Sister, Back-off From MY MAN

Chapter 110 - Propose To Her

When Aera opened her eyes, the view of a shocked Sa Da Hye and a smiling Song Ji Hwan came in front of her.

She didn\'t understand why her aunt looked so surprised and why Hwan was so happy.

"Can I go back to play?" Aera calmly asked them.

"Yeah, go. Thank you so much, Aera. Now you only owe me Two Hundred and thirty-three favours, remember that" Song Ji Hwan reiterated.

Nodding her head, Aera happily left, glad that she completed at least one favour she owed Song Ji Hwan.

After Aera left, Hwan turned to Sa Da Hye, who was still in a daze after listening to that song.

"So, what do you think now?" Song Ji Hwan confidently smiled at her.

"How did we never know Aera had this kind of beautiful voice?" Sa Da Hye commented.

"We never bother ourselves with her" Song Ji Hwan spoke the harsh truth.

"True" Sa Da Hye agreed with him.

"So, aunt Da Hye, should we sign Aera?" Song Ji Hwan asked her.

"Hwan, it is still a big decision. I need to discuss about this with Hoon and then with the Lees. But don\'t you worry, I\'ll make this happen. Aera is a kind of rare talent I am not going to lose." Sa Da Hye declared.

"Hmm, she will definitely mine a lot of money for KH Entertainment" Song Ji Hwan spoke the unsaid words.

Sa Da Hye looked at him before commenting, "You have an eye for talent"

"Thank you" Song Ji Hwan dramatically bowed to her and left from there as he was sure after listening to Aera\'s voice, there would be no way Sa Da Hye would give up on her. By hook or by crook she will make it happen.

Therefore, his work was done here.

In the next few days, Sa Da Hye indeed tried her best in signing Aera.

Initially, Lee Myung Soo and Chu Yu Ri were shocked too as they had no idea their daughter was so good at singing.

They were aware she is a good pianist as she took professional classes but singing was something they too were unaware of.

Aera was made to sing in front of her parents and Kim Hoon multiple times, she reluctantly did so but after receiving appreciation from them, her confidence level increased and she sang even better.

Within two months, Aera was signed as an artist under KH Entertainment company with assurance from the Kims to take good care of her.

Aera had no idea her life would be changing from here; she just went along with what her parents and family friends suggested to her.

Eventually her life became busy from here on as her training began.

The Lees talked to the school authorities and hired a personal tutor for Aera, who gives her school lessons during her break time from the rehearsals and practice.

On the day of her exams, she appears in the school and gives exams with her peers.

This way, Aera\'s life changed and she became busy at a very young age.

Kiaraa was happy for her sister, as she was doing something productive with her life instead of spending all her time thinking about Song Ji Hun.

This way two years passed away and in these two years, Song Ji Hun completed two years of his graduation and was already being trained under his father in understanding their business.

Ian completed two years in medicine and he tried his best to control himself from confessing his feelings to Kiaraa as she was going through the most important two years of her life.

Kiaraa and Song Ji Hwan\'s lives became very busy in these two years with all the study pressure but they two successfully completed their twelfth grades with flying colours.

Kiaraa decided to walk in the same footsteps as Song Ji Hun as she too wished to take over the Lee Conglomerate some day and took admission in Seoul National University, thus becoming a super junior of Song Ji Hun.

Song Ji Hwan too took admission in the same university but he opted for Media Arts.

Overall, all the four children were studying in Seoul National University but in different courses except for Kiaraa and Song Ji Hun, who were in the same department.

The parents were very happy with their children\'s progress and couldn\'t be prouder.

Now that Kiaraa was settled in her career and was about to start her college soon in a month, Ian decided it is time to confess his feelings for her.

He had been waiting to do so for two years now but he didn\'t wish to affect Kiaraa\'s studies. Now that she was enjoying her vacation break before starting college, Ian made an elaborated plan to confess his feelings for her.

"Hwan, come and meet me urgently, I have something important to tell you" Ian made a call to Song Ji Hwan on a Friday evening.

Song Ji Hwan was at a café hanging out with his girlfriend when he received this call.

After spending some time with her he leisurely went to the Kim Mansion to meet Ian.

He was sure whatever urgent work Ian mentioned can wait, so he didn\'t rush himself.

When Hwan visited the Kim Mansion, he was surprised to see the current atmosphere.

Kim Hoon, Sa Da Hye and Ian were seriously discussing something, Kim Hoon and Sa Da Hye were giving him some suggestions while Ian was seriously nodding his head.

"Am I disturbing your family time?" Song Ji Hwan joked and joined the three people.

"Why are you so late?" Ian glared at his friend.

"Traffic" Hwan lied through thin teeth and asked, "What serious discussion is going on that you people needed my participation too?"

"After me, you are the closest to Kiaraa, so I wanted your advice, that\'s why I called you" Ian informed him the purpose behind rushing him so urgently.

"Advice in what?"

"In proposing to her" A huge smile was spread across Ian\'s face with the thought of what he is planning to do.

Song Ji Hwan\'s jaw dropped when he heard Ian\'s words and in reflex, he looked at Sa Da Hye and Kim Hoon, who too looked excited.

"Propose as in?" Song Ji Hwan again asked although he understood what Ian meant.

"Propose as in, confess my feelings to Kiaraa, informing her how much I loved her all these years and how I wish to date her from now on" Ian confidently answered him.

"And you two are fine with it?" Song Ji Hwan asked Ian\'s parents hoping for them to stop him.

"We are the ones, who encouraged him to take this step as finally Kiaraa is done with school and is going to enter college" Sa Da Hye answered him.

"Yeah, but why are you rushing it? I mean just wait and see…"

"Why do you look so terrified? Please don\'t tell me you are also in love with Kiaraa?" Kim Hoon asked Song Ji Hwan as this guy was suddenly sweating.

Song Ji Hwan awkwardly chuckled and shook his head, "I already have a girlfriend and I see Kiaraa only as a friend. It is just that, two years ago she told me she sees Ian only as a friend. So, I am a bit worried"

"Just chill, it was two years ago and I have a whole plan ready. Kiaraa will definitely say yes and we will begin dating from tomorrow" Ian confidently declared.

"Tomorrow? What do you mean by tomorrow?" Song Ji Hwan was confused.

"I am going to propose to her tomorrow evening"

"Where?" Song Ji Hwan didn\'t expect things to happen so fast.

Ian, Sa Da Hye and Kim Hoon looked at each other and smiled happily.

"Seoul Amusement Park" The three people declared together.

"That Park where we went years ago during vacation?" Song Ji Hwan recollected the time when all the six children and their fathers went to the amusement park during one of their summer breaks.

"Yes, we all played treasure hunt, remember but none of us took it seriously?" Ian added.

"Yeah, but why there?"

"That\'s where I proposed to Sa Da Hye years ago. So, we are kind of continuing the tradition. It can become a part of our family legacy" Kim Hoon proudly informed Song Ji Hwan.

"Yeah, my and Kiaraa\'s son will propose to his girl at the same amusement park" Ian joked.

\'Don\'t go way ahead of yourself\' Song Ji Hwan thought to himself but didn\'t dare say it out aloud.

"It would be so cute" Sa Da Hye happily declared already imagining her future grandchildren.

"So, you will just take her there and confess?" Song Ji Hwan asked Ian.

"No, it won\'t be that simple. I booked one part of the amusement park, I\'ll lavishly and extravagantly propose to her there."

"It seems you spent a lot of money on it" Song Ji Hwan concluded.

"Kiaraa is totally worth it" Ian dreamily declared and got teased by his parents.

Song Ji Hwan looked at this family in confusion as he was not sure how else to react.