Skirt-Chasing Young Monarch: City Lady-Killer

Chapter 384

Suk saw the woman without saying a word, jumped directly into bed, and did not worry about the spring light. He bent over and pulled up the quilt, stabbed and went in: "it's OK! The first time I saw you, I knew you were not a bad person! I believe you

The woman sat at the head of the bed and pulled the quilt under her neck. She only showed her head. Her long hair was black, her cheeks were still tinged with a faint blush after drinking, and her eyes were big and beautiful. There was no initial panic in her eyes, but she added a smile. .__ )

"ah!" Suk just raised his hand, but it was too late to stop it. He looked at the strange woman in front of him speechless. He was totally different. He wanted to run away just now, but now he can't get rid of her!

"If I'm not a bad person, do you think I'm a good person?" Suk reluctantly went to one side of the sofa and sat down. He took out his half bottle of mineral water from his bag and took a sip of it.

"How old are you?" The woman hid her body under the quilt. She didn't answer Suk's question and asked instead.

"Eighteen!" Suk was not angry.

"Look! You're only 18 years old, don't you think I'll send sheep into tiger's mouth? I knew you were a good boy in the elevator The woman didn't know whether it was true or not.

"I'll go!" The corners of Suk's mouth twitch weakly. After making trouble for a long time, he is a good child! But who said that an 18-year-old man must be a good child? He was indignant and muttered: "if you hadn't woken up just now, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to laugh now!"

"Give me a drink!" At this time, the woman stretched out an arm and pointed to the mineral water bottle in Suk's hand. White Bi's skin was slightly pink, and green jade pointed to the mineral water in Suk's hand. . |

"isn't there one over there? Get it yourself Suk really speechless, the first time to meet, not only robbed his own bed, and now also robbed his own mineral water, or drink half.

"I don't drink that! What if you take the medicine? I'll drink what you just drank! " The woman took a look in the direction that Suk pointed out. There were all kinds of drinks in the cupboard over there, all unopened.

"I'll go!" Suk is really a black thread. He wants to cry without tears. I really don't know how the woman's brain grows. One time he says that he believes in himself, another time he says that he's afraid of taking medicine: "elder sister, make it clear that I don't have to force you to drink water, OK?"

Suk certainly won't give her her her own water. After all, she had drunk it. However, she took the initiative to go to the drink cabinet, took out a bottle of mineral water and threw it over: "do you like it or not?"

The woman subconsciously reached out to catch the mineral water, but because of her action, the quilt on her body immediately slipped down. Although Shuangfeng's underwear was half covered, it was still directly exposed in front of Suk's eyes.

"Ah The woman quickly pulled back the quilt and looked at Suk: "you did it on purpose!"

Although Jiao Shuangfeng flashed by, the half exposed skin still shook Suk's eyes, as if the light in the room couldn't help shining. Hearing this woman's words, she immediately asked, "what do I mean?"

"You are a hooligan, full of bad ideas!" Maybe Suk's age made the woman relax her vigilance, and Suk was really honest. After a while, the woman slowly recalled what happened after she got into the elevator and found that she really asked Suk for help.

Moreover, what happened after she woke up can prove that Suk was really a good child. At that time, she had only three-point movements left. If she really met a bad person, the result of waking up or not would not be much different. It is estimated that she could only lose her body.

So after I put down my heart, I didn't want to leave.

Suk shrugged his shoulders and showed indifference to the woman's reputation as a hooligan. He leaned back on the sofa and stopped talking.

"My name is Kim Shiyu, thank you! "This woman seems to be thirsty for a long time. She looks up and pours half a bottle of water directly. Then she covers the quilt and holds her hands on her knees. She still lives on the quilt. She looks at Suk and finally opens her mouth.

"Well! This is Suk. How did you lose your ID card and money? " It was the first time that Suk heard the woman's name.

"Hi! Don't mention it Jin Shiyu's face gradually returned to normal, it seems that the previous strength of wine has retreated more than half: "let my classmate be cheated, said to find a good job for me, after coming, the wallet and ID card are all handed in!"

"Pyramid selling?" As soon as Suk heard this, he asked subconsciously.

"I feel like all these people have been brainwashed, and even their good friends have been cheated. If it wasn't for their welcoming party today, I pretended to be drunk and couldn't get out!"

Suk nodded, often able to contact these things from the Internet, such as a pyramid scheme, someone wants to escape and fall from a building and so on. It seems that Jin Shiyu is lucky. When he meets himself, he unconsciously believes her words.

"Come on, don't say it. It's annoying!" It seems that Jin Shiyu was really hurt by his good friend. When he mentioned this, he frowned and looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost 12 o'clock. Then he looked at Suk on the sofa: "Hello! Come up and sleep"Ah?" Suk was also a little sleepy, wondering if he wanted to go out and open another room. Who knows, Jin Shiyu directly helped him solve this problem.

"Ah? Ah, what? Come to bed Kim did not know whether he was brave enough or too convinced of Suk, but he did not let him go out to find a room, or sleep on the sofa, sleep on the floor, instead of directly on the bed.

"Eh!" Suk suddenly became a little unnatural. Before, Jin Shiyu had been wrapping himself in the quilt and waking up from the drunken state, which made Suk's heart slowly fade away. However, when he heard this sentence, especially the word "go to bed", his body was inexplicably hot and dry.

"I put you to bed because I believe you, little brother!" Although Jin Shiyu asked him to go to bed, he still reminded Suk, but Suk's abnormal body just made his reaction a little slow and didn't hear clearly.

"Trust my little brother?" Suk more and more felt that this woman's performance was not normal. She spoke too openly. She would go to bed and have a little brother's voice. She had to have infinite reverie.

"After all, I'm sorry that I'm in your bed!" As Jin Shiyu said, she slowly lay down. The thin quilt immediately outlined her proud body curve. Two peaks rose from the ground. After a pause, she saw that Suk was still sitting on the sofa. She slowly leaned out her arm and lifted the thin quilt: "come in, don't you? I'll be sorry if I don't come in again! "

"In! Of course As soon as Suk thought that other people were not afraid of Jin Shiyu, he was a big master. He stood up directly from the sofa and walked to the head of the bed in three or two steps.