Sister, Back-off From MY MAN

Chapter 171 - Ian's State

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Song of Hun and Kiaraa sat in their car and headed to their home, on the way they planned to meet Aera and Ian.

"Whom do you want to meet first, Aera or Ian?" Song Ji Hun asked her.

"Ian" Kiaraa absent mindedly answered looking outside the window.

What she feared a day ago, indeed happened. Ian reacted extremely.

Kiaraa wasn\'t sure if his reaction got anything to do with the fact that he was still in love with her or is it because as a best friend she didn\'t involve him while taking the biggest decision of her life.

Kiaraa was not a fool for not being able to conclude the truth. It\'s just that she wanted to give Ian the benefit of doubt and hoped he was over her.

Kiaraa really disliked having a romantic relationship with anyone and Ian would be the last guy she has in her mind as she always saw him as her friend and didn\'t wish anything more happening between them.

But it pained her to know what he went through last night.

The ringing of a phone call interrupted Kiaraa\'s thoughts and the name of the caller was displayed on the car\'s dashboard.

Song Ji Hun just had to press on the answer button and even Kiaraa could hear the whole conversation as his phone was connected with the car.

It was Song Ji Hwan\'s call, so Ji Hun answered it.

"Hyung are you on the way to my apartment with Kiaraa?" Hwan worriedly asked as he just saw a message from Song Ji Hun informing him the same.


Song Ji Hwan hesitated but he decided to be honest, "Hyung, I don\'t think it would be appropriate if you two come here. Her state is still not good and I don\'t think she would be react calmly if she sees the two of you, especially together. I advice give her some time, a few days maybe before you two approach her"

"How is she now?" Kiaraa asked sounding cold.

"Not good" Hwan replied.

Song Ji Hun looked at Kiaraa, wanting to know what her thoughts were.

"Hmm, I am fine with not meeting her now. I anyway don\'t know what to say to her." Kiaraa was more worried about Ian, she couldn\'t help it, he was her best friend.

"Fine, we won\'t be coming there" Song Ji Hun assured his brother, who sighed in relief.

"Do update me on Ian\'s condition" Hwan requested and his brother agreed.

The two then directly went to the hospital where Ian works as that\'s where he was admitted.

He was in the VIP room, which was in the other wing, completely protected and secured.

This wing was created for influential VIP customers to ensure privacy for them and their families. It is difficult for other wings to know who has been admitted in the VIP section as they have a completely different staff.

Only the doctors are common for both the wings and the doctors of this hospital are well educated and trained so they very well know how to keep secrets.

Ian is a reputed surgeon in this hospital so it would be a disgrace for him and his career if doctors working under him would see the state in which he was brought to the hospital yesterday.

Therefore, Yang Nam-il took him to the VIP ward and given the fact that Ian works here and this hospital belongs to the Songs, it wasn\'t difficult to get him admitted there.

A few colleagues of Ian, who were also his close friends were informed about his state and they assured Yang Nam-il to take turns the whole night to look after Ian.

When Song Ji Hun and Kiaraa arrived there, they were directly directed to the VIP wing and to Ian\'s room.

Kiaraa worriedly knocked on the door, and was greeted by a beautiful but tired looking female doctor, who opened the door for her.

"I am here to meet Ian" Kiaraa softly spoke but this female doctor could sense the desperation in her voice.

"You are, Kiaraa?" The female doctor asked, surprising her.

Kiaraa just nodded her head in confirmation as she had no idea who this lady is.

The female doctor stepped out the room and carefully closed the hospital door behind her to not disturb the patient inside.

She hesitatingly looked at Kiaraa and was contemplating how to say what she intended to say without offending her.

"Actually, Ian is not in a good state and last night he kept calling your name in his sleep but he was crying and cursing himself. If he sees you right now, his health will be affected even more and it can worsen his condition. I know I am in no position to stop you from meeting your friend but as a doctor, who is worried about her patient, I have to prevent you from meeting now. I am really sorry but once his condition becomes stable, you can meet him"

This lady doctor tried to sound as polite as possible because she could see how worried Kiaraa was for Ian but for the betterment of her patient\'s condition, she had to take this decision.

"I understand" Kiaraa didn\'t fight or argue as she blamed herself for Ian\'s state and when she heard he kept taking her name the whole night, her heart wrenched in pain.

Kiaraa and Song Ji Hun turned around to leave, unexpectedly they came across Kim Do-Yun, who just arrived there to look after her brother.

When Kim Do-Yun saw Kiaraa and Song Ji Hun then an unexplainable anger rose inside her.

"What the hell are you two doing here? Was it not enough that you two pushed my brother to this state that now you two came here to see him suffer?"

Although, Kim Do-Yun had no right to behave this way, right now she didn\'t care about right or wrong.

She was a sister, who was worried for her brother and won\'t be at peace until and unless he recovers.

"Kim Do-Yun, Ian is my best friend and after knowing about his condition, how could I not come?" Kiaraa coldly questioned her.

"Best friend?" Kim Do-Yun scoffed as if she just heard some joke.

"What kind of a best friend doesn\'t inform her friend of her marriage? Forget that, first tell me what kind of a best friend is ignorant to her best friend\'s feelings for over a decade? Kiaraa, you just call him your best friend but you were never one to him. He was always there for you when you needed him but whenever he needed you, I don\'t think you were ever there for him. Kiaraa, let me tell you something that no one ever dared to say to you, you are the most selfish person in this world, who only thinks about herself. You can\'t see or keep anyone else ahead of you or care for them. You are a bitch…"

"Enough Do-Yun, don\'t cross the line" Sa Da Hye and Kim Hoon who just arrived there heard their daughter and Sa Da Hye scolded her.

"How is all of this Kiaraa\'s fault? I know you are affected due to Ian\'s condition but don\'t take out your frustration on her" Sa Da Hye warned her daughter and looked at Kiaraa, "Dear, I apologise on Do-Yun\'s behalf, please don\'t take her words to heart"

"It\'s okay aunt Da Hye, she is not completely wrong" Kiaraa too started blaming herself for Ian\'s state.

"Come, let\'s go and see him" Sa Da Hye suggested but Kiaraa refused.

"I\'ll come some other time, I don\'t think it is the right time to meet him" Kiaraa looked at the doctor and assured her she won\'t go against her suggestion and requested her to take good care of Ian before leaving with Song Ji Hun.

"Mom, how can you still support her?" Kim Do-Yun frustratedly asked her mother.

"You can\'t blame her for not falling in love with Ian, that\'s unfair" Kim Do-Yun was firm on her stand and stepped with her family to meet her son, who was still sleeping due to the high dose of medication.


Author\'s note

Thank you for the golden tickets and power stones. If we manage to reach top 200 in either of these categories, I\'ll do a mass release.