Skilled Doctor from Mountain Village


Under the little brother's lead, he very smoothly found their residence. Li Hu originally thought that this place's living environment was bad enough, but he never would have thought that the place they lived in would be even worse.

There was a small house right next to it, perhaps the only building in the area, but this house was already leaking air, and there were holes everywhere. There were many places where plastic sheets could be used to make up for the paint.

Li Hu walked up and sat beside the woman, using his hands to feel her pulse. The two brothers stayed by her side the whole time, not daring to say a single word, their eyes filled with fear and hope. They both hoped that their brother would be like a deity that had descended from the heavens, and cure their mother.

He took out a pen and a piece of paper from his bosom, wrote some medicine on top of the pen, and handed it over to the two of them, then said, "Go to the pharmacy and give this prescription to the doctor. Then, you'll have money.

"Little big brother, will my mother's illness really be cured?" The slightly older child looked at Li Hu with expectation.

"Of course, I will definitely cure your mother's illness. Hurry up and go."

Hearing that, the child's face revealed a look of ecstasy, his eyes uncontrollably filled with tears, he repeatedly nodded, and rushed out. Li Hu looked at the relatively younger child, and said: "Is there a pot in your house? Or something that can boil water? "

The little guy scratched its head and thought for a long time before it nodded and said, "Big brother, we do have something in our house, but it's been useless for many years. Wait a moment, I'll go find it for you."

The little guy walked out and started to flip through the weeds in the yard. There was a pile of junk inside, and after searching for a while, he found one that had broken the metal pot.

Li Hu looked at it, and then issued a mission to the little guy, "Right now, I have a mission for you, you have to remember your mission, and that is to cure your mother of the crucial point."

The little guy immediately stood at attention, giving Li Hu a military salute with a solemn expression. It was especially formal and Li Hu could not help but laugh. He stroked the child's head and said, "You go and prepare some firewood, remember to prepare more, the more the better. But you must not exceed half an hour, you must return after half an hour, and you must not lose any firewood around here. Do you understand?"

The child repeatedly nodded his head as he looked at Li Hu. Then, he said, "Little big brother, don't worry. I've played this place as a child and grew up. I definitely won't lose it."

Speaking of this child, Li Hu immediately ran out while bouncing around. Only after seeing the two children walk out did Li Hu let out a breath of relief. He stood up and looked at the middle-aged woman.

Li Hu took out a knife from his chest, and from the position of the woman's knees, he slowly cut through his pants. It was a pair of cotton pants that had already turned black, and was probably worn on his body the entire time, and very successfully cut the pants in half. Li Hu slowly pulled the pants down from his lower leg, and just as he moved, a stench assaulted his nose.

The two children did not know about their mother, but the main reason was because they had a small wound. They only knew that if they wanted to find food for their mother, they had to feed her with water.

It seemed that the wound had been there for a long time, and it was very likely that the mother had accidentally injured him while she was out searching for food. The wound was very deep, and should have already injured the muscles in his leg, and it was also about 40 cm long. Li Hu could not help but sigh at his mother's perseverance, if it was a normal person who was infected by this situation, they would probably die very quickly.

Li Hu slowly opened his mouth a little and poured some water into it. This was not ordinary water, but the water that the Old python gave him before. Otherwise, this mother whose body was so weak would not be able to withstand such a powerful impact. In less than two minutes, this mother slowly woke up.

He opened his eyes properly and looked at Li Hu. He could not help but reveal a shocked expression, his body seemed to be struggling. Li Hu immediately stopped him, and said: "Aunty, I am a doctor, and am treating your illness, your left leg's injury is extremely serious, I have to tell you, in a while, I will do a small operation on you, the process will be painful, but as long as it is done, you will recover soon."

Li Hu did not actually ask the woman to wake up on purpose, because if she was awake, doing such a small operation would cause her some pain. But Li Hu had to wake her up, and only when she was awake would she be able to observe some situations.

Li Hu held his breath as he concentrated, the backpack that he carried around took out alcohol and some other essential items, and immediately following that, he began the operation.

This was not the first time Li Hu had seen such an injury, but this woman's body was just too weak, so the whole process happened extremely quickly and carefully. In less than five minutes, he had completed the entire clean-up operation and completely cleaned up all the infected areas.