Since When Did You Have The Illusion That You Don't Have Magical Powers?!

CH 87

Characters in this chapter:

Sapphiras Perfectio, 2nd son of the Earl of Aldridge

Percival Belisario, 3rd son of Margrave of Vanderwall on the Eastern Frontier

“Sorry, we can’t buy it.”

“Ha? Why not?”

“Where did you get this pelt?”

“I hunted it last night.”

“Are you sure?”

The owner of the material shop looks at me suspiciously.

What’s with that look? That’s rude.

“It’s true. I’m a magician. I can easily hunt a magical beast wolf this big.”

“……I don’t know about that. Anyway, we never buy suspicious goods in our shop. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to leave.”

What the hell……!

The prey I hunted with Orthus is being looked at as a shady item?

I visited the material shop in high spirits, with the prey that I had hunted last night, but what awaited me was the shopkeeper’s excessively rude words.

The shopkeeper was suspicious of the fact that a non-adventurer child had brought in a large quantity of magical beast wolf pelts, and he didn’t take me seriously, assuming that I had stolen them from somewhere. It’s true that I’m not old enough to register as an adventurer. But age doesn’t matter when it comes to selling materials. Besides, how dare they accuse me of being a thief? I’ve never done anything that would prevent me from facing the goddess in my previous or current life.

“I don’t need to be told! I’ll never come back to this shop! You’ll be sorry!”

Having been turned away at the door, I violently slammed the door of the shop shut in frustration. A loud bang echoed through the air, and the owner was shouting something inside, but I didn’t care. From now on, I’ll pray that you’ll be getting fakes for a long time to come.

……Well then.

I yelled once and calmed down a little. It’s all well and good until I walk out of the shop in a fit of rage, but it’s unexpected that I won’t be able to sell the materials. Suddenly my plans are going to go up in smoke.

“……This is distressing.”

I was at my wits end with ten pieces of magical beast wolf pelts in my arms. Moreover, these are quite heavy. I sat on the side of the road, tired from lack of sleep, and thought.

I had to get them to buy the material at any cost, but I had a feeling that they would probably give me the same treatment no matter which shop I went to. They don’t buy stolen goods, I suppose that’s the rule. As a non-qualified adventurer, I have no way of proving the origin of my hunted goods, so I guess it can’t be helped. It’s annoying, though.

“Yo, kiddo. What are you doing sitting there? Got separated from your parents?”

A man who looked like a swordsman with a huge physique spoke to me. He has a tanned body and scars on his face. He must be an adventurer. He doesn’t feel bad, so he must have really been worried about me. I summarise what has happened so far and tell the man

“This is really the prey I hunted. I was so pissed off that he assumed from the start that it was stolen. But I can’t prove that it’s not stolen……but then, how is someone like me supposed to survive? If I could be an adventurer, I would be one right now.”

In the past, I could become an adventurer at my current age, so I was never treated like this. Why did they make it so that you have to be 16 to register as an adventurer? It’s a bad system. I’m going to protest against it.

“Well, hey. You’ve got a good point. In the past, there were a lot of kids who registered as adventurers when they were too young and died because they got requests that didn’t match their abilities. Some were cheated by bad adventurers and clients. The guilds took that very seriously and raised the registration age.”


I see. So there was a reason for raising the age. It’s true that some adventurers are bad guys. Besides, it is necessary to go through a bit of pain in order to know one’s ability, but there must have been some newcomers who made irreparable mistakes.

“……But hey, there’s a problem with the way kiddo looks too.”

“What’s that?”

The swordsman smiled bitterly and looked at me with a hint of sympathy.

“Your face is too beautiful. Even if you say you hunted a magical beast wolf by yourself with that face. I’d be more convinced if you said you cornered an adventurer or merchant and robbed him.”

“Ha? What’s with that?”

When I remembered the rumours that were circulating at the academy recently, I suddenly felt uncomfortable. Insulting people is also generally allowed. I’m a great magician. Even though I can defeat 100 or 200 magical beast wolves with one hand. I don’t understand!

“Also, compared to other places, the royal capital may be more difficult to buy and sell than other places. Most of the customers are knights or adventurers. Free ones like you rarely brings things in, kiddo.”

“……Royal capital? So it’s different in the rest of the country?”

“Yeah, it depends a lot on the city. Around the borders, all sorts of people come in and out, right? There are a lot of people from outside the country, so as long as the goods aren’t too shady, they’ll buy them from anyone who brings them in.”

“So that’s how it is.”

That’s good news. If they’re willing to buy it, it doesn’t have to be in the royal capital. However, it seems difficult to get them to buy it at a high price if it is a material shop in a small town.

Then there’s only one destination.

“Uncle, thanks for telling me something good!”

“Eh? Ah? Ki-kiddo?!”

It’s better near the border. Then there’s only one place to go.

I took a quick flight to Oriens.

Oriens in Vanderwall is a border town, full of adventurers and mercenaries. Isn’t it the perfect city for what the swordsman said earlier?

After the long holiday, Oriens was as lively as ever. People from all walks of life come and go, and stalls selling local specialities line the streets. I immediately aim for the material shop.

“Excuse me, I need to sell some magical beast wolf pelts.”

I ran into a reasonably large material shop and the owner looked at me with a wide eyed stare as I put the magical beast wolf pelts on the counter. Then he looks at me intently.

I wonder if it looks suspicious when someone like me goes to sell materials after all. But according to the story of the swordsman, it shouldn’t be rejected outright. Without worrying about it, I spread the magical beast wolf skin.

“……Oya, well. Please excuse me. Does the customer have a relationship with the lord?”

“Eh?……How did you know?

“It’s the ring.”

“The ring ……”

I look down at my middle finger. The ring with the Vanderwall coat of arms on it glows dully.

“No one in this land would dare disrespect the wearer of that ring.”

The shopkeeper smiled and began to appraise the pelts.

The ring had an unexpected effect. I feel like I’ve been saved by Percival, which is a very delicate feeling, but this time it can’t be helped.

Anyway, from now on I’ll sell my materials here. The royal capital and Oriens are the same if I’m transferring from the academy.

“This is a magnificent piece of fur. There are no tears in any of them. If the preparation has been done to this extent, I will buy it at a good price.”

The shopkeeper bought ten pelts of the magical beast wolves for three silver coins.

“So much?”

“Yes. Even the face and tail are attached, and there are no sword or arrow wounds anywhere, it’s not often that you find such beautiful pelts. I look forward to your continued patronage of our shop.”

I put the silver coins I had received in my pocket so as not to drop them and left the shop in high spirits. The purchase price was more than I had expected. I had a bad start, but I was happy for the time being.

“Well, since I’ve come all the way to Orient, I might as well take a quick look around the shops before going home.”

It’s a capital of many different goods, and I might be able to find something as a good return gift

During the long vacation, Percival showed me around, so I know roughly where the shops are.

I walk along the streets, tempted by the temptation of delicious-looking meat skewers and deep-fried sweets. Until I achieve my goal, I have to avoid wasting money.

As I pass by one stall, I stop in a hurry and return to the front of the shop. An old woman, who looks like a nomad, is selling exotic knick-knacks on a rug spread out on the ground. Amongst the strange decorations and junk-like ornaments, there is an extraordinary mix of things.

“The War Maiden’s Oath……”

What a surprise, a relic-grade magical tool was being sold in a stall.

melon: The ring already coming into good use.