
Chapter 26

"Kama Taj is an organization guarding the mysterious side of the earth. I believe Hao Yun told you that he had a dream of predicting the future... In fact, this dream is that I use magic to transmit the future to his brain to warn the world.

The items and powers he has are also collected by me when I walk in the multi universe, just to enhance the combat power of the earth. "

Hao Yun looked at Gu Yi in surprise. He didn\'t expect that the supreme mage would bear all his belongings and dreams of predicting the future.

Gu Yi nodded at him, much like an elder who cares for his younger generation... Hao Yun knew that Gu Yi was worried that his endless powers and props would arouse the suspicion and investigation of others, so he found a reasonable reason for him.

I have to say, Gu Yi is too good for him.

"What are you doing this time?"

Stark asked with some doubt.

According to Hao Yun\'s narration, this time it is only the zitari people. With their current combat power, they are far beyond the original future. It is a very easy thing to quell the invasion.

"There will be changes in the future. There will be countless demons invading at that time. Kara Taj can\'t draw out hands. I\'ll come and give you more detailed information."

Gu Yi said, with a wave, four aliens in armor appeared in front of everyone.

"Mieba has always had a dream, that is to gather six infinite gemstones and use their power to destroy half of the life in the whole universe. The invasion of the zetari people is to rob him of two gemstones on the earth, space gemstones and time gemstones."

"Aside from the army, the first is the four black Yao generals under mieba."

With a stroke of Gu Yi\'s right hand, the figure of ebony throat wearing cloth zoomed in and occupied the whole screen: "ebony throat has the ability of reading power. Give him enough time to prepare and even destroy the earth.

But his weakness is also obvious. A sudden attack can easily solve him. So my suggestion is to let Hao Yun hit with all his strength when the other party comes, and don\'t give him any chance to survive! "

Hao Yun thought for a moment. Dr. Qi can hurt ebony throat through portal tactics. The speed of his super electromagnetic gun should be able to explode its head!

"No problem, leave it to me! ~"

Hao Yun said confidently, isn\'t he hiding from Yin people? It\'s too simple for him~

"The second is the dead blade general and the dark night neighbor star. They have strong ability in weapons, can absorb souls and emit long-range rays, and have average actual combat ability. You two should be able to solve iron man and war machine easily."

Tony and rod looked at each other and smiled. Did they use weapons? I just don\'t know if I can break their armor!

"Among them, the most powerful one is the black dwarf. It doesn\'t have much wisdom, but it has infinite power. It belongs to a heavy soldier. Dr. banner, only hawk can deal with it. After this war, I will help you integrate hawk\'s soul."

Banner smiles happily. From the reaction of Tony and Hao Yun, he knows that Gu Yi is a super big man. It\'s incumbent on itself to fight against aliens. Now it can integrate souls. There\'s nothing better than this.

"Give it to me. Hawk has long wanted to vent! ~"

"As for zitari\'s army..." Gu Yi looked around the crowd: "you have been prepared, I won\'t say more. In addition, I personally give you a piece of advice, never trust the Divine Shield Bureau."

With that, Gu Yi nodded to Hao Yun and left the address of the temple in New York.

After the supreme mage left, banner, rod and others couldn\'t wait to ask Hao Yungu who he was, and Hao Yun said the future again.

Well, he doesn\'t need to explain this time. Anyway, there are big guys to help carry the pot. I\'m not afraid~

"Well, the meeting is over. Everyone knows who the enemy is and how powerful he is. Now go back and prepare yourself and wait for assembly."

Tony clapped his hands, drove everyone out of the meeting room and took Hao Yun to his laboratory.

"Little uncle? Why do you call me if you don\'t study armor?"

"That thing has been prepared for two years. What can be studied?"

Facing Hao Yun\'s doubts, Tony shook his hand carelessly: "what I said is your little aunt. She also wants to participate in the battle."


Hao Yun\'s face suddenly collapsed: "not only my aunt, but also my mother."

After getting the battle armor of dabaiji, angel was restless. She flew around the countryside with dabaiji. She quarreled with Hao Yun every day to join the battle.

He also said that in 2023 (Fulian IV), pepper can drive supporter armor. Why can\'t he? In terms of technology, her big white is not weak at all, okay~

Therefore, she gave herself a name called white nightmare, forced to join the light note as her sister-in-law, and now even brought in the little pepper.

"Think of a way, or send them away in advance?"

"Oh, let\'s go?" Hao Yun sneered: "do you believe that when they come back, they can make you kneel down and die? My uncle, the women of the borz family are stubborn donkeys. Instead of trying to let them leave, we\'d better give them more support. Besides, don\'t forget that now we\'re not the front-line combat force, we\'re the rescue force."

Hao Yun reminded him again that they are determined not to join the avenger. Don\'t rush to the universe with a nuclear bomb like the original plot.

They are just non-governmental organizations, not the Divine Shield Bureau, nor the Avengers!

"Rescue troops..."

Tony was silent. Perhaps, for him, if he didn\'t have too many constraints, he wanted to be a superhero fighting on the front line in the original plot.


At the s.h.i.e.l.d. base, Nick Frey, who managed to escape, picked up the walkie talkie and informed Colson.

"Colson, you return to the base immediately and issue a level 7 alarm... From the current situation, the war has begun! ~"


The next day, Hao Yun was still sleeping. Suddenly, the alarm of the base rang through the audience~

Patting his chest, he was shocked to see the formation of Tianzhan armour. Hao Yun broke through the window and landed at the gate of the base... There, a jeep rushed into the door and was moving towards the building~

"Stop now! ~ this is private territory. Strangers are not allowed in and out! ~"

Hao Yun controlled the armour to float above the jeep, stretched out his hand and sent out a laser gun... The car drifted and stopped next to the hole hit by the laser gun. The door opened and three familiar figures appeared in front of him.

One is still an agent with super high hairline, and the other two... Beauty and marinated egg~

"Tut Tut, let\'s see who this is? Thunder knight, tut Tut, great hero! ~"

Marinated egg Nick Frey pointed at Hao Yun sarcastically and sneered. His expression was quite short of beating.

"Do you want to kill a senior official appointed by the United Nations? Come on, tell me! ~ great hero! ~ thunder Knight! ~"