Shura God Emperor

Chapter 123

I saw the drop on the paper, large and small, disorderly ink did not blend into the paper, and then their own wriggling up!

Yes, it\'s squirming!

"How could it be!"

The whole audience was shocked. The ink should seep into the paper as soon as it meets the paper. However, the ink seems to have a soul, and all of them wriggle at the same time, just like It\'s like painting!

At first, the ink wriggling track is very chaotic, I don\'t know what to draw at all, but the more things go on, the ink wriggling track stitches up and colors Finally, it turned out to be a painting!

At the same time, an hour of time, is also synchronous to achieve!

"How can it be?"

"This is..."

The whole audience was stunned. On that paper, the picture was a vivid wolf.

The wolf was standing on all fours and majestic. No matter the hair, the delicate eyes and the expression, it was just like a night wolf on the paper.

From such a distance, it seems that the wolf has a kind of domineering and wild strength. The sharp eyes and majestic body make many people doubt whether the painting is actually a wolf or not.

Tang fan squints and stares at Xiao Yu.

Including the audience who just laughed at Xiao Yu, Zhao Tianjian and Wang Zhuo all looked very gloomy.

One minute, only one minute, the power of the soul into the ink, and at the same time urge all the ink to paint. How did he do it!?

How powerful is one\'s control of the power of the soul to complete this vivid painting?

Did he use the force of soul to simulate and depict in his mind for more than ten minutes?

"Neither depiction nor multiple control over the power of the soul can be cultivated by a dynasty." Tang fan takes a deep breath.

"Elder martial brother, you mean..." Bai Jing was shocked.

Is there really an expert behind Xiao Yu!? Otherwise, how can a teenager depict and control the power of the soul to such a delicate level?

"Hehe, brother, you really surprised my sister." Palin chuckled.

Next to the Xia song is also lucky to see such a stunning scene, exclamation.

"This son is not arrogant, but a plan in mind. Other people focus on the power of the soul to control the brush painting, but Xiao Yu uses another way to directly disperse the power of the soul on all the ink, seconds, seconds!" Xia song marvels.

"This guy, it\'s just worrying." Tang ling\'er can\'t help but make a false alarm, but it\'s also amazing Xiao Yu\'s power.

LAN Xinrui\'s beautiful eyes turn and can\'t help looking at Xiao Yu.

"It turns out that he has been hiding

"Xiao Yu!"!!! I will surpass you! Don\'t be complacent Zhao Tianjian gnawed his teeth with hatred.

In this way, in the first round, most of the people were eliminated.

According to the ranking, Xiao Yu\'s lifelike painting of one by three meters won the first place.

By contrast, LAN Xinrui, Zhao Tianjian, Zhao Tianjian and Wang Zhuo are all too clumsy.

There are about 30 people left in the first round, and these people go straight to the second round.

Host Lang Sheng said: "the second round, the content of the competition is called repair." , the fastest update of the webnovel!