Shenhao: The Revenue From Playing Games Is Over 100 Million Yuan

Chapter 591: The master of eight hundred points!

Thinking of this, I clicked on the battle zone leaderboard.

ID: But I'm overwhelmed

Rank: Ao Shi Grandmaster/819 winning points.

Win rate: 87%!


Why hasn't the rank updated yet?

Su Yang was a little bit curious, and logically speaking, now that the time has passed twelve o'clock, the rank should be updated.

why is that?

Thinking of this, I heard Mou Zhe muttering something next to him: "Let me go, my rank hasn't been updated yet, is there something bug in this broken client?"

"I don't know, I just wondered, it seems that I didn't update by myself."

Today, Su Yang and Mou Zhe were both angry at the top of the canyon and scored two hundred points.

What is the concept of two hundred points a day? It's about 20 win points in one hand and ten consecutive wins...

However, their numbers are not super numbers. Normally winning a game won’t add that much. They probably remain at around 17 win points. Especially now that the relegation match is cancelled, they need a number for each tier. Make up points.

The so-called supplementary points is to supplement your hidden points.

This hidden point is calculated based on your rank in the previous season. For example, if your rank was Diamond 4 last season, then your hidden points in the next season will be around 2000. This hidden point directly determines your next season's positioning match. After the fight, which section is probably in.

For example, if you win a complete victory, you will continue to stay in the fourth division of the diamond, and the positioning match will also add hidden points for you.

But if you are unlucky and lose everything, it is very likely to fall to Platinum 4 or even lower. If you hit it again at that time, it will be more difficult.

Many people need to make up points for the first time when they first reached Diamond 4. It is probably because the system thinks that your real segment is lower than your current segment, so you need to play more to make up for the current hidden points. Insufficient situation.

It's probably just a fight. If you win, you only add around 13,14 win points, but if you lose, you will deduct more than 15 win points.

After winning, you add less, but you lose more points than if you win.

This is why many players now have no choice to continue to score after they hit Diamond Four.

One is because it is too difficult to make up points. Winning two is equal to losing one. Such a mechanism is really difficult for some entertainment players.

The other one is because there are so many small generations after going up to the diamond four divisions, many people are too lazy to make up points, so they let the power leveling help to play up, which also causes the diamond four games to often have two sides. The situation-some teammates are not good at food, and some opponents are killing everywhere.

"But we are still lucky. The system dad probably thinks that we are very strong. We can be ranked as Grand Master and King when we are still drilling one. Now I have more than 600 points, Yang Ge 800 points, and all of them are ranked. Those who are the kings of the thousand points have very few pig teammates in fights."

Mou Zhe looked at the WEGAME panel and then clicked on the records of his teammates and opponents. He found that the teammates on both sides were indeed the king with a thousand points. Then he casually looked at the ranks of the last season, and the scores were basically above a thousand points.

In other words, the people they are currently in, whether they are teammates or opponents, have very high scores, and they are basically big anchors or unique brothers on various platforms.

"Brother Yang, I feel that we really have a chance to reach the summit this time!" Mou Zhe said to Su Yang with excitement.

However, Su Yang had a laid-back look, neither rush nor slow, nor did he check anyone's record. Instead, he entered the training camp with a backhand.

Click on the training camp, start, choose the hero.

"My heart is ashamed!"

"Hey, isn't this a new hero?" Mou Zhe was also surprised when he saw Su Yang enter the training camp.

After this hero came out, it was in the league fire for a while. Among them, it was developed to play mid lane, top lane or even jungle, and now this version has just come out, it is impossible for the designer to align and weaken immediately, so the strength is still good. .

"Practice new heroes and familiarize yourself with the skills." Su Yang explained.

After that, Su Yang stopped talking more, but seriously practiced a new hero.

Seeing Su Yang seriously practicing his new hero, Mou Zhe originally thought that the opponent was only practicing for a while, so he brushed the vibrato and waited for the opponent to come out in double row.

As a result, after I had swiped hundreds of TikTok, I realized that something seemed to be wrong.

"I'll rub, Brother Yang, are you stupid? A new hero who has practiced for more than an hour by himself?"

However, as soon as he said this, Mou Zhe realized that he had made a mistake.

Because the new hero in front of the screen, I don't know when it has become Thain.

At this time, Su Yang was practicing Thain's Q.

Thain’s Q skill is released with a delay, and can be charged. The longer the charging, the higher the damage and the longer the knock-up time. So to play Thain well, you need to be proficient not only with his big moves.” Driving technology", and the timing of the release of Q skills.

"I'm going, this is too accurate, isn't it?" Mou Zhe was confused.

Su Yang is not simply practicing against wooden stakes, but a mobile man-machine.

It can be said that every time Su Yang releases the Q skill, he can hit the damage to the extreme, and he can hit it just right without letting the opponent get out of this situation.

"Brother Yang, how many heroes did you practice just now?" Mou Zhe stared blankly, because after Su Yang finished training Thain’s Q skills, he started a new round of practice. The next hero is Leopard Girl. , This "little generation" must-have jungler.

Su Yang thought for a while while operating the Leopard Girl and expertly brushing his own wild area, and then said: "Not much, so I will practice all the heroes that can be jungled, maybe... there are thirty or forty. ?"

Three, thirty or forty?

I'm going... This is too cruel, right?

Mou Zhe's eyelids twitched, and he didn't expect the other party to practice for more than an hour, and if he didn't call to stop, he might be able to continue practicing.

With this kind of fierce and desperate energy, it is estimated that professional players are just like that, right?

Suddenly, Mou Zhe felt that it seemed that it was not difficult for the national server to rank first.

In the end, Su Yang stopped the training camp only after Mou Zhe's strong resistance and request.

"Brother Yang, there are bugs in the system now. Let's play for nothing anymore. Why don't we take a rest, raise our body, and fight again the next day?"

In fact, Su Yang originally wanted to charge another nine hundred points. Even without Mou Zhe's double platoon, he could surely rush forward, but he found that he couldn't score at all.

After I quit and took a look, I discovered that the system was maintained. This way, I could explain why the rank was not updated.

"All right, then rest for a while, and fight again tomorrow!" Su Yang smiled, and didn't worry, since the server was updated, the battle plan tonight was temporarily put on hold.

Although the configuration of this e-sports hotel is not bad, it can directly play hanbok with low ping, but he has no plans to play hanbok before hitting the top of the canyon.

Thinking of this, I just gave it up. Shenhao: