Sign in for a Millennium, How Do I Hide My Ancestors

Chapter 339: : Self-comfort

This flat voice raised the hearts of a group of veterans of the Min clan, as well as the Niu Devil.

Even Lin Teng, who was lying on the ground and had not chosen to leave, pricked his ears.

The Sage of Qi Tian he heard from the mouth of Chu River, but he won't be threatened in any way!

at this time.

However, Chu He's utterance touched countless minds.

"As long as you don't die, you can't do it!"

Chu He's monkey raised his eyebrows and jumped up and down twice under the void.

The stick was pulled out of the void and turned in his hand, causing the world to burst into a storm and roar.

"What do you mean?"

The bull demon was taken aback.

"Watch the fight!"

Chu He, who was doing a lot of martial arts, twisted his body twice in the void, his eyes flashed with flames, and then used practical actions to give the cow the answer.

It moved the long stick in its hand and smashed it at various places on the body of the bull demon one after another.

Bull demon can only passively defend.

This time, the chaos and chaos in the sky calmed down a bit, allowing it to support the dark world.

However, it was only a moment later.

The world of rules that belonged to the Bull Demon was directly blown up!

In the rumbling sound, the darkness shattered little by little, the fragments were scattered in the sky, and the body of the bull demon collided with the stick again.

The popping sound keeps on.

Chu He's figure turned, and his figure instantly spread across the sky, hitting and stabbing every part of the cow demon that covered the sky from all angles, without any omission.

The Bull Demon used all the means.

It even breaks the rules and wants to run, but these have no effect at all.

Countless monkey shadows blocked its body and smashed it with sticks.

The countless stick shadows seemed to have turned into a metal cage world, fixing the body of the bull demon in place, unable to even move it.

The big gap between the two sides made the Bull Demon feel suffocated again.

It can only take it passively, and it can't do it with the slightest initiative.

Only a moment later.

The body of the Niu Demon covering the sky was directly smashed and limp.

Its body bones are directly softened.

Conscious soul also has bursts of tingling.

It is as huge as a small world, as if it had experienced a natural disaster that broke the ground.

The whole appearance has changed, and the former shape is no longer visible!

It feels almost done!

A yellow rope appeared in Chu He's hand, and with a single wave, the half-dead Cow Demon was tied firmly.

This rope not only binds the body, but also isolates the rules and restrains the soul consciousness.

With the current state of the Bull Demon, it is impossible to break free!

With a move of Chu He's hand, the rope began to tighten, compressing the huge body of the bull demon into a ball.

At this moment, Niu Mo understood what Chu He meant by but.

This means not to kill it, but to catch it alive.

The Bull Demon breathed a sigh of relief while feeling angry and angry.

This stupid monkey!

It thought that if it caught alive, the Underworld Lord wouldn't know about it?

It's hitting the door!

Don’t you know where this is?

This is the mine of the underworld master.

On this matter, if the guys under it were more clever, they might have already reported the situation at this time.

The Underworld Lord will soon come, and then the monkey will be able to know what despair is!

What about the invincible power of Tian Sheng.

In the face of the existence of the Demon Lord level, there is also no possibility of surviving at all.

This monkey is dead!

Thought of this.

The cow demon originally planned to yell and shut his mouth.

The current situation is very good, which is very beneficial to it.

It just needs to wait.

There is no need to tease this monkey with an abnormal brain now.

There is no need to remind him.

If the monkey wants to understand it and smashes it to death with a heart, it would be too wrong!

If you have something, let's talk about it when the underworld master comes.

When the time comes, this monkey can't do it even if he wants to turn his face and pull it on his back.

It can humiliate the monkey with words.

Niu Demon began to brew rhetoric in his heart.

In this way, it relieves the suffocation of the heart, as well as the pain of the body and soul.

Don't say it yet.

The effect is not bad.

I thought of scolding this monkey later.

It is happy.

Pain and humiliation are reduced a lot.

A momentary loss is nothing.

It has a strong background, as long as it does not die, there is no problem, and it will soon turn over!

Thinking of this, the bull devil became more calm.

Chu He glanced at Niu Mo in surprise.

This guy has an okay mentality, and he knows the current affairs!

After being beaten up alive like this, he grunted twice in pain.

Then he didn't make any noise, and didn't even say threats or begs.

"The Great Demon King was captured alive!"

But a group of elders of the Min clan were not happy.

Because they know now, the crisis has not yet receded.

Behind the Great Demon King, there is a stronger Demon Lord.

And the big hero said in person, it is not the opponent of the stronger demon master.

The big heroes can't be beaten, they, the weak who are shivering under the aura of the battle, even more see no hope!

A group of elders of the Min clan felt even more desperate.

Finally, in his lifetime, I saw the legendary great devil appear and was defeated by a great hero from above the sky.

However, they learned a more cruel news.

The big devil is not yet the strongest behind the scenes.

There are even big heroes who admit that they can't fight.

What do they want to resist?

At this moment, a group of Min clan elders felt ridiculous for their many years of hard work.

At this moment, some veterans even had a more terrifying conjecture in combination with the information.

Perhaps, everything here is a conspiracy, and their Min Clan is an item used by the Great Demon King to achieve a certain purpose.

It has been watching the world in the sky all the time.

All of them fell in the eyes of the Great Demon King.

The reason why I didn't stop it was just that I didn't care about it.

They are just a group of ants in the eyes of the Great Devil.

Their so-called effort is ridiculous in its eyes!

There is more than one Min clan veteran who has guessed.

Perhaps they have had such conjectures before.

But this kind of conjecture was too desperate, and they all chose to press in the bottom of their hearts and not to uncover them.

"God is unfair!"

The veteran of the Min clan raised his hair and wailed, and his cheeks were blurred with muddy tears.

Years of preparation are just a joke.

Such a blow is a bit too big for it!

Where is the way forward for their Min Clan.

What correct way should they use to get the race out of the clutches?

A group of elders of the Min tribe were lost.

At this time, Chu He was pulling the bull demon and was ready to leave. UU reading

His consciousness swept across this world.

This world is strange.

It's different from all the interfaces he's been to.

There is no existence of the will of heaven, but there are rules.

This is a special interface.

Or it was transformed by the Demon World!

However, this has little to do with Chu He. He came out this time just to put eye drops on the Demon Realm and disturb the water.

Other things have nothing to do with him.

But when Chu He was pulling the bull demon to tear the space and leave, he felt something was wrong and suddenly raised his head.


The world is dark.