Since When Did You Have The Illusion That You Don't Have Magical Powers?!

CH 85

Characters in this chapter:

Sapphiras Perfectio, 2nd son of the Earl of Aldridge

Percival Belisario, 3rd son of Margrave of Vanderwall on the Eastern Frontier

Matteo, Percival’s horse

Today, which is a rest day, I am on Matteo’s back with Percival. The fortress surrounding the royal city is already a long way away. Vanderwall horses are fast after all.

Percival invited me for a long ride today. He said he wanted to let Matteo run as much as he could once in a while, but I think he was just being considerate because of all the things that have happened recently. Percival is such a caring man. Naturally, I took him up on the offer without a second thought. I wanted to see Matteo for the first time in a long time.

At the stall, I also bought a wrap similar to the one I ate in Vanderwall. We’re going to eat it in the forest. My mood is lifted as I remember the journey during the long vacation.

“Any problems with the ride?”

“No problem, it’s great!”

The saddle is covered with thick cloth, so it’s comfortable to sit on. As always, Percival is very considerate.

Matteo, who has been running along the well-maintained road for a while, turns off the road and heads towards the forest with light steps. The forest where we are heading is the one where I practised magical performance with the C-class students. The forest square is a place I found when I was flying on Unisus, so this is the first time I’m going to the forest from the ground.


I’m thinking of taking a walk in the forest and having lunch at a nice place……

Shortly after entering the forest, I noticed something strange. The forest is very quiet. Not a single bird could be heard. When I had been here before, there were more birds and small animals wandering around, but when I looked up at the treetops, I couldn’t see a single squirrel.

“It’s strange, don’t you think? It’s awfully quiet.”

“Yeah, it is……”

Percival was cautious of his surroundings as he slowly advanced Matteo’s steps, but Mateo was also wary of something. He is moving his ears nervously, as if trying not to miss the sounds around him.

“Don’t worry, Matteo. I’ll protect you when the time comes.”

I lightly tap Matteo on the neck to reassure him. Besides, even if there is a magical beast, it’s not a big deal if they are the magical beast that appears around the royal capital.

“……I can smell blood.”

Percival muttered lowly while I was taking a carefree attitude.


Come to think of it, a faint smell of iron rust wafts out of nowhere. I wonder if someone is hunting in such a forest near the royal capital because it smells like blood.

“Did someone hunt a big game?”

“No, this forest is under the jurisdiction of the royal family, and although you can come and go as you please, the hunting season is strictly regulated. The only time you can hunt here is in early autumn, and now is the off-season.”

When I turn around and face Percival, An angry voice echoed from the depths of the forest.

“Let’s go.”

We had Matteo in the direction we heard the voice.

Soon, we could clearly hear the sound of sword fighting, angry shouts and the roars of several beasts.

“Isn’t that a pack of beast wolves? Was this forest dangerous?”

I don’t even know that, and I’ve brought everyone from Class C with me? I’m confident that I can protect them if it comes to it, but even so, it’s a dangerous forest!

“No, there should be very few magical beasts.”

It was the knights who were fighting the beast wolves. Clearly, the battle situation was not looking good, and they were surrounded by beast wolves and completely cut off from retreat. There are already some seriously wounded people, and if we don’t get rid of the beast wolves as soon as possible, there could be deaths.

“I’m going to go in. Hold on tight.”

Percival declares this and heads towards the pack of beast wolves without hesitation.

That’s the way it should be!

Matteo rushes into the encircling pack and kicks several of the wolves away with his muscular legs. This is a feat only a Vanderwall horse could pull off.

I can’t lose to Matteo either. I twirl the wand I pulled out of the holder with my finger and immediately fires a barrier magic at the knights. There is no point in spinning the wand. I’m just trying to look good. The gold light pouring out from the tip of the wand is still very energetic.

Percival didn’t carry a sword, so we can’t let the beast wolves get close to us. I’m going to take care of it all at once. I raised my arm and pointed the tip of my wand toward the sky.

“From the heavens, come! Thunderbolt!”

Numerous thunderbolts fell from the sky, and with a violent sound like splitting wood, a pure white light illuminated the surroundings.

I’m in the mood to say something like that. I have a wand, and I want to look like a magician.

After the dazzling light subsided, a dead beast wolf was lying around. Since I’ve given barrier magic to the knights in advance, they shouldn’t be harmed. In the first place, the thunder is definitely aimed only at the beast wolf’s head, so it won’t hit people.

By the way, this tricorn wand feels good to use. When I use this wand, I feel as if the blood circulation in my body has improved. I guess this is how it works with magical tools. It’s a trivial thing, but if you’re going to use magic all the time, you can’t afford to make fun of it. If you think about it, magic tools are necessary for advanced magicians as well.

“……Don’t tell me, this is the work of you guys?”

When I was taken aback when I was called out, I saw a person who looked like the leader was looking at me with a surprised face. Oops, that’s right, there are injured people, so it’s not the time to be lazy and think about the wand.

“I see you are the Commander Harvard of the Second Order of Knights. I am Percival Belisario. This is Sapphiras. We both belong to the first year of the academy.”

Percival quickly stepped down from Matteo and told the red-haired man our names.

……hmm? Wait. I’ve heard somewhere recently that the commander of the Second Order of Knights has red hair. Commander Harvard of the Second Order of Knights, is he perhaps, the redhead’s older brother!?

“Belisario? That horse is……could it be the son of the Vanderwall Margrave family? Then, that thunder earlier was you?”

To guess where you’re from by looking at your horse, as expected, Vanderwall horses are famous. Certainly, their size and muscularity are incomparably different from the horses of the Order of the Knights. I’m sorry, but alongside Matteo, the horses in the royal capital look like deer.

“No. That thunder is his magic.”

Percival looked at me on top of Matteo. I quickly got off Mateo’s back and bowed to what appeared to be the redhead’s brother.

“Excuse my insolence. There seem to be some seriously wounded people here, so could I help you transport them? I can transfer, so I can get back to the royal capital in an instant.”

There are several injured people who are in danger if they are not returned to the knights’ garrison as soon as possible to be healed.

“……You can transfer?”

The redhead’s brother looked at me dubiously. Certainly, if a first year student says he can transfer, you wouldn’t believe it.

“Rest assured that I can accurately transfer to any place I’ve been to, regardless of distance, but I don’t know where the knights’ garrison is, so I’ll be the nearest place I know of.”

“Then can you make it to the west gate?”

“Yes, I’ve been to the castle before, so please leave it to me.”

I can see in my mind’s eye the location of the castle gates. Come to think of it, there was a building near the west castle gate, but was that a knight’s garrison?

“Well then, please take him back to the castle. He’s an excellent knight. I want to help him no matter what.”

The knight entrusted by the redhead’s brother was already unconscious due to the heavy bleeding from his abdomen. He must have been bitten by a beast wolf. His fellow knights are frantically applying first aid, but it’s a matter of time.

“Deputy Commander Felix! Go back with him!”


As soon as the deputy commander stepped into the transfer range, I jumped to the west gate. The deputy commander was surprised at the suddenness, but as expected, he’s a knight who usually trains. He quickly regained his composure and sent the guards to summon a healing magician who was waiting at the Templar’s outpost.

“I’ll carry the next injured person.”

“Ha? Eh?”

There were other seriously injured knights. I leave the deputy commander and leave the place to pick up the next injured person.

When I returned to the forest, Percival was helping out with first aid according to the commander’s instructions, and the fixation of the affected area and stopping the bleeding were truly splendid. It must have been thoroughly hammered in by Vanderwall.

I took the injured again and jumped to the west gate. The white magicians had already started healing when I returned, so they wouldn’t lose their lives for the time being.

By the time I finished cleaning up the defeated beast wolves several times between the royal capital and the forest, the sun had completely set. I bought lunch at a stall, but I didn’t eat it after all.

I was supposed to be here for a long ride, but it turned out to be like rescue practice.

The knights said they still have things to do, so we decided to go back to the royal capital ahead of time. The academy dormitory has a curfew, so it’s bad to be too late.

The commander asked to thank me again another day, but I politely declined because I didn’t do anything special for him to thank me.

“Somehow, it turned out to be a busy day.”

“Ah, that’s right.”

We’re heading home while walking through the darkened forest. Many forest fireflies are flying around, creating a fantastic sight. As expected of a forest under the jurisdiction of the royal family. It’s amazing that there are so many forest fireflies. Since we’ve come all the way here, it would be a waste if we didn’t enjoy the forest for a little while. I wonder if Matteo thinks so too, walking leisurely with us.


Percival stopped suddenly. Matteo and I stop in our tracks to follow suit.

“Hmm? What?”


Percival held out his palm in front of me. There is a ring of fumigated silver that shines dully. A heavy ring engraved with a dragon holding a shield and a sword, which is the crest of Vanderwall.

“This is a proof of Vanderwall’s sworn friend. I would like Sapphiras to wear it.”


“Anyone who knows which crest this dragon belongs to should not underestimate Sapphiras, who is wearing this ring. At the very least, Sapphiras can avoid some of the problems that bothers you at the academy.”

“No……I can’t accept such a splendid ring.”

I don’t really understand, but even I know that this ring is not something that should be accepted so easily. I mean, it’s kind of heavy and splendid. It also has a hint of magic, and it must be something special.

“I’d like Sapphiras to accept it. Is it no good?”


Percival’s clear eyes stared at me without deviation. The pressure of sincerity is great.

“We promised to become adventurers someday and form a party. Couldn’t you consider this a proof of that bond?”

If Percival says so much, he can’t help but accept it. It’s said to be the proof of a sworn friend, if I stubbornly refrained, I would end up rejecting Vanderwall.

“……I understand. If Percival says that much.”

“Thank you.”

For some reason, when Percival thanked me, he took my left hand and put the ring on my middle finger. It was a very natural flow, so I was just staring at the situation.

“If you can, I want you to wear this at all times. I’m sure it will help Sapphiras.”

When Percival lifted his head up, I was almost overwhelmed by the sweet smile that floated on his face. The Knight of the Sun unconsciously entraps people, so be careful.

I’m supposed to be born quite beautiful too, so what’s this difference?

“Ah……erm, yes. I understand. Thank you?”

Perhaps because I was shaken, my words of gratitude became a question. I look down at the ring on my middle finger. I feel like I’ve received something terrible. I have to be careful not to lose it.

If we are talking about the bond of friendship, then maybe I should give something to Percival too. If I were to choose something that would match this ring, I would have to dive into some dungeon to get it.

Come to think of it, I wonder what happened to the forgotten ruins that I failed to capture in my previous life. I’m sure there’s something suitable for Percival in the depths of those ruins.
