Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie


"Don't you feel sorry for me?" Wu You You was actually quite pleased in his heart as well. He was glad that his sister had her own plans and plans. She wouldn't die crying just because she had encountered something.

"I can't help it, what else can I do? What do you think I can do? That's all I can do, isn't it? Did I cry and beg his mother to let us be together? Hehe... She already took the money to ask me to leave Zhang Shao Ning, and even warned me that people like me shouldn't even think about marrying into the Wealthy Class, or into their Zhang Family. What can I do? I can only leave in a carefree manner. " Wu Lin Lin said with a wry smile.

Hearing Wu Lin Lin's words, Wu You You felt that what Wu Lin Lin said was reasonable, "Right, you are absolutely right. But, are you going to give up on the relationship between you and him?"

I cannot let Zhang Shao Ning's family members think that I am someone who will not let go of Zhang Shao Ning. I must let them know that it's not that I can't leave him, it's that he can't leave me. So, I broke up with him in front of him. " Wu Lin Lin continued: "Also, I want Zhang Shao Ning's family members to know Zhang Shao Ning's attitude towards this matter."

"Therefore, the moment Zhang Shao Ning received my call, he immediately drove back in his car during class." Wu Lin Lin thought about it. His heart felt a little sweet, and also felt a little heartache. She felt a little heartache for Zhang Shao Ning.

"Sigh... "Sis, tell me, am I right or wrong in doing this?" Wu Lin Lin suddenly sighed and asked Wu You You.

"You think it's right, that's right. "Don't think about what other people think." Wu You You was also not in a good position to comment. After all, it was Zhang Shao Ning's mother who had come looking for him.

"Then tell me, will I let Zhang Shao Ning down by doing this?" Wu Lin Lin continued to ask.

Wu You You thought for a while, "I'm not sure either, but let me tell you this, think about it, this is Zhang Shao Ning's family's matter, even though he knows that his parents do not agree for you two to be together, he did not manage this properly, so this matter should be considered his responsibility."

Hearing Wu You You's words, Wu Lin Lin felt that it was true.

"Yeah, it's him who didn't settle it himself. This is his family's matter anyway, and it's his matter, yet it's implicating me, isn't it?" If my family didn't agree to let me be with him, I would have surely dealt with it well, furthermore, I have now shown them my attitude, whether or not we can be together will all depend on Zhang Shao Ning's attitude, and whether or not Zhang Shao Ning can deal with me. Furthermore, I think so, since Zhang Shao Ning's mother is bringing that Wu Xuejuan over to find me, and even insulted me, and called me a lowly girl as if he despised me, I will have to take on my own attitude. I want them to know, I am not someone who will leave Zhang Shao Ning, I can leave casually. " Wu Lin Lin thought so.

"Yes, you are right to do so." Wu You You comforted her: "Alright, stop thinking too much. Since you have already chosen to do so, and furthermore, you can also hold your head up in front of them, you did not lose this round, so you can leave the rest of the matters to Zhang Shao Ning alone, and if he is unable to settle the matters of his own family, then even if you continue to be with him in the future, they will think of ways to break your relationship, and at that time, maybe you two will still not be together. Even if he does not settle the matters of his family, then you two will not be able to be happy after getting married. Right now, the most important thing is to see how Zhang Shao Ning will handle this matter. "

"Yes." Wu Lin Lin thought about it the same way as Wu You You, "Sis, actually, that's what I thought too."

"At that time, when Zhang Shao Ning's mother and Wu Xuejuan came to look for me personally, I was still a little panicked and a little confused. I didn't know how to face them, and was afraid, and I didn't know how to deal with them either, but after that, they kept insulting me, and I only fought back when they had no morals. Wu Linlin thought so.

Although Wu Lin Lin looked like a weak girl, her strong heart was not that easy to bully.

Wu You You was also very pleased that he could handle this matter well under the protection of his sister. He nodded: "Mn, you did the right thing, I think you did the right thing, don't think too much."

"Alright." Wu Lin Lin nodded.

"There are no classes in the afternoon, right? Let's go back to Grandma's for lunch. " Wu You You said to Wu Lin Lin.

"Hmm, no more.

Wu Lin Lin nodded.

"You're not going with Brother-in-law?" Wu Lin Lin knew this, but she seemed to be very busy with Wen Ze Yang recently.

"Originally, I said that we would eat together and return to Wen Family together, however, it is not an extremely important matter, so I will accompany you back to Grandma's home. I should go back to Grandma's place and accompany her there. After dinner, I'll take Grandma out for a walk. " Wu You You said.

"Are there any problems with Brother-in-law's side?" Wu Lin Lin could tell, but she was still sticking closely to Wu You You.

"No problem. If there's any problem, I'll just tell him." After Wu You You finished speaking, he called Wen Ze Yang.

Wen Dui Yang thought that Wu You You could no longer wait, so he picked up the phone and said: "Wait for another half an hour."

"Don't be anxious, I won't go back to Wen Family with you tonight, I'll accompany my sister back to Grandma's place to eat. Today, Zhang Shao Ning's mother and the wife that her family chose for Zhang Shao Ning are here to find my sister. Wu You You explained.

"Hmm?" Wen Ze Yang frowned, he did not think that the situation would escalate to this point, "Zhang Shao Ning is really a trash, he can't even handle this little matter well."

Wen Ze Yang's tone was especially disdainful.

Don't scold him, he's not easy either." Wu Jiu sighed: "Zhang Shaoning's mother is really outrageous, your standards are really too low! You scolded me, who was born in the countryside, with a slut, and even gave 100 thousand to my sister to get her to leave Zhang Shaoning, hur hur. If my sister asked for money, would she lack that 100 thousand? Even Zhang Shaoning would casually give us more than a hundred thousand.

"And?" Wen Ze Yang continued to ask as he listened to Wu You You's agitated words.

"Then, my sister naturally rejected him. It's not like you don't know her personality, after rejecting her, you would have to call Zhang Shao Ning in front of them and break up with him. When Zhang Shao Ning heard that my sister was going to break up with him, she immediately drove back here." This was all the things that Wu You You knew for now.

"Oh, that's pretty good. It looks like your sister is still very smart. They probably never would have thought that your sister would call Zhang Shao Ning to say goodbye in front of them." Wen Ze Yang laughed, and said with a pleased tone: "Linlin actually surprised me this time, I never thought she would have such skills."

Look, from now on, your sister should not bother with this matter anymore. If Zhang Shao Ning can handle this matter well, then your sister can stay with him again. If Zhang Shao Ning can't handle this matter properly, then she can forget about Zhang Shao Ning. Wen Ze Yang said.

"Pfft …" Hearing Wen Ze Yang's words, Wu You You could not help but laugh, "Wen Ze Yang, Zhang Shao Ning is your friend after all."

"If he is so incompetent, he is not qualified to be my friend." Wen Ze Yang was a little arrogant.

"Haha, if he is so useless, then he doesn't have the qualifications to be my brother-in-law, and doesn't have the qualifications to marry my sister, so, let's just treat this as a test for him, in reality it is a good thing for them, I think, if Zhang Shao Ning is unable to settle this, even if the two of them were to fight together, they would not be happy in the future." Wu You You thought so.

"Yes. So, let him handle it. " Wen Ze Yang said, "Don't worry too."

Wen Ze Yang knew that Wu You You especially cared for this little sister of his. Now that her little sister had encountered such a situation, Wu You You would probably worry about her, so he comforted her.