She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 14

Most people dare not approach him.

Chuci ignored it and calmly arranged his desk. He didn't want to change his position at all.

If you are close to the water, you have to have a month. If you are close to the water, you can find the opportunity to help each other. What she said is that it is impossible to change the position.

At this time, after class, a classmate came over and advised Chuci: "Chuci classmate, you'd better change your seat."

"Yes, Chuci and Linnuo don't like that other people are too close to him. You'd better change a seat, or maybe..."

"Chuci classmate, why don't you come and sit with me? I have an empty seat here."

"Chuci classmate, I can also sit here. You are not very tall. It's not good to sit at the back. My position is in the front, which is more suitable for you."

The students were kind enough to persuade Chuci.

This new student doesn't know the situation. If he annoys Linnuo, the consequences will be very serious.

"Nothing." Chu Ci has a cold face and a calm response.

Such a good opportunity to earn merit, a fool will not.

There's nothing better than this position!

The students looked at each other.

It seems that Chuci students have not realized the seriousness of the problem.

But in front of lino, they can't say more.

More than that, they'll annoy lino. They don't want to offend the devil.

Let's hope for our own happiness.

Linnuo warned Chuci again: "stay away from me."

But Chuci was still, calm.

"Do you need water? I'll make you a cup of hot water if you need." Chu Ci asked Lin Nuo in her clear and cold voice.

Chuci was not frightened by Linnuo like other students, but asked about Linnuo's needs, though his tone was indifferent and his expression was cold.

This woman is a little abnormal.

Linnuo frowned: "you don't understand what I said?"

"I understand, but I don't think you have the right to drive me away since the teachers didn't object to my sitting in this position." Chuci was calm and calm, and was not frightened by Linnuo.

Chu Ci did not resent Lin Nuo's attitude.

She can understand that he doesn't like to be disturbed by others.

If it is normal, she is too lazy to explain anything to him.

It's not the same today.

This is a good man of three generations. Nothing related to him can be treated in a normal way.

Chu Ci turned out some snacks from his bag and handed them to Lin Nuo generously: "do you want to eat them?"

Although it's just some humble snacks and fruits, most people don't have this treatment. Chuci easily won't share his food with others.

Linnuo took a look at the snacks and fruits from Chuci, and then at Chuci.

Lin Nuo squints at the songs of Chu beside him.

What does this girl want?

"Do you need me to help you with your homework?" Chu Ci asked again.

Don't miss any chance to gain merit.

Linnuo didn't speak. The reaction of the girl next to him was too abnormal.

Do you just want to be close to yourself, or are those people sent to investigate yourself?

He knows that those people have doubts about their image of waste, and may try to find out if they are pretending.

But I don't know how they will test the conjecture.

I don't rule out that they sent this girl to investigate him.

What is the purpose of her being so close to and flattering herself.

Linnuo had no conclusion yet, so he pretended to be impatient and went on sleeping on his stomach.

When Chu Ci saw that he did not speak, she went to sleep with him.