She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 216

"How's it going?" Meng Qingyan asks in a hurry.

"I have reviewed a lot of topics." Meng Yuxin was overjoyed.

Unlike others, Meng Yuxin is confident this time.

She made a comprehensive review and studied the examination contents of Jingcheng University in previous years.

Sure enough, all her efforts were useful.

Many of the questions she met are the contents of her review!

"That's good, that's good." Meng Qingyan is very happy, "these days you work hard, every day, every night to review, the whole people are thin, and a while, we went to Michelin 3-star restaurant, I made a reservation."

"Thank you, aunt!"


in the evening, Master Chu was waiting for them in the living room.

Recently, he is in good health and can often walk downstairs.

As soon as they came back, Chu asked about their examinations.

"How was your exam today, both of you? I heard the exam was very difficult? " Mr. Chu has let people know about the examination.

Jingcheng University's independent admission examination would like to know that it will not be simple.

They want to screen out the best students.

Meng Yuxin with a smile, blush in a trace of self-confidence: "it should be good, I got the right answer on the Internet."

I think I'm good after the answer, that's really good.

Master Chu is very happy.

Chu Wanyuan praised: "it seems that our family is going to have a top student from Beijing University! Congratulations

Meng Yuxin said: "I'm not sure. Maybe everyone will do better than me in the exam, so I won't have a chance."

This test is not based on a fixed score, but according to the percentage of admission, I heard that only 10% of the people are admitted.

The people who could have got the recommended places to take the exam are already the best in all schools, and only the top 10% of them are admitted, so the difficulty can be imagined.

"That's it." Chuci is still that careless answer.

Chu Yuheng was dissatisfied with Chu Ci's attitude: "I didn't prepare well before the exam, and I didn't care much after the exam. I really thought I would be so lucky every time?"

Chu Han said to Chu Ci again: "Dad, my sister did the same in the last midterm exam. Although my sister didn't say it, she must have worked hard in private! Even if she doesn't do well in the exam, she must have tried her best. Don't talk about her! "

Seeing that the atmosphere is going to be embarrassed again, Meng Qingyan quickly makes it over and says, "it's OK. Ah CI will try her best. It's good that Yu Xin can pass the exam. It's just a matter of small probability. How can you ask two people to pass the exam and both of them win? "

Chu Wanyuan agreed: "fifty percent is already very good. Don't ask for one hundred percent. Besides, this time we didn't succeed, and the college entrance examination. Don't worry."

Then Chu Wanyuan's attention is put on Meng Yuxin, who is more confident. "Yuxin, don't slack off. If you can be admitted to Peking University this time, you still have to study hard in the period of next year's college entrance examination. Your real goal is not Peking University, but the Academy of Sciences. Do you know?"

"I know, aunt rest assured, I will work hard to live up to my aunt and uncle's training." Meng Yuxin nodded heavily.

The clever and obedient manner is in sharp contrast to the loose Chuci.

Everyone likes obedient children, and Chu Wanyuan is no exception. If she has to cultivate one, she values Meng Yuxin more.