Shinobi System

Chapter 15 - King's fate

Chapter 15

Li qiye and the others set off to frul academy.

2 hours later, Li qiye and the others were near frul academy.

"The entrance test will start after 1 hour, let\'s go to *the oak restaurant* and eat something before that."

Ryo suggested to them.

"Yeah, I\'m hungry."

Itham immediately agreed without hesitation.

Arlen also nodded.

As for li qiye, he didn\'t say anything, he doesn\'t have a single coin on him, he doesn\'t even have a copper coin, these fellas look good so they will definitely go to a fancy restaurant which will cost a couple of silvers.

In this world, people are using coins as a currency, 100 copper coins equal to 1 silver coin, and 100 silver coins equal to 1 gold coins.

Well since li qiye doesn\'t have any money on him at the moment so he won\'t join them, and just wait for them.

After a few minutes, they arrived at *the oak restaurant*, li qiye and the others got off the chariot, when ryo and the other 2 were about to enter restaurant\'s door, arlen turned around and asked.

"what are you doing?"

"you guys can go enjoy your meal, I\'ll wait for you near the restaurant."

"huh, what do you mean? aren\'t you going to join us?"

Ryo asked him.

Li qiye scratched his head, and with a forced smile, he said.

"i... Actually, don\'t have any money on me..."

Ryo and the other 2, took another look at li qiye who was wearing an orange ninja suit same one as naruto had at *naruto shippuden*, except there are 2 orange leg sleeves around his legs, with white short hair, white skin, he looked handsome if not for him being a mortal, he would\'ve been like a dragon.

"come on, let\'s go it\'s on me, let\'s treat it as a celebration to our new friendship."

Itham said with a smile and entered the door.

Arlen followed after him.

Li qiye kept watching their back for a few seconds, then followed them.

Inside the restaurant.

"Li qiye, here!"

Itham waved to li qiye, they sat at a table near the window, It must be costing a lot.

"here, the menu pick what you want to eat."

Ryo handed the restaurant menu to li qiye.

li qiye checked the menu and saw a lot of expensive things, 50 silver coins for the cheapest whɨnė, you must know 100 silver coins is a yearly earnings for a normal family without a clan backing it up.

Li qiye took a few glances at the menu and put it down.

"li qiye.. what did you choose?"

"Actually... Anything will do."


"sigh... If you won\'t pick any, then I\'ll pick for you."

Itham said after seeing li qiye doesn\'t want to order the food, probably because it\'s expensive.

Itham called the waiter.

"Hello, Mr. Itham, and gentlemen have you decided what to order yet?".

"yes Mr. Dil, bring us 4 bottles of blue moon wine, and celestial pork and... "

Itham made an order, after a few minutes they received their order, and started chatting with li qiye and the other 2.

"so, li qiye, why do you want to join.. Frul academy?"

"to train, and get experience in fighting."

li qiye with a thick face answered he knew they wouldn\'t believe him, after all, he is a mortal.

To tell the truth, even though it is a mission, if he could join the academy, it will help him a lot in his journey, without the mission, he would join an academy, it\'s just now... Way too early.

"Li qiye... Since we became friends, I won\'t lie to you, you don\'t have a single chance to join the academy."

Ryo spoke with a quiet voice.

"You may be right, but i have to try before telling if i could pass the test or not."

li qiye answered, well even if they are right, he can\'t just not go, his eyes on the line, he can\'t risk them.

"first test is easy for you, you only should have a low talent to pass, with a low talent you can be an outer member, and with some hard work and luck you can permit to inner area of the academy, the only problem is the second test. it\'s harder for you."

itham answered honestly.

"actually there is a chance for him.."

arlen who was quiet the whole time only now spoke.

"what do you mean arlen?"

ryo asked curiously.

"as everyone knows, at every yearly entrance test, there will be 5 elders, they will watch the entrance test, each elder can pass one person off one test, so if you can get one elder to help you pass the second test, then you can be an outer member.."



"what is the chances for him the be favored by an elder?"

ryo asked him.




"hahaha, which means he doesn\'t have a chance? couldn\'t you just be simple and say that?"

a mocking voice sounded and a young man showed up, behind were a girl and 2 young men.

Itham and ryo faces changed, even arlen frowned.

"what this has to do you with you, hagmer?"

Itham with an angry voice spoke.

"it\'s young master hagmer for you, you low life!"

one of hagmer\'s men spoke to itham.

"do you feel honored orym?"

Ryo asked with a cold voice, it seems the young man in front name is hagmer, and the other two young men called orym and katar.

"what do you mean?"

orym was confused.

"i mean, as being the second son of an A rank clan and a loyal dog to hagmer, do you feel honored?"

ryo with an evil smile continued.

the waiter -Dil- hurried and tried to calm them.

"Mr. Hagmer, please i told you to wait for me to ask them so please don\'t..."

hagmer interrupted him, and looked at Arlen then at li qiye who was drinking a cup of blue moon wine.

"no need, I\'m already here, so.."

then hagmer turned to li qiye and said.

"i want this spot, so change the table."

suddenly li qiye put down the cup at the table and got up.

"F**ing trash."

orym and katar laughed at li qiye.

hagmer felt proud, but when he turned to look at the girl, his face changed, her eyes were filled with disgust, not to li qiye, but to him.

ryo got angry and said to li qiye.

"li qiye stay, where are you going.."

li qiye was like he didn\'t hear them, and went near the window and opened it, then got back to his seat and start eating dishes and drinking the blue moon wine.

everyone was speechless.

li qiye turned to hagmer and said.

"i smelled something bad, check yourself."



ryo and itham burst to laughter, arlen only smiled.


a quiet laughter heard behind hagmer, when he turned his head to see, it was the girl laughing at him.

hagmer\'s face turned ugly.

"a mortal, a low life like you dare to mock me, die..."

hagmer took a magical wand started enchanting magical words.

"water can bring life, and with water, i will bring dea..."

it was a water magic skill, before he even finishes the enchantment, li qiye already made a hand seal.

*Genjutsu Binding*

"What.. is this.. i can\'t move."

hagmer was standing still and couldn\'t even move one inch, this was the genjutsu tsunade used vs the legendary stupid brothers, good thing he learned it.

"we also can\'t move, what did you do to us?"

li qiye also used the genjutsu on orym and katar.


the girl\'s eyes shined and muttered.

li qiye picked a fork off the table and got up, then walked to hagmer slowly, step by step.

"wh..what are you trying to do?, i warn.. warn you i\'m the son of the first elder of tragon clan an SS.."

hagmer started threating li qiye, but before he finishes, a fork was placed at his neck.

"you are talking too much for a dead person."

li qiye\'s voice was cold, and the dark cloud started leaking, they couldn\'t see it but it brought chill to them.

hagmer was so scared, he couldn\'t keep threating this guy next to him, unless he is stupid enough to force li qiye to kill him.

"P..Please spare me, please forgive me, please..."


li qiye put his other hand at hagmer shoulder, there was a blue light around his hand.

just when he touched hagmer\'s shoulder, hagmer fall down at his knees.

everyone was shocked at that scene first this guy who seemed a mortal used illusion against his opponent, and now he made hagmer kneel with one hand.

"You called me a mortal? who decided that, you called me a low life? who decided that, no one can decide the king\'s fate, and i\'m the king."

li qiye looked like a noble at that moment.


Hi guys, i hope you like this chapter.

him saying "i\'m the king" doesn\'t mean a king in real life it\'s just metaphorically, like saying if no one can decide a king\'s fate then i\'ll be that king.

btw don\'t mind the magic enchantment i don\'t know what to write at it , so next time i\'ll just say that the person started enchanting but i won\'t write what he says.

anyways, was the chapter good?, if i made a mistake please tell me to fix it :)

thank you