She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 34

On Wednesday afternoon, after lunch, Lu Xing took the sick leave slip issued by the clinic and asked the teacher for leave.

Lu Xing's grades are very good and his style is good. He asked for leave without any doubt. The teacher immediately approved and told him to have a good rest.

The teacher didn't know that Lu Xing didn't get sick at all. He cut class and went to see Yi Xuecheng.

Chu Han didn't want to skip class, but when she knew that Lu Xing had missed class, she couldn't help asking for a sick leave and fled with Lu Xing.

They took a taxi and went straight to the activity site.

On the way to the meeting, Chu Han, sitting in the back of the car, looks worried.

"No, thank you." Chu Ci thanks and refuses Lu Xing's good intention to take him in.

"Don't mention it. I've ordered too many tickets. It's useless."

Considering that other members of the basketball team also wanted to come, Lu Xing bought more tickets.

But in the end, only he and Chu Han came, so there were more votes.

Lu Xing asked Chu Ci, "do you like Yi Xuecheng, too?"

Having seen Chuci play basketball, Lu Xing has reason to believe that Chuci is also a basketball fan.

And Yi Xuecheng is one of the most famous basketball players in their country.

"Not really."

Chu Ci's answer has always been so concise.

The attitude is cold, and I feel like I'm not interested in everything.

Not really. Do you like it or not?

What this woman said is really hard to understand.

Lu Xing has never been in love and has no interest in girls. Chuci is probably the first girl he wants to know.

"Now that you're here, come with us! Next to this is a senior one of our basketball team. His name is Chu Han. "

Lu Xing was not defeated by Chuci's indifference, but warmly invited her to accompany him.

Chu Han looks at Chu Ci with an unnatural expression.

Lu Xing found that Chu Han's expression was strange, so he asked, "what's the matter with you, Xiao Han?"

"Nothing." Chu Han glances at Chu Ci and sees that Chu Ci looks as usual. Seeing him looks like seeing ordinary people.

"It's OK." Lu Xing went on to introduce, "by the way, this is Chu Ci, a new transfer student of my term. He has the same surname as you, and he has a lot of fate."

Lu Xing knows that Chu Han is the only child, so even if Chu Ci's surname is Chu, he won't be related to Chu Ci as a sister or brother.