Sister, Back-off From MY MAN

Chapter 124 - Study Room

Song Ji Hun smirked in satisfaction, hearing her question.

"What makes you think doing anything can get you those notes? They are very confidential as some of the first year questions are directly picked from it"

Song Ji Hun smartly highlighted the importance of case studies he has to tempt Kiaraa and it worked.

"Song Ji Hun please, can you not help me? How about I\'ll owe you one for this?" Kiaraa was now even more determined to get those notes.

"Hmm" Song Ji Hun stroked his chin and thought for a while before saying, "Fine, I\'ll share my notes with you…"

"Thank you so much" Kiaraa excitedly jumped in her seat as she finally got to hear what she came here for.

"Calm down, I am still not done speaking" Song Ji Hun threw water on all her hopes.

Kiaraa sadly pouted but Song Ji Hun was unaffected as he had something better planned.

"I am ready to share my notes but I have some conditions."

"What kind of conditions?" Kiaraa seriously leaned forward, wondering what would be these conditions.

"Firstly, I am not sharing the photocopy or digital copy of my notes. You want them, you will come to my home and study those notes here. They are never leaving my home.

Second condition, you won\'t mug up all the answers but you will sincerely study those cases and will try to crack them by yourself before looking into the solution."

"Wow, anything else?" Kiaraa asked him.

"No, only these two conditions" Song Ji Hun informed her.

Kiaraa thought about what he said deeply, before asking him, "The first condition is fine but the second one sounds weird. How will you verify if I solved it by myself or not?"

"Well, I have no way to verify. It is about your own integrity. Even if you mug up the answers and won\'t solve the case studies on your own, then also I am not going to know. But you yourself will know that you broke the promise you made. If you can live with yourself even after that then that\'s your problem. Also, the reason behind my second condition is to ensure you learn business management and are not at a disadvantage. I am doing this for your own good"

Song Ji Hun answered her.

"My own good?" Kiaraa looked confused.

"Our university included these case studies so that we learn from them and the reason first and second years don\'t have access to these notes is because SNU wishes for you to solve the case study using your own skills. By sharing these notes directly with you, I am kind of killing your own capability to arrive at the solution."

"Wow" That was the only word Kiaraa managed to say after hearing Song Ji Hun\'s explanation.

After a few seconds she added, "Song Ji Hun, you are amazing."

Song Ji Hun was taken aback by her sudden praise.

Seeing his reaction, Kiaraa laughed.

"I mean, you need not care or bother if I am at a loss or not by using your notes but you want to ensure I do sincerely learn and not just mug everything here and vomit it all in the exams. I am just impressed by your thought process."

Kiaraa was truly impressed by this guy, who actually stopped her from committing a huge blunder.

Song Ji Hun felt awkward on suddenly being praised by Kiaraa and awkwardly nodded his head.

"Mr. Song, I accept both your conditions. Can you please share your notes with me? I\'ll sincerely work hard." Kiaraa declared and stepped towards him, forwarding her hand for a handshake.

Song Ji Hun stood up from his seat and held her soft hands in his, to seal the deal.

After many years, he was holding her hand, the last time being, during the game of treasure hunt which they played together.

He was glad their relationship was turning better.

After shaking hands, Song Ji Hun asked her, "Do you wish to see the notes now and try to solve one of the case studies?"

"Wow, can I? Already?" Kiaraa got excited.

"Why not?" Song Ji Hun raised his eyebrows and started walking towards his room with Kiaraa following him behind.

"You can walk with me, instead of walking behind" Song Ji Hun indifferently said and Kiaraa quickly took a few steps forward and walked next to him.

In a few minutes, they reached his room and Kiaraa was surprised to see how clean and neat his room was.

There was not one fault in this room.

"Do you have obsessive compulsive disorder?" Kiaraa questioned him.

"I like living in tidiness, call whatever you want to call it" Song Ji Hun casually replied and walked towards another small room connected to his bedroom, turning Kiaraa curious.

She followed him to see what is there in this other room and what she saw surprised her.

It was a mini study room, with a pile of books neatly arranged on a shelf on one side.

A big table and a comfortable chair arranged on the other side.

Two bean bags were placed at the other corner of the room.

It was not a very big room and neither was it too small. It was of the perfect size for a college guy\'s study room.

Kiaraa was impressed and loved this study room.

"This study is so cute and perfect," Kiaraa excitedly said, looking around the room.

"Cute? You think my room is cute?" Song Ji Hun was clearly offended by this word.

"Yeah, I mean look at how neatly everything is arranged here. So perfect, if this is how my study room is too then I would never leave it and will stay here forever."

Kiaraa didn\'t realise she offended the man by and kept blabbering whatever came into her mind.

Song Ji Hun smiled to himself when he heard her words.

"So, you want to stay here forever and never leave?" Song Ji Hun asked her.

"Will you mind if I do?" Kiaraa cheekily smiled back at him.

"Fine, I don\'t mind, stay here forever" Song Ji Hun sincerely said, his words carrying a deep meaning but Kiaraa obviously didn\'t sense it.

"Hahaha, you are funny" Kiaraa declared not taking his words seriously.

Song Ji Hun stepped towards the shelf and carefully took out a folder from the stack.

He placed this folder on the study table and carefully opened it.

"Kiaraa, come and have a seat.\' Song Ji Hun pointed at the comfortable chair which was placed behind the table.

Kiaraa galdly followed his instructions and comfortably sat on the chair while Song Ji Hun stood next to her and took out a case study from the folder.

He carefully placed the big bunch of papers in front of her and he zipped his folder before placing it back on the shelf.

He brought a pen and a note book for Kiaraa and instructed, "Try to solve this case study in an hour. I will be outside in my room, if you need any help, let me know"

"Thank You so much. Can you get me some water?" Kiaraa hesitatingly requested him.

The next second, Song Ji Hun picked up a cordless phone kept at the end of table and called someone, "Can you please deliver a bottle of water and a glass to my room? Thank you"

He then looked at Kiaraa and said, "This is an internal phone. Press on button 3 and the call will get connected to our kitchen, if you need anything to eat just politely request them and ask them to deliver it here."

"Wow, I had no idea, your home has this kind of service too?" Kiaraa looked impressed and the next second she realised something, "Hey, why did you emphasize the word \'polite\'?"

"Because you are a rude person" Song Ji Hun unhesitatingly shared his thoughts.

"Woah, seems like I never formed a good impression with you and your mother" Kiaraa joked, not offended by what he said as he was right and she was grateful to Song Ji Hun for doing so much for her.

"You anyway don\'t care about what we think of you, so why bother?" Song Ji Hun countered making Kiaraa smile as this guy is completely straightforward and speaks his mind without caring about anything else.

A quality which she generally admires.

Song Ji Hun then left her alone in his study and went to his bedroom, connected to it and opened his laptop as he had one assignment to work on.

Song Ji Hwan dropped by his brother\'s room to check what\'s going on with him and Kiaraa.

Song Ji Hun smiled and thanked his younger brother in a whisper and received a naughty wink in return.

After getting the short update from his brother on the current scenario, Song Ji Hwan left the room in satisfaction, proud of himself as he felt like the God of Cupid, who was bringing Song Ji Hun and Kiaraa closer.