Sister, Back-off From MY MAN

Chapter 122 - Competitive Nature

Next day, Song Ji Hwan was very excited as Kiaraa would soon be coming here and he found a way to bring his brother closer to her.

After meeting with Kiaraa last evening, Song Ji Hwan didn\'t update Song Ji Hun about the favour she needed as he wished to surprise him with her presence.

Song Ji Hwan was excitedly waiting for Kiaraa in the living room when he saw Song Ji Hun dressed up in his Brown leather jacket, white t-shirt and black jeans.

"Hyung, where are you going?" Song Ji Hwan worriedly asked as he didn\'t know Song Ji Hun has plans to go out for today.

"I am meeting with a few of my college friends" Song Ji Hun casually answered.

"But you don\'t have many friends and you don\'t like hanging out with people" Song Ji Hwan worriedly asked.

"Yang Nam-il is forcing me and I promised him that this time I\'ll come" Song Ji Hun replied.

"Hyung, please don\'t go" Song Ji Hwan requested not wishing to reveal the surprise without trying.

"You are not a kid Hwan, to stay alone at home." Song Ji Hun taunted his brother before suggesting, "Call your girlfriend and take advantage of the empty house"

"Hyung, please don\'t go…" Song Ji Hwan again begged but got interrupted the next second.

"What happened? Why are you suddenly acting like a baby?" Yang Nam-il, who came there to accompany Song Ji Hun heard Song Ji Hwan\'s request.

"Actually, I planned a surprise for Hyung…" Song Ji Hwan was about to inform them of Kiaraa\'s arrival when they received an internal call from their security.

Song Ji Hwan understood Kiaraa arrived at the Song Mansion and he forgot to inform the security to let her in.

Since, the elders in this house were out, they tightened the security.

Song Ji Hun informed the security in advance about Yang Nam-il\'s arrival so he easily got the entry.

"Yes, send the car in" Song Ji Hwan confirmed to the security before hanging up the phone.

"Did you already invite your girlfriend?" Song Ji Hun teased his brother.

"No, I invited your girl" Song Ji Hwan was glad Kiaraa arrived before Song Ji Hun left.

"What do you mean?" Yang Nam-il asked looking confused.

"You\'ll know soon" Song Ji Hwan happily smirked and the next minute, a White Sedan entered the premises and Kiaraa stepped out of the car.

At home, she told her family that she is going to Song Ji Hwan\'s to meet him. It was something common so her parents didn\'t bother much about it.

Kiaraa was feeling a bit nervous and when she stepped down the car and saw Yang Nam-il there, another super senior of hers, she wished to cry.

Yang Nam-il and Song Ji Hun were in the same class as they both opted for same course in the same university.

Seeing Song Ji Hwan there, was the only relief for Kiaraa but she cursed him for inviting Yang Nam-il too. She wished to talk to Song Ji Hun in private, request for his notes and leave without letting another person know.

Kiaraa is very competitive in nature and she doesn\'t wish to share these notes with anyone else, not even her friends.

At the end of the day, she prefers playing on the field alone.

"What is she doing here?" Yang Nam-il asked the two brothers.

"This is the surprise I was talking about, she is here to meet elder brother" Song Ji Hwan informed them in a whisper, trying to hide the big grin forming on his face.

"Me?" Song Ji Hun looked at his younger brother in confusion.

"Yes, she needs a favour from you" Song Ji Hwan quickly informed him and the next second Kiaraa approached them.

"Hi" She awkwardly greeted the three guys, unsure of how to proceed with the conversation.

"Hey, Kiaraa. Come have a seat" Song Ji Hwan guided her to the big couch in the living room and asked one of their servants to bring a glass of juice for her.

Song Ji Hun and Yang Nam-il sat on another couch across Kiaraa while Song Ji Hwan sat next to her.

"You two are going out somewhere?" Kiaraa asked Yang Nam-il and Song Ji Hun hesitatingly as both the guys were nicely dressed.

Song Ji Hun was not sure what to respond as he was in a dilemma right now.

He wished to stay back at home as Kiaraa specially came here to meet him, which is something he never imagined would happen. But on the other side, he promised Yang Nam-il that today he will do what he wants and would go out with him.

Song Ji Hun is not someone, who would ditch his best friend for a girl.

So, he didn\'t answer Kiaraa.

"Actually we just came back home after meeting a few friends of ours. I was about to take my leave" Yang Nam-il stood up from his seat and bid adieu to Song brothers.

Song Ji Hun was surprised but before he could say something, Yang Nam-il stepped out of the home and dragged Song Ji Hun with him.

"My brother is just going to see him off" Song Ji Hwan explained to Kiaraa as he understood what Yang Nam-il did.

Outside, Song Ji Hun scolded his friend, "You did not had to do this, I wasn\'t planning on ditching you."

"I know, that\'s why I had to do this" Yang Nam-il teasingly smiled.

"I saw you silently loving that girl for years and at times even giving up on the hope of ever having her as your relationship with Kiaraa wasn\'t like Ian or Hwan\'s. But today for the first time, she herself came here to talk to you. How can I ruin this opportunity for you just to hangout with a few of our batchmates. You can hangout with them some other time, it is no big deal."

Song Ji Hun hugged his friend after he was done speaking, "You are indeed a best friend"

"Now don\'t get very emotional and take complete advantage of whatever reason she is here for and make me proud" Yang Nam-il happily said.

"Thanks Nam-il"

"Hey, don\'t be so formal, just make my sacrifice worth it."

Song Ji Hun chuckled hearing his words.

"I\'ll try my best" he promised.

"Cool, I\'ll go and hangout with those guys, bye"

Yang Nam-il bid him adieu and left in his car.

Song Ji Hun went back to the living room and joined Kiaraa and his brother, who were having a casual conversation.

Kiaraa was talking to Song Ji Hwan but at the back of her mind, she was thinking how to bring up the topic of notes and ask Song Ji Hun for it.

Song Ji Hun didn\'t interrupt the two people and calmly sat there.

The servant came there and offered Kiaraa the glass of juice and left. When Kiaraa\'s attention was on her juice, Song Ji Hwan faked a phone call.

"Kiaraa, it is my girlfriend\'s call, can\'t avoid it. Hyung, Kiaraa needs a favour from you, it will mean a lot to me if you hear her out and help her" Song Ji Hwan said all of this in one breath and quickly left from there leaving Kiaraa and Song Ji Hun alone.

"Yeah, what help do you want from me?" Song Ji Hun directly asked her.

"Actually, I am studying in the same university as you. I am your super junior" Kiaraa was not sure if Song Ji Hun was even aware of the fact that she was studying in the same department as him.

Little did she know, how happy Song Ji Hun was when he found out she would be his super junior and there will be many opportunities for him to come across her on the campus.

At times, when he knows the schedule of first years, he goes to the floors where their classes are going on to get a glimpse of Kiaraa and when he manages to do so, he feels like his day has been made.

"Hmm, I am aware of it" Song Ji Hun replied in his hoarse voice.

He didn\'t wish to sound intimidating, but it was coming out like that turning Kiaraa more nervous.

\'Ahhh, why is this guy making me so nervous? I interacted with so many people in my life fearlessly but why does this particular guy is so intimidating and a bit scary?\' Kiaraa cursed in her heart but nevertheless she had to accomplish the task she came here for.

"As you know, our major exams are coming up soon, so I wanted some tips from you" Kiaraa didn\'t directly mention the topic of those notes and wished to build a conversation so that the topic of that important section will come up naturally and Song Ji Hun himself will mention it.

That was what she was at least hoping for so that her intentions are not very obvious.