SIBLINGS: Forbidden Love

33 Have you seen Anna?

They both laughed at that before she suddenly looked around and waved at a guy who walked up to them when he saw her, he was as tall as Jason, a brunette with dark brown eyes, a chiseled jaw and appeared to be older than any other guy in the house "Jason, meet Kristofferson, my boyfriend. Kristoff, meet Jason, my former highschool crush" she chuckled "but don't worry, he has never been interested in me anyway. This is his sister Anna, they are so close like that."

Kristofferson shook hands with Jason with a 'hey' which he got back from Jason, he shook her hands with Anna too with a 'nice to meet you' and a 'me too' from her.

"Kristoff is actually a graduate. He graduated two years ago but works in the computer department in my school, you know, he studied computer engineering" Christy explained.

No wonder he felt he was older, Jason thought "that's good. I'm studying computer engineering too, will be graduating next year, you think you can leave me some tips?"

"Sure, whenever you are ready" Kristoff said.

"I will look forward to it" Jason smiled.

"Alright Jason, enjoy the party, you too Anna" Christy offered before walking away with her boyfriend.

"He seems strange" Anna stated.

"You think? Well you won't blame him, he looks twenty four or five, attending a party filled with early twenty kids, he should feel out of place."

"Are you really going to meet him for some tips like you said?"

"Not really."

"Then why did you ask for it?"

"Just to keep the discussion going. Come dance with me" and with that, he pulled her into the dancefloor. Jason met a lot of his class mates and went into a lengthy catch ups with them and also drinking competitions. Anna walked to the kitchen where they took as the bar to get a drink and was shocked to see Kristofferson.

"Hey, I didn't expect to see you again" she smiled.

"Me neither. Where is your brother?" He asked.

"Chatting with some old friends, you know a lot of people here are his old class mates in highschool."

"Yea I know, Christy told me she will be inviting old classmates."

"Okay then" he offered a drink which she took "why are you here alone, why aren't you with Christy and dancing like the rest?"

"If I were dancing, you wouldn't have meet anybody here."

"That's true" she sipped from her drink "where is Christy?"

"She was here a while ago before some girls called her out."

"Oh" she sighed and sipped from her drink again "okay then, see you later" she said getting up.

"Are you going out there to do something?" He asked.

"Not really, just to stand beside Jason and watch him win his beer contest."

"What's the fun in that?" He asked.

Anna shrugged "there is fun."

"Watching them kill themselves with alcohol is fun?"

"Jason has high tolerance, I have noticed" she commented.

"I will keep that in mind" he said and Anna offered a teeth less smile "have you been here before?"

"Not really. Christy is not my classmate."

"I can show you around if you're up for it?"

Anna sighed, she will really do with some fresh air, the room was feeling kind of stuffy and hot suddenly "sure, for a while."

"Okay, I need to be back to take care of here anyway" he smiled.

"Yea" she smiled and finished her drink in a go, handed the cup back to him which he took before leading her out through the back door.

Jason won again and everybody cheered, he looked around at the faces of the girls who have surrounded them by then but he didn't see his beloved. He looked at the dancefloor to know if she had gone dancing with some one but she was not there "is everything okay?" Josh asked him.

"Have you seen Anna?" Jason asked.

"She is right..." Josh was saying when he looked at the last place he had seen her but she was not there "she was standing right over there."

"I knew she was standing there before but she isn't now" Jason snapped, he suddenly feels that something was not right. He got up and left the group when he saw Christy chatting with some girls that are unfamiliar to him, maybe they are from her new schools, they are a lot of new faces here anyway "hey Christy" he called when he was close enough "have you seen Anna?"

Christy looked around the room "not really, are you looking for her?"

"Yea, I can't find her anywhere" he replied, he was getting frantic.

"Calm down, I'm sure she will be around somewhere" Christy said. Josh and Peirce with some of their friends walked up to him then.

"Have you found her" Pierce asked and Jason shook his head "where could she have gone?"

"Guys let's search around please" Jason said, he was already scared.

"Yea, sure" the guys agreed and they separated to look for her. They went upstairs and bumped into a lot couples having sex but Anna was not among them. They all assembled downstairs again "did you find her" they asked each other.

"Not really" was the answer they all gave each other. Jason heaved a low sigh, he bit his lips, his heart was beating fast and he can't help but feel that something was wrong and was already regretting bringing her to the party, if anything happens to her, how will he cope? What will he tell their parents? He marched forward to the dancing people and started asking every single one of them but none yield positive result.

"Jason, Jason" he heard someone calling and turned to see Megan forcing her way to him "come quickly, I just saw a guy leading Anna away."

"What?" Jason and the guys shouted before urging Megan to lead the way. They went into the kitchen and leave through the back door. The cold breeze blew on their faces but they didn't mind now. Megan led them to the back of the house.

"This was where I saw them" she said when she stopped, Jason looked around but there was nothing there, it was just an empty space.

"But where are they?" Jason shouted.

"I don't know, I saw them here when I came to call you."

"Has anyone seen Kristoff?" Christy asked walking up to them.

Jason's heart missed a beat then "you are looking for Kristoff?"

"Yea. He was in the kitchen when I last saw him but now he is not anywhere."

"Oh my God. Christy listened, this is your house, is there any place hidable outside here?" Jason asked. Everybody was scared now.

"Yea, there is a door that leads to the basement just a few walks away. I use to play hide and seek with my brother there, any problem?"

"Does Kristoff know about the door?"

"Yea, I showed it to him yesterday. Wait, you don't think..." She trailed off as her brain put two and two together "oh, no" she said and immediately dashed to where the door is followed by Jason and the rest.

They got to the door and tried to open it but it seems to be locked from inside, Jason stomped his foot on it but it didn't bulge and the rest of the guys joined him, three kicks and the bolt broke, the door dropped open and they rushed down the ladder into the basement, there was a faint light in the room. They were able to make out a girl lying on a table with half her clothes off.

Jason rushed to her immediately and she was sobbing silently with her eyes closed, her hands wrapped around her chest to cover her exposed brassieres "oh my God, Anna" everybody shouted. Jason threw her blouse on top her immediately, thankfully she was still dressed in her jeans which means nothing happened yet but where is Kristoff?

"Where is Kristoff?" Josh asked and everybody realized that he was not there, they looked around but couldn't find him "he must have heard us breaking the door."

Just then, they was the sound of running footsteps and they turned to see a shadow running to the ladder. Jason chased after him immediately. Kristoff climbed out of the basement and tried to pull out the ladder but Jason got a hold of it and pulled it too. Kristoff abandoned the ladder and ran off, Jason climbed out of the basement and chased after him. He picked a stone and thanked his stars that he is a good aimer, he aimed at his head and hauled the stone which hit Kristofferson and he grunted but didn't stop.

Jason kept chasing after him, he picked up a stick next and threw at his legs, the stick hit him and caused him to stumble. Jason caught up to him then and pinned him on the ground. He threw a punch on his face continuously until he was pulled away by Josh. Peirce and the rest of the guys grabbed Kristoff while someone called the police and ambulance.

Jason walked to Anna then, who had been helped out of the basement by Christy and her friends, she was already dressed in her top but her eyes were still closed and she was still sobbing silently. He pulled her into his arms "I'm sorry Anna, I really I'm. I shouldn't have brought you here, I really shouldn't have" he cried to her "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have let you out of my sight, I'm really sorry, please forgive me."

The policemen arrived later and so did the ambulance, Jason handed his car key to Peirce to follow them while he stayed with Anna in the ambulance. The police men questioned Megan, Christy and the rest before taking Kristofferson with them in the car as they went back to the station, he will be under detention till Anna wakes up to give her own side of the story.

Christy watched as the police vehicle drove away and the siren died off, she still can't believe that her boyfriend did this, if she hadn't seen it herself, she wouldn't have believed it. The party was over and everybody went home while Christy, Megan, Courtney and some other girls followed Josh and Pierce in their cars to the hospital.