
Chapter 225

When the troop carrier falls, the first thing to appear is the four Obsidian generals behind mieba and him~

"Hand over infinite gems, and I can kill only half of the people on your planet."

Mieba looked at them coldly and said, obviously, the other party had guessed that Hao Yun and others wanted to resist, but still chose to fight head-on.

I have to say that mieba\'s arrogance is really arrogant, and his character is also very atmospheric.

If it weren\'t for the ideal of maintaining peace in the universe, Hao Yun actually liked this man.

"It\'s impossible! ~ different ways don\'t work together. Mieba, your ideal is too big to realize."

Hao Yun stood at the front of the team and refused without hesitation.

"Even if I kill all of you?"

"Yes, even if you kill all of us! ~"

Hao Yun responded firmly. Mieba gave him a deep look and clenched his right hand... The blue light transmission door behind him opened and disappeared with the Obsidian four generals and mieba himself.

Hao Yun didn\'t try to kill him in front of the battle. He knew that to win against mieba with space gems, he had to rely on his strength~

This is the only way when no one has gathered six gemstones to form infinite gloves~

"Then fight! ~"

Mieba\'s low voice of war resounded through the sky... In the rear, the captain waved hard

"War! ~"

"Kaka, Kaka..."

Hundreds of troop carriers landed first opened, and countless vanguard guards ran towards the battle front with four arms... In the palace, Nick Frey looked at the video of the front battlefield and picked up the communication instrument: "all guns are ready, rapid guns are full of fire, launch three rounds, target point C, coverage shooting, preparation, launch! ~"

"Boom, boom! ~"

Tens of thousands of cannons were fired intensively towards the center of the battlefield... Countless shells fell and exploded blood flowers on the African plain

Vanguard, who is good at intensive close combat, suffered the most painful attack in history~

The hard skin is like thin paper under the special flowering armor penetrating shell. The seemingly solid and good at fighting body is destroyed by strong gunfire; Rapid action, agile action, but also in the dense artillery rolling, there is no advantage. You can only watch the other party attack and can\'t get close to anyone~

At the same time, in space, zetary\'s Mothership was hit head-on by Kelly before it could release the troop carrier~

With the help of the intelligent system, hundreds of millions of UAVs loaded on Stark\'s 23 private satellites, together with Kelly, went straight to the Mothership and vowed to stop it in space and not close to the earth.

It can be said that the first move in the most effective three board axe, intensive attack, failed~

"Sir, do you want to dispatch a large war machine?"

Ebony throat looked at the failure of the attack. When he met this situation for the first time, he couldn\'t help but open his mouth and propose to mieba.

Mieba shook his head and looked at the battlefield like a meat grinder with interest: "don\'t panic, there are still many vanguard guards. It\'s just time to try the combat power of the earth people. Order, the vanguard guards of the second and third legions, continue to attack! ~"

"Yes, everything is at your command."

Ebony\'s throat bowed and immediately sent the words to the rear headquarters.

Another 200 troop carriers opened, and twice as many vanguard guards as the vanguard guards just sent rushed out. Without any scattered action, they rushed to the meat grinder again~

"Hum, do you want to consume our artillery? Dream! ~ Frey, pay attention to the interval of artillery, they want to consume our ammunition by cannon fodder! ~"

Zhang Xi of the palace headquarters, rabbit country, saw the plan to kill the bully at a glance, and told the artillery commander in chief Nick Frey the purpose of killing the bully on the spot.

"Don\'t worry, I just test fired those three rounds of shooting. The ammunition has the support of all countries on earth, which is enough for us to shoot continuously for a month! ~"

Nick said confidently and picked up the walkie talkie: "the tanks of the first and second armies came forward, stopped all enemies who broke through the artillery fire, ordered the third and fourth tank armies to be ready and support at any time; ordered the Artillery Force to be divided into three parts according to the plan, and the three parts to carry out covering artillery fire according to time! ~"

In an instant, the artillery density decreased by one third, and two tanks with tens of thousands of vehicles drove into the battlefield from the rear, sniping at the missing fish of the vanguard from the front

Although the multi-level artillery coverage is not as shocking as the salvo, it effectively prevents the vanguard from breaking through the artillery defense... Even if a few hundred can only break through the artillery defense occasionally, it is also shot to pieces in the dense tank shelling and cannot get close to the front battlefield~

In the rear, okye, the palace female guard standing next to tchala, couldn\'t help sighing: "prince, you\'re right. We really can\'t fight the whole earth... In wakanda, we can\'t even hold on to a round of gunfire."

Further away, where Asgard\'s army is, sol can\'t help but want to ask for war and break into the battlefield.

"Haila, how long do we have to wait! ~ my hammer can\'t help it! ~"

"Shut up, it\'s just the trial stage of the war." Hella turned back and glared at her brother. Odin was really relieved about the war quality. The general handed it to sol: "haven\'t you ever fought before? How did you become a prince?! didn\'t you see that the large war machines didn\'t play? What you go in now is cannon fodder! ~"

"Brother, sister is right."

Rocky also echoed, and he was shocked by the dense gunfire... He wondered how he dared to invade the earth at the beginning?

After another hour of gunfire, mieba\'s face was a little ugly. He had only vanguard guards of 500 troop carriers. Three fifths of the troops went down, but no one was killed. He was a heavy blow to the two stars without losing the battle.

"Sir, we can\'t consume like this anymore. We have to let the backbone troops go."

Ebony throat came up again and suggested, mieba frowned: "where are the qitarui people? Why haven\'t they come yet?"

"Just now the zetarians reported that a woman with hundreds of millions of drones stopped their army. Now she has burst into the mothership. They want to ask for support."

Ebony throat was speechless when reporting. The Mothership of the zitari people had tens of millions of soldiers, and was stopped by one person?

Have the face to support? I\'m embarrassed to mention it in front of adults~

"Give orders to the leader of zitari. Ten minutes. If no soldiers arrive in ten minutes, I\'ll kill them! ~ in addition, release other vanguard guards and large war machines! ~ I don\'t believe they can stop us! ~"

"Yes! ~"