Sickish Prince is Scheming


On this day, the Xiao siblings stayed until the sun had set before they left. Fang Zinan and his wife sent them off before returning to their rooms.

"Next month is the Dragon Boat Festival. On that day, we princes will all go to the palace to spend the festival with the emperor, and the princesses will also go. "According to the customs of the past, every princess would prepare their own packets of brown seeds for the empress to taste. Since you still have time, prepare well in advance so that you won't embarrass the Residence of Prince Rong when the time comes!" Fang Zinan spoke indifferently, his delicate and pretty face revealing a faint trace of gloominess to the setting sun that was peeking out from the window.

"I'll do it?" Shang Yiqing jumped up. She didn't know how to cook at all, much less carry a bag of brown rice. Wasn't this just making things difficult for her?

"If you don't do it, can it be that you want This King to do it?" Fang Zinan humphed coldly.

Shang Yiqing shook her head, "I didn't mean that. I didn't know how to do it!"

"Don't you know how to do it?" Fang Zinan glanced at her, showing an extremely disdainful expression.

Shang Yiqing was excited by the look. She was looking down on people too much!

"Listen up, from tomorrow onwards I'll go and study Bag Brown, but I'm afraid I won't be able to do it well and I don't know what the empress likes. Will you help me then?" Shang Yiqing said after thinking for a while.

Fang Zinan glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes and nodded unconsciously. "Alright, but Esteemed Empress' taste should naturally be lighter. She values intentions more!"

"I got it!" Shang Yiqing had already made up her mind. Just based on her previous interactions with the other consorts, she knew that they wouldn't be easy to deal with. She had to win in order to not let them have a bad impression of her.

From the second day onwards, Shang Yiqing began to learn how to be a 'palm'. Although she had never done it before, as long as she made up her mind to do it, she would definitely do it.

Fang Zinan laughed as he watched her nervously studying with the chef in the mansion. He just kept reading in the study, neither paying attention to nor paying attention to his.

In the afternoon, just before noon, he suddenly saw Shang Yiqing carrying a plate of fresh brown paper into the study.

Fang Zinan glanced at her, "What are you doing here?"

"Nonsense, didn't you say you would help me check? "I've just wrapped up a few browns. You can have a taste of my craftsmanship." Shang Yiqing casually placed the tray on the table.

Fang Zinan didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he looked at it. The browns were clearly triangular and rhomboid, but the ones that Shang Yiqing wrapped were not rhomboid or triangular. Some of them even broke apart from the edges, baring their teeth and revealing snow-white rice.

"This is your bag?" Let alone tasting it, Fang Zinan didn't even have the courage to look at it. Was this weird thing even considered a palm?

Shang Yiqing rolled her eyes at him unhappily. "What's wrong?" This was her first time doing such a thing, so this result was already pretty good! "I'll be more proficient in wrapping it up for another two days. The main thing is that I want you to have a taste of it. Here, try one first." With that, Shang Yiqing picked up a rather proper brown fruit, peeled it open, placed it on a small plate and handed it over to Fang Zinan.

"Hurry up and try it." Shang Yiqing said expectantly as her eyes lit up.

Fang Zinan looked at her and hesitated to move.

"Hey!" You are simply too disrespectful. You don't even want to taste it? What do you mean? " Shang Yiqing roared. She was underestimating her!

"Alright, alright, I'll try it." Fang Zinan picked up his chopsticks and took a bite.

"How is it? Delicious, right?" Shang Yiqing, with her hands behind her back, looked like a kid who had just done something proud, and was waiting for the adults to praise him. She tilted her head and turned her face to the side.

Fang Zinan had a troubled look on his face.

Shang Yiqing cried out, "What kind of attitude is this? Is the brown I made really bad? "

Fang Zinan shook his head.

Shang Yiqing clenched her fists, "Fang Zinan, I want you to be honest. Is my brown bread really bad?"

Fang Zinan quickly nodded, "Not bad, not bad at all."

Shang Yiqing's eyes widened. "Very good?"

Fang Zinan slapped his thigh: "That's great."

Shang Yiqing thought for a moment, then asked humbly, "I want you to tell me the truth, is the brown I made edible or not?"

Fang Zinan: "…"

Shang Yiqing smiled sweetly, "Tell me the truth, I …" I won't be sad. "

Fang Zinan hesitated. "Speak …" the truth? "

Shang Yiqing blinked and said affirmatively, "Yes."

Fang Zinan let out a long sigh, "I've eaten quite a bit of brown since I was a kid …" "The brown paper you wrapped up can definitely be counted in the top three of all the food I've ever eaten!"

Shang Yiqing was overjoyed, "Among the three of you?"

Fang Zinan nodded affirmatively, "Of course."

Shang Yiqing stomped his foot in annoyance, "Then why didn't you tell me about it?"

Fang Zinan bit his lower lip: "Actually, when I ate, I wanted to say something."

Shang Yiqing held her hands and asked quietly, "But you didn't say anything just now?"

Fang Zinan looked at her with a straight face: "Because it's rare to see a brown bag like this."

Shang Yiqing shook his head in annoyance, "You really know how to talk."

Fang Zinan smiled casually: "I'm telling the truth."

Shang Yiqing really wanted to slap him in the face, but when she recalled the embarrassing scene when they first met, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Fang Ziqi said: "What are you laughing about?"

Shang Yiqing spread out her hands and shrugged, "Isn't it just a brown one? I'll learn to do it again tomorrow. Do you want me to pull my face apart like some people do? "But I'm curious, is my brown bag really that bad?"

Fang Zinan handed the chopsticks to her: "You can try it yourself."

Shang Yiqing took the chopsticks and took a piece with suspicion, putting it into her mouth and spitting it out. "Oh my god!" Why is it so bad to eat? "

Fang Zinan laughed: "Am I right?"

"I was clearly putting sugar, why is it so salty? Did I put it wrong? It shouldn't be? " Shang Yiqing frowned bitterly.

"Then ask yourself! "Who knew you can't even make such simple food?" Fang Zinan sighed as he looked at her.

Shang Yiqing waved his fist, "Who asked you to arrange such a terrible thing for me? "I don't even know how to cook, and you even asked me to wrap the brown paper. You are obviously making things difficult for me!"

"I'm doing it for your own good! "If the empress told you to wrap the palm up that day and you said that you wouldn't, you'd be the one to be embarrassed." Fang Zinan spoke blandly, his expression did not change.

"Don't worry, one day I will definitely not embarrass myself!" Shang Yiqing said angrily.