Since When Did You Have The Illusion That You Don't Have Magical Powers?!

CH 82

Characters in this chapter:

Sapphiras Perfectio, 2nd son of the Earl of Aldridge

Percival Belisario, 3rd son of Margrave of Vanderwall on the Eastern Frontier

Aurora Steinfeld, daughter of the Duke of Bloomfield

Adeline, Margravine of Vanderwall, Percival’s mother

Nigel Bosworth, Marquess of Jermaine’s son

After returning from Vanderwall, I immediately went to the first dormitory building, but Percival was not there. I went there to see if he was still in the cafeteria, but there were only a few students leisurely drinking tea, and Percival was nowhere to be seen.

“Where on earth did he go?”

I left immediately after dinner because it isn’t good to stay too long. Madam Adeline told me I could take my time, but I returned in a hurry, in case Percival was worried. She gave me a souvenir to take back and asked me to deliver Percival’s personal belongings to him, which I naturally accepted. It’s not that big of an expense. If anything, I would accept a request to subjugate magical beasts. But today I am a safe and secure delivery man. 

“……I wonder where Percival is likely to go?”

I was wandering around the academy looking for Percival when I bumped into Nigel. Come to think of it, I’ve not seen his face for a long time. He has not been entangled with us since the Madam Adeline incident, but for some reason I’m being glared at with terrible eyes today.

Eh? What? What are you accusing me of this time?



“It’s your fault……”


“It’s your fault that Percival won’t look at me!”

“Ha? What the hell is he talking about? How can it be my fault? Whoever Percival is interested in, my existence has nothing to do with it. It’s a remarkably individual interpretation.

“You’re the one who’s been abandoned by your family and goes to the academy at the pity of the ducal family! Why are you wandering around Percival-sama’s side!”

I can’t overlook the word pity. Apparently, Nigel doesn’t understand what it means to be a scholarship student. Sure, Aurora said it was a recently established scheme, but shouldn’t the academy make the sponsored scholarship scheme a bit more known? Otherwise, the sons and daughters of lower nobility who are sponsored would be underestimated due to a misunderstanding. People like him strangely have spreading power, so even if it’s just a false accusation, it’s hard to erase rumours once they’ve spread.

Besides. I’m not wandering. Percival and I are together because we get along.

“There are a lot of things wrong, so let me correct them, but I didn’t go to the academy out of pity, I took the exam properly and received the support of the Duke’s family. Besides, Percival and I are together as much as we can tolerate. If we’re talking about wandering, aren’t you the one who is wandering?”

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! You should disappear! Under the law of the Goddess, I exercise my power! O’wind, cut to pieces!”

Again? Why are these people so quick to use offensive magic? It’s not going to solve anything. If they want to go on the rampage so badly, why don’t they just join in with the magical beast subjugation?

Nigel’s expression became terribly surprised when the blade of wind shot by my magic was erased in an instant. I really wanted to wave my wand and make it disappear with a flourish, but unfortunately I’m a delivery man now, so my hands are full.

“……Wh-why? Even though you didn’t chant……”

“That’s why I told you. I’ve taken the proper exams and I’m here at this academy under the support of the Duke. How could a mere son of a former Earl who was disowned receive support from the Duke’s family out of pity?”

“I-it’s a lie……that there’s no chanting……that’s impossible…….”

He’s kind of mumbling, but I’m not going to get involved with Nigel any more. I was about to leave when I saw Percival running towards me.

“Ah! There you are! Percival!”

I’ve finally found the person I’m looking for, but this could turn into a new ruckus. It’s about Nigel. When I glanced at him, wondering if he was going to cling to Percival, Nigel’s complexion changed for some reason and he ran away.

“Ah, eh?”

I stare at his back as he leaves. Percival, he should have been making a fuss with Percival, but what the hell is it to run away as soon as you saw the person himself?

“Sapphiras, are you alright? Did he say anything to you?”

I shake my head as he asks me concernedly.

“No, nothing in particular.”

It really doesn’t matter to me. Since he had learned magic in his own way at the academy, his magic was more decent than that of Percival’s cousins1referring to Juluth and Flavia I think, since it says cousin sisters.. Even so, it’s not good to cast offensive magic blindly.

“……I see.”

A look of relief appeared on Percival’s face. He was worried after all. Not showing up day and night, even I would be worried if it was the other way around. It’s not like it’s okay because I’m strong.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the cafeteria. Things have been a bit crazy, I’ve been in Vanderwall.”

“……In Vanderwall?”

Percival made a face like he opened a surprise box. If he suddenly told me that he had gone to my hometown, I would probably have that face.

“Anyway, why don’t we go to the cafeteria? Madam Adeline has something for you.”

I lifted the package I was carrying and showed him.

I moved to the cafeteria and first handed Percival the package I had received from Madam Adeline.

“Here you go. I’ve handed the package over. And here are some snacks.”

“Sorry……so why did Sapphiras go to Vanderwall?”

It seems that Percival was looking for me without even eating while I was having a good time in Vanderwall. I’m really sorry about that.

However, Madam Adeline knew that Percival wouldn’t eat if I didn’t go. Madam Adeline seems to have a unique side. Thinking that Percival is also having a hard time, I honestly told him everything that happened in the afternoon with a distant look.

“……and then, before I knew it, I found myself in Vanderwall. I’d been treated so well on my long holiday that it was imprinted on me as a place where I felt safe, a place where I could relax. I was going to leave right away, but……I ended up staying longer. I’m sorry that I left Percival behind and relaxed at your parents’ house without permission.”

No matter how close you are, you wouldn’t normally go to your friend’s parents’ house to relax. I reflect on the fact that I was indeed brazen.

“No, don’t worry about it. Vanderwall is safe. If anything happens, I want you to go over there. As long as I know where you are, I can feel at ease.”

“Eh? But won’t that be a nuisance?”

“No, I don’t mind. I’d rather you did.”

“……Then I’ll be happy to do so.”

If I make a spur-of-the-moment transfer and go over there on my own, I guess it’s better that way. Even I can’t control what is subconscious.

“So, how are father and the others doing?”

“Yes, of course! They were all fine. They sends their regards to Percival.”

“I see.”

Percival smiles softly. The gentle smile of the serious knight made me unconsciously startled.

Rather than worrying about me, Percival should be worried about himself. He’s a handsome Vanderwall knight with a promising future. Nigel and his cousins aren’t the only people who want to be his partner. The Belisario family won’t go against Percival’s will, but the person who wants Percival may not have the same common sense. Sometimes nobles can play dirty tricks.

Percival is an important companion. When push comes to shove, I’ll do my best to protect him with my luck and magic.

melon: Sorry for the wait guys! I’m not fully recovered from the flu yet but I’m much better now, just some remaining symptoms.