Sister, Back-off From MY MAN

Chapter 115 - Finding Stranger

After Song Ji Hun came back home, he straight away went to his room and was surprised to see Yang Nam-il and Song Ji Hwan waiting for him.

"What happened at the amusement park?" Song Ji Hwan immediately asked as soon as he saw his elder brother.

His voice sounded worried.

Yang Nam-il too curiously waited for Song Ji Hun\'s reply.

"First you two tell me, what are you doing in my room?" Song Ji Hun wanted to delay the information to tease these two guys as he was currently in a very good mood.

"Isn\'t it obvious?" Song Ji Hwan frustratedly asked.

"No, it isn\'t" Song Ji Hun too tried to sound annoyed and intentionally turned his face sad.

Song Ji Hwan was about to argue back when Yang Nam-il signalled him to keep quiet.

"Ji Hun, we were worried about Ian\'s proposal and your reaction to what happened so we were waiting for you" Yang Nam-il patiently explained himself.

Song Ji Hun took a deep breath and said, "Don\'t remind me of it" he said and slept on his bed, covering his face with his right-hand elbow.

Song Ji Hwan and Yang Nam-il worriedly looked at each other.

"They are just in a relationship, Hyung. It might mean nothing in the future. Maybe things won\'t work out between them and they will end up breaking up"

Song Ji Hwan tried to make Song Ji Hun feel better as he assumed Kiaraa accepted Ian\'s proposal and this love scene which was witnessed by his brother broke him down.

"Yeah, dating is common these days, it doesn\'t mean anything. Not like they got married. So, don\'t be upset" Yang Nam-il too tried to cheer Song Ji Hun.

"Can you two leave me alone for a while? I want to be with myself right now" Song Ji Hun politely requested the two guys.

Song Ji Hwan and Yang Nam-il decided to respect Song Ji Hun\'s wish and give him some privacy.

After the two guys left, Song Ji Hun smiled to himself and locked his room door.

He then recollected everything that happened at the amusement park and there was a faint smile on his lips.

He heard a part of Kiaraa and Ian\'s conversation and he understood Kiaraa took his advice and rejected Ian.

Although they left after a point he could predict what must have happened and he was satisfied with the result.

The other thing he was happy about was of the fact that Kiaraa is not interested in relationships and love, so he was sure he doesn\'t have to worry about other guys who might try to court her in future.

With all these happy thoughts, Song Ji Hun had a peaceful sleep that night.

After Ian dropped Kiaraa home, she bid him adieu and ran back to her room.

That night she didn\'t have any dinner as she wasn\'t hungry and her appetite died.

Kiaraa went to have a bath first and in the shower, she recollected everything that happened until now.

Although she was glad about the conversation she had with Ian and sorted everything, she still decided to maintain some distance from Ian.

\'Soon college will start so I can just start going to office and train under dad. Even during weekends I can go to office and avoid Ian. It would look natural and he might not know I am intentionally avoiding him. I need to plan this properly."

Then Kiaraa made a decision to meet her counsellor Baek Ma-Ri the next day and take her advice on how to deal with Ian from here on.

All these years, Kiaraa built a strong relationship with her counsellor, who now knows her inside out.

There was a huge change in Kiaraa\'s personality from how she used to be as a kid.

Sometimes, she still taunts people and is arrogant but her ways of dealing with situations changed tremendously.

In spite of this change in her, except for her mom and dad, no one knows about the counselling sessions she has with Baek Ma-Ri.

Lee Myung Soo is still afraid of Kiaraa\'s future at Lee Conglomerate being affected if this truth ever comes out.

Choi Hyuk has already started training under his uncle and his mother, Lee Min Seo, managed to secure a seat in the board of members.

Lee Man Sik too is a member of the board so Lee Myung Soo is beware of his siblings and is trying to protect his family from any future wrath.

Therefore, hiding Kiaraa\'s counseling was very important for him in spite of the positive changes it brought in her.

After finishing her bath and changing into her comfortable clothes, Kiaraa stepped towards the table in her room where she kept that black handkerchief the stranger from earlier gave to her.

\'How can I be so ridiculous that I didn\'t even look at that stranger and took his handkerchief.\' Kiaraa thought looking at the piece of cloth in her hand.

\'His voice was nice and he gave me some good advice. Will I ever meet him again so that I could thank him? Even if I meet, how will I recognise him?\' she seriously wondered.

Then she closely observed the handkerchief and the golden logo at the bottom of it.

\'This cloth feels so expensive and why does it look like this is some custome-made handkerchief? Do people really customize a basic necessity like handkerchief? He must have been very rich to do so\'

Kiaraa concluded and turned on the study lamp lying on the table.

She kept the black handkerchief under the light and observed every bit of it clearly.

After spending a lot of time observing it, she noticed the initials AK written on the handkerchief.

\'AK? Is the name of that guy has these initials?\' Kiaraa wondered.

Then she observed the stylish way in which the initials AK was written.

Kiaraa opened her laptop and searched for the same initials on the internet and after a lot of browsing she finally came across an image which matched with the style of initials on the handkerchief.

When she opened that image, she got to know AK stands for Alex Kwon, a renowned fashion designer in South Korea.

There was a whole page of information on him and his work.

The latest designs and the fashion events he participated in, all that information was available to her.

She read about Alex Kwon and wondered if Alex was the guy, she met at the amusement park.

She then noted the address of the headquarters of his office which was in Seoul and decided to meet with him.

That night, Kiaraa couldn\'t sleep well as her mind was still a mess thinking about her future friendship with Ian and wondering if Alex Kwon was indeed the stranger she met at the amusement park.


After dropping Kiaraa home, Ian went to his house and when he reached there, he found his parents excitedly waiting for him in the living room.

That\'s when he realised he even involved his family in this whole thing and it is going to be a bit difficult explaining himself to them.

\'Ahhh, I wish I never involved them\' He thought to himself.

"Yayy, finally you are home. We were so eagerly waiting for you." Sa Da Hye excitedly said.

"Now give us the good news faster" Kim Hoon added with a huge grin on his face.

Ian wondered how to explain what happened to his parents as he was sure they will be extremely disappointed after knowing the truth.

Kim Do Yun was silently sitting there waiting for her brother to give her the bad news of him dating Kiaraa.

Ian cleared his throat and calmly said, "Kiaraa rejected me"

Sa Da Hye and Kim Hoon loudly laughed after they heard what he said and Sa Da Hye looked at her husband, "Didn\'t I tell you, this will be his opening statement to prank us?"

"Yeah, you know our son better than me" Kim Hoon smiled seeing the childlike excitement on his wife\'s face.

Ian helplessly shook his head and wondered how to convince his parents of the truth.

He again cleared his voice and said, "Kiaraa doesn\'t have any romantic feelings for me and she currently wishes to focus on her career. She doesn\'t need all these distractions so she rejected me. Maybe I have a chance in the future after she takes over the Lee Conglomerate but for now, it is not happening"

He said everything in one single breath so that his parents doesn\'t interrupt him in between.

"Wow, you look so serious" Sa Da Hye now realised Ian was not lying as he was on the verge of crying.

Ian then slightly cried and informed his parents of what exactly happened.

After listening to all of it, Ian\'s parents tried to cheer him up and expressed their support in helping him overcome this sadness.

They assured him that in future Kiaraa might change her decision and they are always there for him, helping Ian feel better.

That night Ian too had difficulty falling asleep but the hope of being with Kiaraa in future kept him going.