" Li Xin Xin's face was full of pride.

"Chu Xue, what's wrong?" Li Xin Xin still could not understand what happened, but seeing that Gu Chu Xue was lying down, she asked in concern.

"You can just go and find him. It's a good night's work for him!" Li Xin Xin said.

Gu Chu Xue jumped up from the bed, "I don't want it anymore. It's already so late, what if he eats it? What a hungry man he is! "

"It looks like he treats you with … "Heh heh …" Hearing Gu Chu Xue's words, Lin Shi Shi laughed.

"Honestly, was it eaten? Such a charming man. If I want you, I definitely won't let you go. Furthermore, you lived in his house before! " Wang Mei Zhen's attitude of gossiping had also come out.

"No, but he's just a hungry wolf eyeing me, so I don't want him!" Gu Chu Xue didn't want it.

Gu Chu Xue felt that if she went to find him at night, she would definitely be taken advantage of again.

"Since I didn't eat you, then go and find him tonight. I think he won't eat you either. Quick... You have angered him today, so it is the best time for you to look for him now. As time passes, it will become hard to coax him! " Lin Shi Shi pulled her and pushed her out.

"I think so too. We'll be waiting for your good news!" Wang Mei Zhen waved to her.

"Do you really want to go?" Gu Chu Xue was a little hesitant.

"Go, go, go!" The three of them spoke at the same time.

"Don't worry!" Lin Shi Shi gestured an OK at her, because everyone knew that as long as Gu Chu Xue asked for help, no matter how angry she was, Yi Feng Luo would agree to it.

Not to mention the fact that it was just two wine party invitations.

What was this?

Actually, to Yi Feng Luo, as long as he asked his about the matter that he asked for, even if he had to give her the entire project, she would be willing.

So, Gu Chu Xue, you are happy, cherish it, don't make me angry again.

… ….

Gu Chu Xue walked to the school gate. It was getting late and she knew that she would definitely be sleeping at Yi Feng Luo's house tonight.

There were no more buses at this point, so he rented a taxi, sat inside, and called Lin Shi Shi.

Lin Shi Shi was confused: "Why did you call again? Could it be … You're going back on your word? "

When Lin Shi Shi thought of this, her heart jumped. If she really went back on her words, what would she do?

"Hey …" What's the matter, my aunt? " Lin Shi Shi asked while trembling in fear.