Sister, Back-off From MY MAN

Chapter 112 - Confession

Kiaraa looked around the amusement park in astonishment, her eyebrows furrowed when she realized that this place was familiar.

"Ian, if I am not wrong, we once visited this place, right?" Kiaraa asked him, still looking at her surroundings.

Ian lightly smiled and nodded his head, "Yeah, around four years ago we did come here"

"If I remember correctly, we visited this park in the morning so that we can enjoy as many rides as possible." She turned to face him, "Then why the hell did you bring me at this hour? This amusement park is going to be closed soon, what are you thinking Ian?" Kiaraa asked him, looking annoyed.

Ian just smiled and held her hand, he pulled her closer and wrapped his right hand around her shoulder, "Do you trust me?" he asked looking into her eyes.

Kiaraa rolled her eyes and didn\'t answer him.

Ian pulled her more closer closing the distance between them, "Answer me" He seriously said still looking into her eyes.

Kiaraa didn\'t feel the change or intensity in his actions, she just casually nodded her head, looking indifferent, "Obviously I trust you, Ian. I literally grew up with you"

"Then don\'t worry and keep following me. I have the most beautiful surprise for you" Ian smiled happily as he was satisfied with her response.

Then Ian took Kiaraa to one side of the amusement park, which was away from the crowd. With every step they took towards their destination, the lights were turning dim as they were entering darkness and the people around them were lesser.

Kiaraa was not scared or afraid as she indeed trusts Ian. She was looking forward to the surprise he planned for her, unknown to her of how their relationship is going to change post seeing what he planned.

After walking a certain distance, Ian and Kiaraa reached a very isolated, dark place. There was literally so much darkness ahead of them that nothing was visible to one\'s naked eye, even the road ahead couldn\'t be seen.

"Are you sure we are at the right place?" Kiaraa doubtfully asked Ian.

"Hmm" Ian just hummed and turned to stand face-to-face with Kiaraa.

"Kiaraa, I want you to close your eyes" Ian seriously informed her.

Kiaraa again rolled her eyes, "Ian, you know I am not into cheesy stuff like this" Kiaraa was slowly losing her patience.

"Kiaraa, please" Ian patiently requested her, not annoyed by her actions.

"Whatever" Kiaraa then closed her eyes.

Ian smiled and stepped away from her.

After a few seconds, Kiaraa heard a voice, coming from a mic, calling her name – Kiaraa, and she slowly opened her eyes.

There was still the same darkness ahead of her and she couldn\'t understand a thing.

"Kiaraa, I don\'t remember the day I exactly met you but for as long as I remember my life, I always see you with me" The voice spoke in the mic and Kiaraa frowned her eyebrows as she didn\'t understand why Ian was using a mic to say all this.

Nevertheless, her eyes were searching for him in the darkness as she couldn\'t see him, only could hear him.

"Even when I think of my future or imagine it, you are always there. It is like I can never imagine my past, present or my future without you" Ian continued expressing his feelings while Kiaraa stood rooted in her spot, confused at this scenario.

"I don\'t know the exact moment when I realized this, but I know I am nothing without you and I am everything with you. It won\'t be too much to say, you are in my every heart beat and in every particle of air I breathe."

At this moment, Kiaraa narrowed her eyes and thought, "What the hell is he talking about? Is he drunk?"

"Lee Kiaraa, I waited for this moment for many years now and today I wish to tell you, not just you but to this world, I wish to say – I LOVE YOU, KIARAA" Ian shouted the last four words very loudly as if declaring his love to the world.

Exactly at this moment the lights were turned on and the effect was so strong that it hurt Kiaraa\'s eyes and she immediately covered them with her elbow by bending to one side.

With the sudden effect of these lights mixed with Ian\'s confession, Kiaraa\'s mind suddenly went blank and it took her a few seconds to register her surroundings.

After adjusting her eyes to the bright lights, Kiaraa slowly moved her elbow away and looked ahead of her.

What greeted her eyes was the view of a big tree decorated with beautiful fairy lights, there was a big four columned structure decorated with exquisite, expensive flowers. There was a bottle of champagne on the table with a red ribbon tied around it.

Two chairs were around the table on the opposite sides.

There was enough space next to the table, where a couple can dance freely if they wish to.

The decorations was so beautiful that it looked dreamy and would make one feel romantic.

Kiaraa then looked at the man, who was sitting on one of his knees in the signature style of a man proposing, holding a big bouquet of flowers in his hand and a big wide smile painted on his lips.

Kiaraa recollected his love confession and again looked at the romantic setting behind him before looking back at Ian.

Clearing her voice, she seriously asked, "Ian, what kind of a prank is this?"

Ian kind of expected this reaction from her as he could understand how affected she would be after suddenly finding out about his deep feelings for her.

It was normal.

So, he calmly answered her, "Kiaraa, I had been wanting to confess my feelings for you for a while now. The last two years were crucial for you and I didn\'t wish for you to have any distractions especially from my end, so I waited for the right time."

"Ian, this is a prank, right? Song Ji Hwan are you hiding somewhere?" Kiaraa ignored everything he said and looked at her surroundings.

Ian was confused at her reaction and called her name but Kiaraa started checking her surroundings as if she was searching for their other friend.

"I am sure it is some prank; Hwan will now suddenly jump in and will say busted." Kiaraa declared.

Kiaraa was clearly freaking out and seeing her reaction, Ian stood up from the ground and held her hand, stopping her from moving from one place to another.

Ian too turned serious.

"Kiaraa, this is not a prank. You think I will put so much efforts to just prank you? Did I ever do anything like that?" Ian seriously questioned her but Kiaraa avoided looking into his eyes.

"K, look at me" Ian ordered seeing her head lowered down.

Kiaraa shook her head in no, refusing to lift her head.

Ian got worried seeing the sudden change in her.

Till date, Kiaraa never acted like this. If she didn\'t like something she just said that out aloud, not caring about anyone in this world.

This was the first time she suddenly went silent like this and refused to respond.

"Kiaraa, please look at me" Ian again requested her as softly as possible but Kiaraa again shook her head, still looking at the ground below.

Having no choice, Ian held her chin and gently lifted her face, only to get the shock of his life. There were tears in Kiaraa\'s eyes.

The moment Kiaraa and Ian\'s eyes met each other\'s, Kiaraa pushed him and his hand away and ran away from there with as fast as she could.

By the time, Ian balanced himself from the force Kiaraa pushed him with, the girl was gone.

Worriedly, Ian ran his fingers through his hair as he was not sure how to react.

This was literally the first time in his life, he saw Kiaraa cry. The image of tears surrounding the beautiful eyes of the woman he has always been in love with, was already very heart wrenching to allow him to think straight.

On top of that, she suddenly pushed him away, embarrassed that he saw tears in her eyes and ran away from there, in this amusement park which was still fairly crowded and extremely big.

By now, she could be anywhere, in or out of this amusement park. Ian got worried as it was late night and if she is lost somewhere and he is not able to find her, it would be a big mess.

Kiaraa was his responsibility and he is supposed to safely drop her back at her home. This sudden turn of events therefore worried him and he regretted forcing her to look at him, leading to all of this.

Ian quickly started searching for Kiaraa, running all over the place unknown of the fact that since the moment he and Kiaraa entered the amusement park, there was someone who followed them inside and witnessed everything that took place until now.

This person, managed to follow Kiaraa and was currently with her.