Skirt-Chasing Young Monarch: City Lady-Killer

Chapter 298

For example, gang figures of the old fool come out in droves to chop people. At least 30 men, or with green skin or bare head, rarely have hairstyles that ordinary people like. Not only that, they show their tattoos, arms and chest wantonly. . |

Zhai Lili suddenly saw such a scene and was shocked. When she realized that her position seemed to be the target of these local ruffians, her face began to turn pale.

"Suk!" In a hurry, Zhai Lili, no matter what kind of posterity, turned her head and pushed Suk's shoulder: "drive, go!"

"What's the matter?" Suk turned around and saw sun song walking in front of her. However, when she saw that Zhai Lili had changed her charming appearance, she looked like Pan Jinlian, and became a charming Lin Daiyu. She had been teased all the time. She immediately found her vent, which aroused her evil interest.

"Do you know the case of Li Tianyi?"

"Drive! What? Li Tianyi! Li Tianyi Zhai Lili constantly urged, at the beginning did not pay attention to listen to Suk's words, but after repeating it, she immediately widened her eyes: "you said Li Tianyi?"

This is not only a white face, and even the eyes are straight, eyes full of panic.

In the legend of the second generation of officials and the son of a rich family, his father is well-known and well-known. When he was young, he drove like a lightning rod without a license. He was grumpy and hurt people when he didn't say a word. He was nicknamed the silver gun bully. That's right! He is Nezha!

But now Li Tianyi is equal to Nezha, and is called Li family's double gun. |

the case that shocked the whole country is now hot. Zhai Lili must have seen the relevant information from the Internet. Now these underworld groups have bad intentions. Do they want to turn me around?

Suk didn't mention Li Tianyi. As soon as she mentioned the name, Zhai Lili suddenly lost her mind. In recent days, her colleagues have been talking about it, sighing that the world is changing with each passing day, and disasters are everywhere.

"Suk, let's go!" This time, Zhai Lili was really scared. She was crying in her voice and shook Suk's shoulder hard. But Suk didn't make her wish. She didn't move. She even quickly leaned forward and pushed the co pilot's door open.

"Ah Zhai Lili yelled out. The footsteps of the people outside were getting closer and closer. It seemed that the street was silent. She had goose bumps all over her body and was about to climb into Suk's arms without hesitation.

Suk was absent-minded for a moment. It is reasonable that this woman is too timid! In broad daylight, there was such a big reaction. Is there a shadow in my heart? Stimulated? At the thought of this, I suddenly felt guilty. Just as I was about to say a word of comfort, sun song and he had already come to the car.

When the light in the car was dim, it seemed that someone had come to the side of the car. Zhai Lili's body was shaking involuntarily. Her body had been tilted into Suk's arms, and the two large masses of soft meat on her chest were directly pressed on Suk's arm.


After sun song finished, all the people behind him called out in unison: "boss!"

Suk couldn't move when she wanted to get out of the car. Zhai Lili was like an octopus, holding herself tightly, but she could only pat her on the shoulder: "Hello! They are not Li Tianyi! "

Zhai Lili slowly raised her head, but her face was still like gold paper. She didn't turn her head at all. Instead, she stared at Suk. Her eyes were very complex, panic, helplessness, shock, astonishment, inconceivable. All kinds of emotions were released by her eyes.

Finally get rid of the shackles of zhailili, Suk shrugged: "they are looking for me!"

"Boss? Are you their boss? " Zhai Lili took a long time to organize her language, but she still didn't believe it. After that, she subconsciously turned around and looked out of the car.

These people in black have arranged their ranks. It seems that they are ranked according to their qualifications. Sun song is the first, followed by Huang Mao, and there are four men. There are almost 20 people in the third and fourth row. Although these people have fierce evil spirit, they are all standing on one side now.

"It seems so!" While talking, Suk pushes the door open in Zhai Lili's shocked eyes and bends down to get out of the car.

Because of sun song's orders, the foreign restaurant has been cleared. The door is closed, and a sign is put up outside to suspend business.

In the hall on the second floor, five tables were set up, and the waiters were carrying wine bottles. However, these local ruffians, who love to hook up with cabbages when they have nothing to do, just took their eyes to indulge themselves. They were very honest and sat upright.

"Brothers!" Sun Songduan stood up before his glass, full of a glass of Baijiu, shining in the sunlight, glittering and glittering, and looked around at the crowd.

"Today, the boss said, eat and drink whatever you like! Enough wine, enough food, too much to eat, too much to drink! Let's drink to the boss first As soon as sun song echoed, the hall became lively."Respect for the elderly!" Sun song finished the moment, all the people all get up, all the glasses.

White T-shirt, light blue jeans, and Suk's casual clothes make him stand out among the local ruffians in the hall. He is fresh and refined, and his mood is not quiet. I don't know when he has been rejected or even bullied. After every grievance, he always fantasizes that one day he will become like Chen Haonan, the old fool Happy man, happy enmity.

But now these people in front of him are all his subordinates. After all, sun song is his younger brother. However, when he looks at these people, he doesn't have the excitement he imagined before. On the contrary, he is very insipid. Share bliss and misfortune together with baijiu.

also looked at the blink with his eyes. "Everybody calls me boss, I am a little boy. After that, everyone is one family. If you don't say anything, you can't have the same blessing." Suk learned to act like a TV show, impassioned, Gudong a, all dry.

"Share happiness and difficulties together!" It was like a slogan. All the people at the bottom echoed. After a glass of wine, the atmosphere suddenly became warm. Suk had time to take a look at Zhai Lili, who had to follow.

"How does the mineral water taste?" Zhai Lili sat next to Suk and asked in a low voice.