SIBLINGS: Forbidden Love

30 Ditto

"I was scared to come clean" he smiled, his hand caressed her cheek, he never thought he would be able to do that with her knowing about how he feel "I never thought a day like this will come."

"Me too" she grabbed his hand and kissed his palm, it sent a tingling sensation to his entire body "I have always dreaded the day I will see you with another girl."

"Look who is talking, what about me that have to watch you have all those boyfriends?"

"Can I make a confession?" She asked with a smile and he nodded "none of my so called boyfriends owned my heart. I have only gotten a boyfriend for one reason, to be with you" he looked confused and she chuckled "it all started when I found it hard to stop thinking about you, so I decided to have a boyfriend that maybe when I do, he will get all my attention and also my love, but when it didn't, I broke up with him, it was just a waste of my time, telling someone you love them why you don't. I came home that day and announced it, the way you acted, how you pulled me into arms and comforted me, I was shocked and was like 'what, is this what comes with heartbreak?'" She smiled.

"You offered me to spend the night in your room and in your arms, from that day, I picked up the habit to get a boyfriend but only to break up with them in order for you to hug me and spend the night with me."

Jason couldn't keep his smile when he heard that, so all this well, it had just been because of him? He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear "can I make my own confession?" He asked and when she nodded, he began "I always looked forward to the day you will have a breakup."

"What?" Anna asked with her eyes wide opened and he laughed.

"I know it's not good of me but it's just that there is something that I always do when you sleep in my arms, it came to a point it almost became a ritual."

"What's that?"

Jason licked his lips at that "every night you spend with me, I always steal a kiss" he revealed and her mouth opened in shock "so I always look forward to such nights. It's not that it doesn't hurt me that you are hurt, I mean I feel the pain too but it's the only time I get to be with you, to feel you and so I hardly miss it. I wouldn't mind beating up every guy that hurt you but you just won't let me, so I swallow the pain that they hurt you and try to be the one to comfort you but then my own feelings will kick in once you fall asleep."


"I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize, I always feel it in my sleep but I'm used to kissing you in my dreams so I will always think it's just a dream" she replied.

"It's strange how our minds work together. I never wanted to make Courtney my girlfriend until you made that statement you did that day in school, that you will be the one to comfort me, it got stuck in my head and I wanted so badly to have that moment."

"You mean you didn't get drunk that day because you were broken?"

"No, I was actually celebrating my freedom" he replied.

"Damn, and I thought you were really hurt" she accused.

"I'm sorry" he caressed her face "I'm sorry."

"I was really hurt that day, angry at Courtney for making you feel like that but then you started kissing me and I thought you were thinking I am Courtney, so I let you because I don't want you to feel rejected."

"I never thought you were Courtney, I knew it was you, I was just thinking it was a dream for there is no way you will let me kiss you."

"All the misunderstanding we could have avoided if we had just told each other how we feel" Anna commented.

"It was difficult to do, I was really afraid of what you will do when you finally know."

"Me too, I always believed you will think I'm stupid and crazy" she giggled.

"Why would I?" He asked.

"How was I supposed to know you feel the same way?" She retorted. Jason chuckled and pulled her into his arms.

"We are in really big trouble" he said "if mom and dad finds out."

She raised her head to look at him "you said 'if' which means they are not going find out anytime soon."

"What are you thinking?" He asked with a smile.

"I'm thinking that I will really love to enjoy the moment why it last before they find out."

Jason smiled and pinched her nose "you know what? Me too" he replied and she laughed and placed her head on his chest again.

"We are going to the deepest part in hell when we die" Anna commented.

"You said 'when' let's enjoy the moment while we are still alive" he whispered in her ear.

She looked up at him "I'm in" she smiled. Jason smiled too before kissing her forehead, he has never been this happy before and was really glad he came back for thanksgiving, now going back to school seems like torture, but he can manage, he can't believe he has gotten his dream girl, even if it's just for the moment it will last.

Anna too was in bliss, when she felt his lips on her forehead, her whole body melted and she knew she was home in his arms "I really don't want dawn to come."

"Why?" Asked Jason.

"Because all this feels like a dream and I'm afraid of waking up when dawn comes" she explained.

"Ditto" he smiled "but if it really is a dream, then I will run out of my room immediately I wake up and come to yours and say 'I love you Anna, much more than a sister'."

"Ditto" she smiled and he reached down and claimed her lips in his, their hearts tangled and they both felt at home.

Anna and Jason went into his room hugging each other, they both fell on the bed laughing while Anna tried to get away from him but he held her steady, he climbed on top her and smiled down at her. Anna looked away shyly with a smile playing on her lips "you are beautiful" Jason complimented and her cheeks heated more, she covered her face with her hands but he grabbed them in his and pinned on the bed, forcing her to look at him.

Anna bit her lower lip as she tried to steady her look on him but just seeing the way he kept studying her face, she couldn't help but avert her face again "what?" He asked.

"I'm shy okay."

"I use to look at you before, why didn't you use to look away shyly then?"

"Said who? I use to, you just don't use to notice" she retorted.

"Okay then, but stop, I just love looking at you" he smiled and that got her to look at him again.

"Humph, I'm sure they are other girls you use to look at like that in school."

Jason groaned while rolling his eyes "I can't believe we have come to that stage."

"What stage?"

"Of you questioning how I do with other girls" he released one of hands to caress her chin "it has always been you, you and no other. It's true that girls come around at times but what good is it if I keep seeing you in my head, hmm?" He smiled.

Anna bit her lower lip again while smiling "fine, I believe you."

"You do now?"

"Mm hmm."

Jason smiled and lowered his head to hers and claimed her lips in his, he nibbled her upper lip and then her lower one. Anna freed her hand from his grip to circle them round his neck, she pulled herself closer and kissed him back, sticking her tongue into his mouth to savour it. Jason's hand went to her thigh and caressed it. Anna moaned in his mouth and his body tightened.

He released her lips and looked deep into her eyes, is this real? He still can't believe it. Anna pulled his mouth back to hers and kissed him like her life depended on it. Jason's hand travelled from her thigh to her tummy, his hand slipped under her top and traveled to her boobs, he fondled it and she moaned again. Her hands caressed his neck before rubbing his head.

She pushed him away from her and he fell on his back in the bed while she climbed on top him, they looked at each other and smiled and Anna pulled off her top, she reached for her bra and unhooked it, releasing her boobs from the cage. Jason stared at the two succulent boobs before his eyes and gulped, it was so much bigger and sexier than last time, he thought. He got up and covered her nipple in his mouth, the hotness in his mouth enveloped it and his saliva moistened it, his tongue stroked it, deriving a pleasurable moan from her.