Since When Did You Have The Illusion That You Don't Have Magical Powers?!

CH 97

Characters in this chapter:



As soon as she saw my face, Madam Adeline rushed over at a speed unacceptable for an aristocratic lady and hugged me tightly. Madam Adeline was thin, but her arms were much stronger than I expected, and I let out a squeaky cry like a crushed frog. Unlike the times with Kingsleigh-san, Percival does not try to stop Madam Adeline.

Don’t tell me I’m going to be strangled to death?

“Honestly, you guys! How could you not call us until this late? We were worried! After you left for Kingsleigh’s place, everyone we asked said they hadn’t seen you! I thought you might have run out of magic after using such extreme magic, and that you might have collapsed and been unable to move……I’m really……glad you’re all right……”

Madam Adaline is shaking a little. Maybe she is crying. I felt very sorry and put my hand gently on Madam Adaline’s back.

“Umm, I’m sorry……for worrying you. But I’m fine as you can see.”

After Percival and I had sent Kingsleigh-san’s troops back to the castle, we went to see the piled-up magical beasts and the damage to the villages and towns around Oriens. We thought it would be easier to move tomorrow if we knew beforehand what the situation was like. Thanks to this, we knew what the people who were seeking help needed at the moment.

It was already dark when we returned to the castle.

Kingsleigh-san had gone to the outskirts of Oriens with a group of able-bodied soldiers to check on the damage immediately after returning to the castle, and had just returned a short while ago. In other words, the people waiting at the castle, including Kingsleigh-san, had no idea what had happened to us until just now.

I didn’t think anyone other than Percival and Aurora would be worried about me, so it never occurred to me to report that I was safe.

“Percy is Percy too. Why didn’t you send word immediately that you were safe?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t think of it.”

“Madam Adeline, Percival was just tagging along with me. I had to check something out and couldn’t rest assured unless I did it right away, so……”

Percival was just pushed around by me. He was just wrongfully accused.

“……Look, next time you do this, make sure you report it. Sharing information is important. You must not fail to report, communicate and consult. If you don’t do this, even the most seamless operation can go wrong.”

When Madam Adaline released me, she looked straight at us both with reddened eyes and said.


Percival and I nodded solemnly.

“Very well. Thank you both for your hard work. You must be hungry. A meal has been prepared in the kitchen, so go ahead and eat it. Susanna, take them to the kitchen.

“Yes, madam. Come on, you two, this way.”

Percival and I follow Susanna-san to the kitchen.

There was a small table in the corner of the kitchen, and as soon as we were seated, a rich stew and bread were brought out. It seems that they prepared this table for us who came back late so that we could eat in peace and quiet.

“Please enjoy your meal.”

It’s a brown stew with lots of different vegetables, potatoes and meat. In addition, it seems that the bread baked for tomorrow’s breakfast had just been baked at the right time, and it was piping hot and fluffy.

I was instantly struck by hunger, remembering that I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast at the academy.

“Itadakimasu1something Japanese ppl say before eating, similar to bon appetit“!

I immediately put my hand on my meal. The slightly strong-tasting stew seems to permeate into my hungry stomach.

“I’m sorry I can only offer you something like this. When you settle down, I will put my skills to good use and prepare a feast for you.”

“Even this stew is a treat! The meat is tender, rich and delicious. I could eat as many bread as I like!”

“Sapphiras, you shouldn’t eat too much just because it tastes so good.”

“I know. But I’ll have another serving.”

It’s this delicious, it’s absolutely impossible not to have another serving.

While Percival and I were having dinner, a close aide of the Margrave peered into the kitchen.

“Percival-sama, are you here? I’m sorry to interrupt your meal, but Austin-sama wants a report.”

“Got it, I’m on my way.” 

Percival stopped eating and stood up.

“Should I go as well?”

“No, it’s fine. Sapphiras, you continue eating.”

“……Yeah, okay.”

I’m sure they’ll have something important to talk about, and it would be better if there were no outsiders. I watched Percival leave the kitchen and continued with my meal. Two bowls of stew, three bread and a small lemon pie for dessert. Once I’d filled my stomach with all of that, I slowly began to feel sleepy.

Looks like Percival will not be back yet, so I might as well get some sleep. With that in mind, I fell down on the table without fighting my drowsiness.


When I woke up on a fluffy bed, I didn’t immediately know where I was.

Confused that I was not in the hard bed in the dormitory, there was a knock at the door of my room.

“Are you awake, Sapphiras-sama?”

“……Ah, yes……”

The door was opened and I saw Clarabelle-san’s face as she entered, and my head, which had been in a daze from waking up, became clear. I remember this room. It’s a room with a nice view that I was taken care of in during the long vacation.

Come to think of it, I should have been napping at the kitchen table last night, so why am I sleeping in the bed? I have no memory of getting from the kitchen to the guest room at all. I couldn’t have unconsciously transferred in search of a comfortable place to sleep, right? After all, there has been a precedence.

“……Did I, by any chance, come to this room by myself?”

“No, Percival-sama carried you here on his back. You must have been very tired, because you didn’t wake up at all.”


I see. I’m glad it wasn’t an unconscious transfer. But Percival must have been tired too, and he ended up taking care of me. The kitchen is quite far from here. There are even stairs to climb. I can sleep soundly anywhere, so I didn’t mind rolling it in the corner of the kitchen, or even in the corner of the hall if I’m in the way. I’m sorry that they had such a guest room prepared even though it is not peaceful times.

“Would you like me to bring your breakfast here?”

“Thank you for your concern. But I’ll go downstairs to eat today!”

I can’t make you go to all that trouble when you’re so busy.

Dressed in the soldier’s uniform of a Vanderwall magician, I made my way down the crowded hall. Although the threat of the magical beasts is gone, there are still people left in the castle who have taken refuge. It will probably be like this for a few more days. Even so, the people’s faces are cheerful because the threat of the magical beasts is gone.

They were distributing meals outside, so I got in line to get a wrap. While I was chomping on my wrap while watching the busy people, Percival spotted me and came running towards me.

“Sapphiras! There you are……I would have prepared something more solid for you to eat.”

“Good morning, Percival. I’m going to be moving a lot today, so this is about right. I’m sorry about last night. I was going to sleep a bit, but I really fell asleep. I was heavy, wasn’t I?”

“You’re not heavy at all. Sapphiras is too light.”

“Too light……”

I’m glad I wasn’t heavy, but it’s complicated to be told I’m too light. It’s true that I’m a bit on the skinny side. I don’t know if it’s my constitution or if I’m under some kind of curse, but no matter how much I eat, I hardly gain any weight. When I first left the Earl’s house, I was much worse off than I am now, so it’s better compared to that.

But I’m still a minor, so there’s still room for growth. I’m sure I’ll grow from now on……no doubt. Probably.

“……Errr, let’s start today by helping out in the Morris village, as we planned yesterday.”